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Hey guys, just wanted to make an introduction having just signed up. I've been a long term fan of RPG games right back from Baldur's Gate having still got my old cardboard box of the game they used to sell the PC games in . Loved the story behind Neverwinter Nights, the HoTU and SoU expansions and playing socially in the NWNTacticsGold module on nwn online where a lot of Hell Feared Angels (HFA) clan members played. Other games I enjoyed were of course BG2, BGToB, Kotor, Kotor 2 and the Icewind Dale series especially the 2nd. In terms with Obsidian Games I enjoyed playing NWN2, the expansions and of course the first Pillars of Eternity with currently replaying through the first one again for some nostalgia and the music. Looking forward to Deadfire having seen the screens and heard about the Defiant Ship and it's crew feature which should be interesting to explore further and of course the new companions alongside the old ones we currently know about. Cheers now, :> P.S One thought that came to me is introducing shanties that the crew can sing in unison while aboard the ship or while out on the Ship, these could be a collected item, given through quests, found while exploring and potentially sold by merchants you meet as a chance encounter in the wild.
Hi all! My name is Chris Taylor and the I'm the designer of Lords of the Eastern Reach, the new strategy card game from Zero Radius Games. ZRG is a partnership between myself, Scott Everts, Feargus Urquhart and a few of our friends and gaming buddies. Here at ZRG, we've been making games for over 10 years and we've been working on LOER for over two years. Lords of the Eastern Reach is an officially licensed product based on Pillars of Eternity. We are currently running a Kickstarter here: Obsidian is kindly letting us use their forums. Thanks, Obsidian! The Announcement and News forum is for posts from the ZRG team for important updates. The Speculation & Discussion forum is for general posts about the game. The Kickstarter Q&A forum is for any questions from backers or potential backers specifically about the Kickstarter campaign.
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- Lords of Eastern Reach
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Hi Obsidian community, I saw beta pre-order was going to be cutted off on 22th of August. Left me no choice but stop wasting money for food and other secondary needs and giving obsidian whatever money remaining on my bank account. So, I don't know if it's still a needs on forums, but I just wanted to introduce myself to the community. Hi, everyone I look forward to play Pillars of Eternity. Right now all I have is blurry idea of several pictures from the game. I kept myself from watching videos, I'm not even sure about gameplay's features. But that's what I like. Having some mysteries before the first play session. Cheers to all. If you have any "things you'd want to know before you first play" advices, I'm all yours. Regards, Smithfield.
A psuedo-introduction thread, because psuedo makes everything sound cooler! I believe that "Everything" is "Material". Reading some on the P:E Wikia I see relations between this board and what is being said there. I don't know if it is one way or the other (we are inspired by the Wikia or the Wikia is inspired by the forums). If the Wikia is inspired by the forums then your username and how you write here is also possibly an inspiration to characters and the world itself in P:E. So who do you see yourself as in P:E? Or as an inspirational material, what type of character would you be? Are you one of the Gods, one of the Companions? The bar owner? Are you the jester? How would you see yourself? Let me explain, when I went theater class we did some Commedia Dell Arte which is about putting on a "mask" and acting on the mask. The mask doesn't necessarily have to be like the picture seen below (there are millions of different masks, what kind of mask are you?), it could be a person, you put on and act on a different body language than your own really (Method Acting). We had one class where our homework was to go out to town and research, watch people and find one person to imitate (body language) then twist it up a notch making it hilarious and exaggerated (could get really awkward too if not authentic). A casual step forward could become a long slow motion awkward step forward. It was super fun to work with. Basically this is a thread about everyone. If you are imitated into P:E and exaggerated/twisted/tweaked similarly as explained above, do you have any "demands" on how you would wish to be presented or do you give Obsidian free reign? Getting to that awkward part where I haven't thought out ways I see myself and getting to that awkward point of presenting myself (which feels rather awkward)............. So... thinking about it a little bit, how do I see myself? As a Chanter, Cipher, Druid, Wizard or Monk. Tinkering and thinkering, friendly and passionate. A philosopher, necromancer in a sense, a Socratic individual (Socrates had to drink a vial of poison because his philosophy was not welcome, he was executed for his ways, I'd say that could be seen as "necromancy" in the eyes of the people who wanted him dead e.g., authority). Socrates was also believed to be a mad man by everyone, yet he is one of the most important historic figures for us today in philosophy. Irony right? I absolutely love to travel, Druidic and nomadic in that sense that I love the land. I intend to travel Europe next summer. When I was in Boulder, Colorado last spring I hiked a lot in the mountains and camped out as well. Boulder, Colorado is absolutely gorgeous, and they've got some pretty sweet rock climbing spots. "So Crat Es" in Latin translates to "So was the art". I like cryptic and deep riddles~information. Something that is more than meets the eye, something that can transform from one thing to another and/or deconstructed and then constructed again. I want to have an open mind and an open heart, often deciding to be positive before reading anything. A title in the Forum saying "Mini-Game", I can decide if I'm going to