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  1. Hello everyone! I'm Uburian, a long time Pillars (and Obsidian) fan and Lego enthusiast from the basque Country. I'm currently working on my doctorate thesis on art and technology, but because of certain global affecting events which I'm sure you are aware off, i have found myself unable to continue my work properly until the situation improves. Now i have plenty of extra time to burn and nowhere to go, so i have decided to start a Pillars of Eternity (I & II) Lego recreation that focuses on my most significant play-trough of the games, and to share it with those who i know will appreciate it I will also utilize this opportunity to hone my storytelling skills. The main tool i will use for this endeavor is the amazing Lego Digital Studio 2, which not only allows you to create digital Lego sets with a very extensive catalogue of pieces, but that can also render said sets in photo-realistic quality. Now, to start the series, i present to you my recreation of the Caravan Encampment set around the ruins of Cilant Lîs: https://imgur.com/a/2ybg5hO ------------------------------------------------------------------- All stories have a beginning, and yours starts around a tranquil bonfire among the imposing ruins of Cilant Lîs. Drops of sweat fall trough your face while you hold your belly in pain, you shiver. The smell of roasted meat, usually a comforting presence, makes you shrink in your knees. "Touch of the rumbling Rot, could be", Odema says. After listening to the caravan master's counsel, you head into the wilderness alongside Calisca in search of spring berries, in hopes that a tea made from them will be enough to help you survive another day. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: Good luck to those who are going trough confinement and social distancing right now. Here in the Basque Country (northern Spain) we have been like this for almost a month now. I hope my stories help you go trough this all. Stay safe, and stay strong
  2. Hello everybody ~ I noticed that by now I made by far enough fanart of Obsidian's games to warrant it's own topic here on the forums for it. You'll mostly find NWN2 stuff here, but also some PoE and even South Park. And some crossovers. I like crossovers. If you want to see all my stuff, I suggest checking out my Tumblr, DeviantArt or Twitter. Well, have fun browsing! - Old Illustrations (2013/14) - - Old Doodles (2013/14) - - DeviantArt Memes - I have to link these seperately, because they are too huge to share directly. Spoilers all over the place. NWN 2 Meme - MoTB Meme - PoE Meme - Current Stuff (2015/16) - Jaheira (BG2) and Durance Aloth and Edér shipping Haer'Dalis (BG2), Annah (PS:T), Valen (NWN:HotU) and Neeshka Sand's New Groove Mall Santa Durance and his helpful Christmas Elf Hivarias Simply Edér Uhm ... my friend wanted this for her birthday, this is only partially my fault >.> Edér jumping out of a giant honey cake. Okku and Wilson (BG2:EE) meeting in Rashemen And last but not least: My 13th Anniversary present for Obsidian. You guys are the best, I hope you are gonna stick with us for a many more years to come <3
  3. Edit: If you want to share/repost these: PLEASE, share them like they are (uncropped) and link back to me! (http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com for example) DO NOT POST THEM ONLINE WITHOUT MY NAME ON THEM! You may also link to or reblog them from tumblr or facebook. Thanks. Hey guys! No idea where to post this, because it doesn't really fit anywhere.. Anyways, I wanted to paint some portraits for some time now, and I finally “found” some time. I have also seen some people making* some things that might have been custom portraits too, so...if any of you have some stuff to show, bring it on! (* making as in painting, possibly manips , not “google&crop”..I'm not fond of that, since people rarely give credit and often crop signatures.) So, here we go! Little disclaimer: They are not the same style as the default ones, and might be a little dark/contrast-y. Also not cropped to proper size yet. I sometimes didn't know which cues in the default portraits where intentional, and I might have ignored some on purpose. ( I'm dependent on what people are posting, I don't have the BB.) Just fluffy messing around and twisting some things to my taste. Might still fix some wonkieness. Aumaua Intended as first character. Probably cipher, aiming to get a big gun. Might still mess around with the skin pattern, but I like her. Death Godlike (Aumaua Bodytype) Currently fighting with the blue one over my attention. Intended as a Bleak Walker. I have some spare heads for him, some like the ones I saw, and then ones that make him look more like one of my OCs. This is one of the latter. That's also why I rarely paint them though, black-on-black-on-black is just really hard for me to make readable. Wild Orlan The most fun one, just because. I like fluffy things. Made it a little more...you know, less hairy-person like, more.. cute? I still have a few unfinished ones, and I meant to try and make a little better poses for the one I play first. (I didn't mean to make any interesting poses anyways, but a little different wouldn't hurt.) Not sure If I'll find time, though. (I might have more time if I wasn*t taking hours to type this...DX DAAAR!)
  4. Hey everyone! I started playing Pillars of Eternity recently and I really wanted a custom portrait for my female moon godlike character. Last week I had some time on my hands so I painted this - I'm hoping that someone else will find this portrait useful as well. I've included a full res along with the large and small cropped portraits for in-game use. Alternatively you can just download the zip file (linked below) with the cropped portraits. Enjoy! <3 Here is what they look like in-game for those who may be curious: ZIP File Download: http://www.amegani.com/portraits/f_moongodlike_portrait.zip Installation Instructions: Extract all of the files from the zip folder. Navigate to the female player portraits directory in your Pillars of Eternity installation directory. In my case, the directory was C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\art\gui\portraits\player\female . Place the two extracted images (the _lg and _sm versions) in that directory and start Pillars of Eternity. The portraits should now be available for you to use in-game. Tumblr Link - for those who would like to reblog from my original tumblr post. Cant EDIT: title changed at Amegani's request.
  5. Hello my fellow PE/Obsidian supporters, I haven't seen any specific thread for FanArt so far, if there is, I apologize...and get some glasses ASAP. Seeing some people already showing a bit of their creative potential in different threads and the KS comments section now and then, and expecting more to follow, I thought it would be nice to maybe gather the creations in a specific thread, instead of just stumbling upon them by accident while browsing some topic. Just for example: We already have a few members who provided great custom avatars and badges. It would be a lot easier for people to find them, if they were collected in one topic and not just strewn around. Besides, I for one would be interested in seeing the things people in favor of this project come up with as time progresses and more about the world and its inhabitants gets revealed. And so you don't think I just demand others to entertain me, I'll share my very first finished creative piece of fanart ever, if you can call it that. Some members of the Obsidian Order might recognize the poem, as I've posted it in the OOoE-Thread a week ago. In the meantime I got LordCrash to help me put the words in a more fitting setting! It's basically a proclamation to recruit more members to the Obsidian Order of Eternity... Thanks again to LordCrash for visualizing my ramblings so beautifully!!! Version A Version B Hi-res: http://i48.tinypic.com/sxyscy.jpg Hi-res: http://i46.tinypic.com/fn7j82.jpg Alright, I've done my part, now it's your turn! BatNat Jester of the Obsidian Order
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