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Found 6 results

  1. Imagine adding new types of insects like, bullet ants, Brown recluse spider and Blattodeas, that's Wil be crazy ngl, and adding new zones like sewer zone, the basement of the house
  2. Neutral spiders what can this be... they are cute, fluffy and have 4 eyes the jumping spider. Unlike other spiders they will not be outright hostile instead acting like any other neutral bug just wondering around until provoked. the main thing about these cute little house spiders is the fact they are smart, like really smart. IRL house spiders are one of the smartest types of spiders, one of a few insects who have been seen doing play behavior though we still are not sure on that. In game that can be augmented, with pure science having been used and their brains improved. Making jumping spiders one of the few combat allies you can get in the yard. this is done by taming, though you also need to find a specific type of moss and learn how to craft jumper nests, jumper posts, and jumper saddles, to take full advantage of these fast moving arachnids. Unlike other spiders with the Arachnophobia setting they become more robotic and are replaced with "jump mounts" which have two legs. Gameplay functions 1. can be tamed via giving them a grub paste which they will happily eat. 2. Can be ridden around the yard, note when riding them they can climb walls and jump rather high but are a target for the Koi in the water, that and they can't swim that well. 3. they can "assigned" to a jumper post, while there they will deter other insects from coming close while hunting smaller insects acting as a passive food collector note they eat any food that remains there to long. 4. They can put in a jumper nest, this will produce spider silk and eggs. No clue what the eggs can be used for. Jumpers in nests require grub paste or else they might leave. ---------- advanced gameplay functions 1. player can find a helmet somewhere that they can put on the jumping spiders, it increases their intelligence and allows them to talk. We all need someone to talk to after all. (no clue why just thought it would be cute.)
  3. solifuges are a type of spider if you dont know about them, its like a spider + scorpion, they are even more dangereous than black widows and can eat even pidgeons.
  4. Why aren't there stuffed wolf spiders or orb weavers? The lack of these items really bugs me (ha) since I was building an enemy room and can't fill the spider section.
  5. Me and my friend Broke were just finishing up our base when this story takes place. It happened on 11/9/2020, at around 3pm. I had just bought Grounded, and my friend was teaching me about the mechanics of the game and how everything works. He talked about the entities, and mobs that are bad. He started talking about spiders, and went on about Wolf Spiders, probably the most talked about mob of the game.. For terrible experiences, that is. He talked about what they look like, and said I would just have to wait to see for myself. Our base was on a hill near the mysterious object, so we can see spiders from far away. (He did this on purpose, big IQ). After the base was done, he told me to go find some clay and quartzite for a better base foundation and for repairing tools. Right when I was about to leave, I saw a giant spider and I asked my AFK friend on discord if this was it. I screen shared, and he said these exact words which still make me laugh.. "Bruh, run.. Your screweddd lmao". I looked and there were about 6-7 more Wolf Spiders behind him. The scariest part? "Alert: Threat Engaged". Then the music, and the giant spiders came towards me I thought I was gonna die so I hid in our tiny base. The Wolf Spiders broke the base wall and hit me once and I was at about 1 hp when I heard the rest of them walk up the hill. At this point there were about 8 wolf spiders next to our base and my friend was confused because this was sort of a bug, and I don't think this naturally happens? We got so lucky.. They all were climbing on each other and lagged and they got stuck so we were able to kill them all.. Haha, I love this game honestly! Its cartoony, but actually gives the user an immersive experience and actual emotion that lines up with the occurances of the game. Awesome game, 10/10!
  6. there should be more spiders added in future so I made a list of potential candidates from what probably makes the most sense to the least 1. hobo spiders would make a nice addition to the game having a moderate threat level between the orb weaver and wolf spider 2. daddy long legs would be really cool in an ecosystem like grounded preying on weak bugs like aphids to uncommonly trying to prey on other spiders! 3. brown recluse is likely to be really deadly and poisonous, the only reason its low is because im not sure they will add this since we have the wolf spider already i personally hope they add the daddy long legs (yes i know there are multiple spiders under this nickname but you get the idea) but even if none of these are added I think it would be cool to see certain spiders preying on each other
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