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Found 2 results

  1. I may be blind but I cannot find Guillaume Antrim and without his finger Constable Reyes will not pay me I think Parvati killed him and I looked all over the place, I really did but no Antrim among the bodies... anyone an idea where to look?
  2. During the quest "At the Mercy of the Tribes" you come across a conflict between the Fangs and a group of Dyrwoodan scouts commanded by Mercenary Captain Esmar. Captain Esmar is one of the guys you can take prisoner to your Stronghold. This happen only if you convice the Fang tribe to let the scouts go. They will only agree to let them go free if you punish Captain Esmar. What did I do? - I talked with both of them. Captain Esmar wanted me to clear a route for them to scape. The Fangs wanted me to get rid of the other guys. - I didn't have enough Twin Elms reputation to convice the fangs. So, I just continued to explore the zone. - Accidentally, I came accross a pack of wolf-like beasts which I killed. - Quest update came up saying I've cleared the way. Now I can talk to Captain Esmar and tell him the way is clear. - Well, I didn't. I've completed "Hunter, Brother". - Now with enough Twin Elms reputations, conviced the Fangs to let the scouts free. They want their captain to pay for his deeds. What happened? - I go and talk to Captain Esmar - There's no speech line to tell him about this. Is either "I've cleared the northen woods" or "[Attack] I've decided to help the Glanfathans". - If I choose to attack him, Captain Esmar does not beg for his life letting me hold him prisoner (he just dies) and I get a "Quest Failed" log. Any help would be much appreciated! Edit: You can download the saved game from here.
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