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Found 3 results

  1. I am preparing tons of smoothies for entering a certain biome. While I can get the other two ingredients reliably, aphid honeydew is something I'm not entirely sure where to look for. The most consistent place I found so far was on the south bank of the pond in the clover forests early in the morning, before the ants ate them all. I tried trapping aphids inside enclosures, but they were too stressed and would not produce honeydews. In real life, if you remove an aphid when it's sucking on a plant, its mouthpart would detach from its body and got stuck on the plant, causing the plant to constantly flow "aphid honeydew" out of the small needle. (http://bio1152.nicerweb.com/Locked/media/ch36/pressure_flow.html , much like the sap collector in game) Scientists used to study the content of plant fluid using this technique. In grounded, I once shot an aphid on the back side of a grass and it did not fall onto the ground even though it was dead, and I thought that, if not a bug, was the developer's work of building in this mechanism. I wonder if the team can further build upon this phenomenon and give us easier access to "aphid honeydew" that did not pass through the animals gut. The grass/clover would keep pumping out the honeydew for a day or so and die because of malnutrition.
  2. Having just built a castle on the porch ledge by the hedge, I decided to build a farm next. on that farm I wanted an aphid field. unfortunately aphids are very difficult to transport long range I would love to be able to carry your aphid pet on your shoulder as if he were grass planks so bringing your pet to hard to reach places is easier. even then I ended up getting an aphid up a ramp to my farm and then thought "all I have to do to get him in his field is deposit him in his pet house," so I did. Upon doing so his pathfinding took him back down the ramp, away from the pet house in which he tried to find another way up by where the bombardier beetles near the hedge hang out and the other areas around, where he would often run along the edges of the porch I assume trying to find a way to the pet house. to me there could be 3 different possible problems that cause this, either aphids have a hard time pathing to pet houses above ground level, the aphids are having trouble pathing past construction tape areas, or the aphids are having trouble pathing on clay foundations. If I had to guess all three may have some part as he only went down the ramp once told to go in his house, plus he was just fine pathing on pebblet foundations which I used to build the ramp to get him up but had trouble getting anywhere on the clay foundations I built the farm field out of, and finally he had trouble following me upon reaching the construction tape in which I had to keep him at max interaction distance and lure him past the tape by petting him at max distance having him inch past. once he got past he followed me in to the pen easily. this time I walled him in before putting him in his house and I can confirm he is still staring at the wall between him and the ramp down that he walked down the last time I did this. I can't tell if this is the same for weevils as I haven't tried to bring any up yet but I would imagine so. Please fix the pathing so it is a bit more reliable. I really want to fill may field with aphids and I am afraid to bring anymore up and open up the pen as I fear the others, being the one, will run back down. and as for the troubling task of getting pets to hard to reach places where a lot of people built, it would be nice to just be able to carry you pets for some distance like you do leaf planks only one at a time, maybe it cost stamina to have him on you shoulder although not to much stamina. this would be a convenience thing I would love to have in the future but understand if it doesn't get implemented for update 0.10. other than that I have been having the most fun I've had in grounded since launch, even without the full update yet, and I look forward to all the future updates as I did for all the previous ones we have had this past year.
  3. Hi so it would be a really cool if you were able to capture and farm multiple aphids for honeydew, because in the real animal kingdom ants will protect and even move aphids if the colony decides to move for the honeydew like drops they secrete which provides the ants with food
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