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Found 7 results

  1. Hey everyone! I've been playing PoE on PS4 and am loving it, but is there a way to chain commands? I know you can on PC, just didn't know if it was possible on PS4 or even Switch.
  2. Double tapping X doesn't let me dodge.
  3. Now that PoE 2.01 has been released, I figured it was finally time to download and install. As always, for a left-handed gamer such as myself, there's always a not-inconsiderable amount of planning and refinement required when mapping out keybinds, but at least the game seemed to accept my selections without pitching a fit. 'Seemed' being the operative word. Unfortunately, it appears that I'm once again going to be relegated to using AutoHotKey to configure even basic functionality, as using the numpad for my movement and other binds causes their hidden default behaviors to trigger. Having the game warning me that I haven't configured groups when I try to pan the camera around (Num 8,4,5,6) is jarring, and having my character selection change whenever I try to activate the abilities I've assigned to Num 1-3 results in all sorts of bizarre behavior. Considering that this was never a problem in games that are now nearly 20 years old, I'm flummoxed that I now routinely run into issues mapping keybinds to the number pad in new releases. It was bad enough to encounter this in DA: Inquisition when it was first released, but I had figured that by the time PoE had reached the 2.0 mark that it would be silky-smooth. So before I go off and invest another hour or so in AHK, is there any way to rid the game of this unwanted functionality? I'd really rather not have a glitchy play experience like I did using AHK in Inquisition, and Divinity: Original Sin, among others...
  4. I want to bind "Highlight interactables" (Hold) to Left Alt but this doesn't work, you can bind the key but when you press it in-game nothing happens. "Area map" on the same key doesn't work either. I have used L Alt for highlighting for as long as I can remember so it's a bit weird that it doesn't work in this game. I also wanted to bind "Toggle Scouting" to Left Shift but it seems like you're unable to bind Shift to anything at all? I thought maybe it was because I use a Swedish keyboard layout, so I switched to English, but I got the same result. I'm using Windows 8.1 x64.
  5. I'm suggesting the developers implement a 'deadzone' where the formation orientation wheel doesn't show up until you've held right click and moved it outside this threshold. As-well as a slight delay when clicking so it doesn't accidentally show up unintended. Currently there's almost no delay (if any) and it makes it an uncomfortable experience when clicking just to move. In practice these mechanics pretty much work the same as what everyone's used to in IE games but a much better look and feel. Please see this video for a working example and description of how I think it should be in Pillars of Eternity. (ignore that it's an RTS, it's the mechanics that are important) Bonus: The 'cancel' command should double as a 'hold position' command (or a new hotkey altogether in the controls menu) so you can tell your guys to stand still even with enemies nearby, keeping formation with a tap of the button. I assume the ability to queue movement is coming? Ideally we should be able to shift-queue movement *and* orientation along with actions/abilities (Cancel command too). It's imperative to your tactics when playing the game real-time. Scenario 1: Telling a Wizard in an open area to move wide on an enemies flank and cast a ranged spell while assaulting the front with your fighters. Scenario 2: Casting an ability, and retreating to cast another ability automatically. Scenario 3: Making enemies chase summons around while you shoot them from range. This is possible in Baldur's Gate so i'd hope we'll be able to do it in PoE. Thanks for your consideration.
  6. Hey, everyone. Here is the quick guide that we gave to people at Gamescom and Gen Con. Thought it might be useful to some of you. QUICK GUIDE Controls Mouse Left-click On GroundAny selected party members will move to the point clicked. On Character If FriendlySpeak with the character. If HostileAttack the character. On Transition The entire party runs to the transition and enters another area or... A world map screen appears. On Usable ItemsUse the item. On User InterfaceSelect that user interface item. Left-click, Hold, and DragSelect party members inside the green box that appears. Right-click On GroundAny selected party members will move to the point clicked. On Character If FriendlySpeak with the character. If HostileAttack the character. On Transition The entire party runs to the transition and enters another area or... A world map screen appears. On Usable ItemsUse the item. On User InterfaceSelect that user interface item. Right-click, Hold, and DragRotate the party formation. When released, the party members will move to the location indicated by the user interface. Middle-click, Hold, and DragPans the camera. Scroll WheelZooms the camera in and out. Edge of ScreenMoving the mouse toward the edge of a screen will pan the camera in that direction. Keyboard Space BarPauses the game. Orders may be given to party members while the game is paused. IToggles the currently selected party member's inventory. ASwitches the mouse cursor from its normal mode into attack mode. When attack mode is active left-clicking on a character will force an attack against it. After one attack, the cursor switches back into normal mode. JToggles the party's journal. This is where the user will be able to view their quest log, bestiary, journal, and notes. Currently, only the Quest Log and Notes tabs are implemented. CToggles the currently selected party member's character sheet. This sheet displays all of the statistics related to the member. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Selects the party member associated with that slot. For example, pressing "1" will select the party member furthest to the left. Arrow KeysPan the camera in the arrow key direction. ESCBrings up the Options menu. AltPlaces the selected party members into Scouting Mode. If Scouting Mode is currently active, this will disable it. TabHighlights interactive objects in the current camera view. Combat Entering Combat Left click on a hostile target to attack it. Your party will then run to engage the target. Once engaged, you cannot exit combat without either defeating all of your enemies, or through using special abilities to exit combat, like the Rogue’s Escape ability. Using Skills and Abilities To use a skill, first left click on the portrait of the character whose skill you’d like to use. The character’s available skills will appear above their portrait. For modal abilities, click the ability once to activate it. For spells and attacks, first click the ability, and then click the enemy you want to use the ability on to activate it. If the spell is an area attack, click the area you wish to cast the spell upon. Status Afflictions Some enemies and situations may cause status afflictions on your party members. These can be seen above each character portrait and can be hovered over for more information. Some status afflictions can be lost over time, others through healing and resting. Combat Log During combat, detailed information will be displayed in the Combat Log on the lower right of the game screen. The combat log displays important information regarding your party members including: Attacks Damage Ability and Spell Activations Character Status Quest Information Stamina and Health There are two elements that you should be aware of during combat: your party members’ Stamina and Health. As you take damage, your Stamina will deplete. If a character’s Stamina becomes totally depleted, that character will fall unconscious. Stamina is regained rapidly outside of combat and some characters (like fighters) can regain it slowly during combat. Health is lost alongside stamina, but at a lower rate. Characters will also lose health when falling unconscious. Health can only be recovered through resting. Once a character’s health is totally depleted, they will die. Resting In order to recover Health and heal many Status Afflictions, your party can Rest. You can rest anywhere, provided you have the Camping Supplies to do so. Camping Supplies can be found around the world and purchased in various shops. The amount of Camping Supplies you can carry is dependent on the difficulty setting of the game. Higher levels of difficulty will have more restrictions on supplies. Scouting To enter Scouting mode, click on the Scouting button on the main action bar, or hit the Alt key on your keyboard. Scouting mode will allow your characters to carefully explore their environments while staying undetected by enemies. Detection radius is designated by a white circle around each individual character. If an enemy comes within this circle, your character will be detected and attacked.
