I've tried searching on this forum but I can't seem to find any post that addresses the issue I'm having. When I'm playing on High settings, after a while, the graphics would start showing artifacts (broken pixels) and then the game would freeze up. Sometimes, I'd still be able to close the window but the graphical artifacts would remain. I would have to shut my computer down then wait a while before I could fire it back up again. I have recently tried re-adjusting the settings to something more manageable. It would work for a while but after some time, the artifacts would show up again. The most remarkable occurrence I notice this happening is when the Messenger was sucked into that portal or when I'm fighting spellcasters that cast spells with a lot of VFX.
Rig is as follows:
- CPU: Core i5 6600
- GPU: AMD R9 390 8gb
- RAM: 16gb DDR4 2133
Is it a limitation on my GPU/CPU/RAM/Computer as a whole? I don't know if this has any bearing on the matter but I'm able to run Witcher 3 and Assassin's Creed Origins and the most intense graphical issue I get is a framerate drop for a few seconds then it goes back to normal.