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  1. I play on multiplayer on Xbox 1 and have found a couple of bugs, however, I also have some suggestions as well. Bugs/glitches (not including ones that have been posted by other players): • Map Bug: Upon logging in, I fall through the map. This isn’t a serious bug, but is still annoying nonetheless. • Hot Pouch Reset: This may not be considered a bug and more of just a save issue, but when first logging in, the order of my items in my hot pouch reset and scatter themselves. I tend to like the items in my hot pouch to be organized so that when I need them, I know exactly where they are. It’d be great if they stayed where they are placed after saving the game once they’re organized. • Dew Spawning Underwater: This also may not really be considered a bug, but I’ve found that dew drops have been spawning in large puddles and underwater areas (aside from the pond). • Bugs Glitching in Terrain: Even after the patch, I have noticed that bugs (especially spiders and bombardier beetles) are glitching and getting stuck inside of the terrain. • Floating Bugs: After the patch, I’ve also noticed that some bugs are still floating in the air. On my multiplayer server we have found floating diving bell spiders and aphids. • Eyeball Glitch: When playing as Hoops, I had a very weird glitch where I could see the inside of her head (like her eyes, mouth, and her hair). I couldn’t see anything else around me which almost caused me to die. Suggestions: • Weapon Rack: There are 2 slots in the weapon rack, but I am only able to use 1. Not sure if this is a glitch/bug, if it’s just part of the game, or if I am using it incorrectly, but I am unable to use both slots on the rack. • Spinning Wheel: I’ve been having trouble getting items off the spinning wheel. I have to stand at specific angles in order to retrieve the items. • Backpack+: The ability to upgrade your backpack would be awesome. That way you can carry all necessary tools and have plenty of inventory space as well. Also customizable backpacks/backpacks with different designs and colors would be really cool! •Multi-directional Ziplines: What I mean by this is to be able to use one zip line both to and from a location. I feel like having a zip line is useless if I can’t return to the place I was originally at (without having to make a whole separate zip line). • Separate Multiplayer Saves: It’d be awesome if I also had the ability to join the game even when the person I play with isn’t online, as well as be able to have my own separate save for the server in my saves list (hopefully this makes sense). • Furniture: Currently, players are unable to actually sit on furniture. It’d be awesome to actually have the ability to sit on and “interact” (maybe even bounce on) chairs and other types of furnishings. • Basketball: The basketball hoop is a really cool addition to the game, however it does not come with any basketballs to play with. It’s only use at the moment seems to be for decoration. • Flowers: More flower types would be really nice such as daffodils, tulips, daisies, etc. • Koi Fish Armor: Koi fish armor has less defense than lady bug armor. This kind of confused me since the koi fish armor is made of bones. I think it’d be cool if they had more defense than the ladybug armor. • Bird Bath Bluff: Me and my brother (who I play with on our multiplayer server) have found Bird Bath Bluff to be a bit confusing. There aren’t really any “directions” or hints on how to get up on the bird bath. We finally found that you have to jump on the leaves to get up there. I feel like getting to Bird Bath Bluff could be a bit easier, less confusing, and more rewarding for all of the jumping and difficult “parkour” to get there. • Bird Bath Bluff Door: When playing in my multiplayer server, my brother and I finally got the door unlocked that’s next to Bird Bath Bluff. We found out that this door only leads to another door which is underneath the hedge lab and under the treetops. It seems to have no use except to get from one place to the other, which isn’t very far away. I think it’d be interesting to actually have a separate lab there, or maybe have some hidden items (like rotten weapons or armor), or somehow add to the storyline itself. • Bird Feeder: I feel like a bird feeder would be an interesting addition to the game (like hanging from a tree branch) along with different types of birds (with bird eggs as well). This would be a place where there are more crow (and other bird) feathers and some bird feed which can be eaten by players. It would be nice to have more uses for bird feathers (and acorns) in the game as well. • New Fish: Another idea I had was to add new fish to the pond such as bluegill, sunfish, and cichlids (along with corresponding fish eggs). • New Trees: I thought it’d be interesting to add some additional trees and new tree types such as birch trees, fruit trees (apples and oranges), etc. Each with their own unique resources. • New Grass: New types of grasses would be a cool add to the game as well, each having their own specific color of grass planks (and maybe other possible resources). For example, bluegrass, zoysia grass, & centipede grass. • Parachutes: I saw where somebody else mentioned in the forums that they thought parachutes would be a cool idea. My brother and I agreed and thought that maybe there could be leaf parachutes or maple leaf helicopters. • Insect Suggestions: Lastly, I have some thoughts on some insects or small animals that would be interesting to add to the game. —> Frogs (as well as frog eggs; and maybe when you kill the frogs you can get edible frog legs), lightening bugs (aka fireflies), scorpions, lizards, butterflies, crickets, earthworms, crawdad’s, grasshoppers, slugs, and maybe even some dung beetles, leeches, and snakes. I want to say that the graphics in this game, along with the character development and the storyline itself are incredible. This game is one of the most fun games I’ve ever played. It is so beautifully designed and one of my favorite games of all time. The developers have done an incredible job.
  2. Whenever I zoom in with a weapon that is equipped with the Super Scoper 3000 it's just a solid color. Nothing in the game world is rendered, it's just a flat wall the color of whatever I'm aiming at. I have tried various different graphics settings and nothing has remedied this.
  3. Description: About 40hrs into a playthrough, after loading a save, all characters in the party are suddenly missing equipped items and items from inventory (unsure if stash is affected, but I don't believe so). Level 5 spells are missing from all characters also. Sagani (not in the party) is also now missing from the stronghold, and no longer appears in the list for stronghold missions. Steps to Reproduce the Issue: Load the save. Important Files: Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wcdkrao3x3mv5zh/de736d45b0db46ada5821a01ed9d8b32%2014191867%20CaedNua.zip?dl=0 Output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pu0brd414exiq3h/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. I went to the forest and my parents found me and grounded me after that I spawned in my room and then left the house. I continued to walk to Kyle's house and than when I go there my parents showed up and grounded me again this time my father tells me to go to bed. [keep in mind that I've already finished the main quest line] but when I walk to my bed it tells me that It is not letting me sleep. Then I go downstairs a Speke with my dad and he tells me to go up to bed. But i I leave the house. So basically either the bed isn't working or just a minor glitch right? Can you advance days after finishing the main quest line?
  5. My game on the Xbox360 crashed after defeating Craig in Cylde's treehouse. The screen went black and says its loading but nothing happens. I can still move my character around and tell where he is by using cup a spell, but can't move on in the game. Has anyone encountered this? I heard its a known bug in PCs. Any help out there?? Thanks
  6. Hello. I don't know if the problem is with me or the game, but in some areas some textures start to flicker (disappearing and appearing repeadatly) or completely disappearing. For example in some cutscenes when I am walking my characters starts to flicker or when I go to the wizard's house and use his shower, the whole cabin with the door dissapears, along with the textures near it (in other people's houses this doesn't happen). Another time I saw this was when I left the starting area by destroying the sign thingy and in the first cutscene the character and the flag also started flickering. What is happening ? Maybe corrupted game files or drivers ?
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