  7. Hey, everyone. Here is the quick guide that we put out to the public for Gamescom and Gen Con. Figured it might be useful to you folks, as well. QUICK GUIDE Controls Mouse Left-click On GroundAny selected party members will move to the point clicked. On Character If FriendlySpeak with the character. If HostileAttack the character. On Transition The entire party runs to the transition and enters another area or... A world map screen appears. On Usable ItemsUse the item. On User InterfaceSelect that user interface item. Left-click, Hold, and DragSelect party members inside the green box that appears. Right-click On GroundAny selected party members will move to the point clicked. On Character If FriendlySpeak with the character. If HostileAttack the character. On Transition The entire party runs to the transition and enters another area or... A world map screen appears. On Usable ItemsUse the item. On User InterfaceSelect that user interface item. Right-click, Hold, and DragRotate the party formation. When released, the party members will move to the location indicated by the user interface. Middle-click, Hold, and DragPans the camera. Scroll WheelZooms the camera in and out. Edge of ScreenMoving the mouse toward the edge of a screen will pan the camera in that direction. Keyboard Space BarPauses the game. Orders may be given to party members while the game is paused. IToggles the currently selected party member's inventory. ASwitches the mouse cursor from its normal mode into attack mode. When attack mode is active left-clicking on a character will force an attack against it. After one attack, the cursor switches back into normal mode. JToggles the party's journal. This is where the user will be able to view their quest log, bestiary, journal, and notes. Currently, only the Quest Log and Notes tabs are implemented. CToggles the currently selected party member's character sheet. This sheet displays all of the statistics related to the member. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Selects the party member associated with that slot. For example, pressing "1" will select the party member furthest to the left. Arrow KeysPan the camera in the arrow key direction. ESCBrings up the Options menu. AltPlaces the selected party members into Scouting Mode. If Scouting Mode is currently active, this will disable it. TabHighlights interactive objects in the current camera view. Combat Entering Combat Left click on a hostile target to attack it. Your party will then run to engage the target. Once engaged, you cannot exit combat without either defeating all of your enemies, or through using special abilities to exit combat, like the Rogue’s Escape ability. Using Skills and Abilities To use a skill, first left click on the portrait of the character whose skill you’d like to use. The character’s available skills will appear above their portrait. For modal abilities, click the ability once to activate it. For spells and attacks, first click the ability, and then click the enemy you want to use the ability on to activate it. If the spell is an area attack, click the area you wish to cast the spell upon. Status Afflictions Some enemies and situations may cause status afflictions on your party members. These can be seen above each character portrait and can be hovered over for more information. Some status afflictions can be lost over time, others through healing and resting. Combat Log During combat, detailed information will be displayed in the Combat Log on the lower right of the game screen. The combat log displays important information regarding your party members including: Attacks Damage Ability and Spell Activations Character Status Quest Information Stamina and Health There are two elements that you should be aware of during combat: your party members’ Stamina and Health. As you take damage, your Stamina will deplete. If a character’s Stamina becomes totally depleted, that character will fall unconscious. Stamina is regained rapidly outside of combat and some characters (like fighters) can regain it slowly during combat. Health is lost alongside stamina, but at a lower rate. Characters will also lose health when falling unconscious. Health can only be recovered through resting. Once a character’s health is totally depleted, they will die. Resting In order to recover Health and heal many Status Afflictions, your party can Rest. You can rest anywhere, provided you have the Camping Supplies to do so. Camping Supplies can be found around the world and purchased in various shops. The amount of Camping Supplies you can carry is dependent on the difficulty setting of the game. Higher levels of difficulty will have more restrictions on supplies. Scouting To enter Scouting mode, click on the Scouting button on the main action bar, or hit the Alt key on your keyboard. Scouting mode will allow your characters to carefully explore their environments while staying undetected by enemies. Detection radius is designated by a white circle around each individual character. If an enemy comes within this circle, your character will be detected and attacked.
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