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Found 4 results

  1. I started my PC win10 version of the Epic-Storefront-activated copy of the Outer Worlds and got a "Cloud Sync Error" message followed by a prompt of a choice of loading an either/or local or cloud save. I didn't know what to press but I must have chosen "cloud", because now all my saves locally (user>saves>outerworlds>numbersalad).were overwritten at the same timestamp with saves from a previous play session, about 6 game hours and half an explored station later (I lost the last 25% of Emerald Vale and the first 25% or so of the ship-station storyline. I have combed through my C drive but the only manual saves I could find all now have a date-stamp of the identical time this evening when I picked the wrong save selection. Is there any retrieving this data or is it just gone? Also, WHAT KIND OF A STUPID **&^%ING error prompt let's you DO THAT! Ok. I'm cool now, rant off, but I have a kid so stringing together a couple late-night sessions is hard for me, won't get back to the same storyline point until next weekend, which just....sucks.
  2. Devs, please, add a feature to save characters on the cloud couse i´ve lost mine twice. The first time the game got stuck on the reward screen, after a quest, where the reward card went away, rising to the infint before i can see what it was. And today the game crashed in the middle of a battle and i cant access the quest mode anymore. If i clear the app data or reinstal the game, i´ll lose the characters again... So please, allow cloud save to the chars or creat an option where we can restart a quest using the chars like they were before the "uncompleted" one.
  3. I started my first playthrough on my home computer on hard with expert mode enabled, and have been actually enjoying most of the restrictions (no helpful tips, aoe markers, can't open stash, etc.) Last weekend I traveled out of town, and decided to play on my laptop. As soon as I loaded my last save I noticed something was wrong, and finally I realized that expert mode was off. I was able to check/uncheck the various settings, like locking the stash, and I started seeing all the tutorial popups. When I returned home and played on my gaming machine, the expert mode setting was back in place. One other oddity I noticed was that my own save games showed up under my wife's account when she started playing. She and I share the laptop, so I assume that somehow my cloud saves got mixed with hers.
  4. So I've been playing Pillars on my home PC, but then decided to install it on my work PC. I made great progress at work, saved the game, but them when I got home and fired up Pillars on the home PC, my most recent save game from work did not come up. Frustrating.... Any ideas?
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