think "Not going to touch that blegh!" or "Oh! Mini-Games, I already get 11 ideas by the title itself!!". I've taken apart many computers just to put them back together just because I was curious. Self-aware and conscious what I am writing, how I am wording and how it is structured (where I put comas and parenthesis as well). I edit a lot post-posting because I notice structural failure when I've posted (In a sense it is like "production complete" and then I can work on polish/details). As long as the post isn't posted it is a work in progress, and there is a sense of relaxation and "rewarding success" when you've actually posted. A post is like a program, you won't notice some bugs until you've actually released it (because you didn't have the same mindset or whatnot pre-posting). I was asked once by a stranger (who felt like my sister) what my superpower was, and I told her "Kindness". I only want good. I stand with two feet on Mother Earth, and not with two feet in a country. I feel we are all family and friends on one planet, a floating big ball in space. I'm definitely a Chanter, being singer-songwriter. I like everyone here on the forums and think everyone has interesting points, thoughts and ideas Alignments A mix of Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good, trying to be True Neutral. Sometimes gets bitten by Chaotic Evil (in essence, being a selfish jerk), though I dislike being bitten by it and always feel bad about it (it happens you know, sometimes you've got a good day sometimes you've got a bad day). I feel strongly for having honor and a sense of duty, but not enough to touch Lawful Good. Osvir is a well thought out screen name, which started on a roleplaying board as "MaskedMan", wherein Os Vir literally translates to "Bone Man". It's my "Avatar"/"Alter Ego", like a character in World of Warcraft is (otherwise I would display my real name, I have told Obsidian my real name because they tell us their names, just felt it respectful). Os by itself can translate from Latin to English as "Mask", but seems to be more related to "Speech", "Mouth", "Lips", "Bone", "Source", "Mien", structure and presentation. Os is also "Opening", "Effrontery", "Impudence" and "Countenance". Vir can be "Lover", "Husband", "Virility", "Soldier" and "Manhood". ^I relate who I am to these, which is pretty funny and coincidental to me, been using the screen name Osvir for a couple of years now and I relate to the Latin translations. I'm a crazy and confused individual from time to time, and do weird things, but I'm not harmful, I don't bite (hard ). I'm just human like all of us. In video games I always play the good character for a more Passive Story Playthrough, and an evil character for Hack & Slash Action Playthrough and laughs. Laughs for both actually (Good/Evil). Who are you?
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Hello. Though I'm more of the lurker-type than an active contributor, I thought I'd introduce myself - mainly because, from what I've read, this looks like a terrific community full of intelligent, thoughtful people. I can't bloody WAIT for PE. Planescape: Torment is among my all-time favorite games, like, ever, and though I don't want to give away my age too specifically, my gaming hobby started with the Atari 2600. My favorites include titles from as recent as last year (such as GTA V and XCOM: Enemy Unknown) all the way back to Commodore 64 staples like MULE and Elite. I love early PC stuff such as Descent, Fallout, and so on. I'm an RPG nut (Adventure was my favorite 2600 game, and I love the D&D Gold Box series, the Morrowind series, Baldur's Gate, etc etc). I'm primarily a PC gamer, but I delve into PS3 and Vita games now and again. I have never understood the mentality of loving one platform so much that you'll attack others online; the idea that if you love, for instance, gaming on PC, you have to hate consoles, or vice versa. As well as my PlayStation stuff, I own a largely unused Xbox 360 and a Wii, and when the price eventually drops I'll probably pick up a PS4. Why not enjoy them all instead of hating on certain platforms? My loyalty lies with games I like, not brands. If you recognize my writing style, it's likely because you've read me. I wrote for the computer gaming and tech industry for more than a decade, doing reviews, news, features, etc, both online and in magazines. I've been in PC Gamer, GameStop, GameSpy, IGN, Ziff Davis properties, CNET properties, and a dozen or so other markets. I've written about 10 strategy guides for Prima (back in the olden days, when the came in physical form), and another half-dozen or so tech books. I had to quit working because of a chronic medical situation, but I still find time to play games now and then. So anyway, yeah, howdy. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you! tl;dr version: Hi. I'm this guy who likes games. Nice to meet you.
So anyone who has played Temple of Elemental Evil is familiar with those, if you haven't: Starting vignettes were little stories that acted as openers, and there were different ones for the nine DnD alignments (Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil etc.). They served as an introduction to the game and led to your first quests, thereby also giving you some direction without holding your hand. I'd love to see this idea picked up, possibly by P:E. DnD alignments are derpy of course, but a theme for the party that "explains" how it came to be is a nice roleplaying element (and possibly more). Some possible themes: - an unemployed mercenary company - a band of vicious bandits - a flock of humble pilgrims - a group of travelling scholars I know P:E doesn't start out as a party game, but I think a single character works fine as well.
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- starting vignettes
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Welcome Everyone, I would like to welcome all of you to this Forum. What a crazy few weeks. Please feel free and introduce youselfs and help each other out if questions arise Obsidian, Thank you for this great Idea of a game Kickstarters & Paypalers, Thank you very for making this possible.