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Found 3 results

  1. I hope we'll get to see a very lot more of Eora. When you take a look at the map, it is so promising ! http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Eora If this, is going to be 3D, I'll be even more disapointed if the Game doesn't feel really Big. Let's not care about a lot of "Travel time" between Quests blabla... Give us a mount, I wanna visit Eora. The Size of a Map is only defined by : Lengh x Width x Height, so... What's the matter ? Make it huge, (emphasize around the height ?). In any case, a ton of Hype & Hopes are happening here Godsidian is working out.
  2. Hi guys, I know there's a lot going on about Durance. I checked around and I can't find what I'm looking for. This guy has been bugged for me since the get-go. Nobody seems to be talking (or at least there's too much to sift through) about how to trigger Durance's 2nd dream. -I got the first dream triggered with a manual patch from this forum (I think a dev posted it temporarily). -Then eventually the patch came out that supposedly fixes Durance (which overwrote the overwritten files). -I'm in Act II and I'm trying to trigger 2nd dream, but no go. So... how do you trigger 2nd dream sequence? I am pretty sure I exhausted all dialog options, although the two dialog options to tell me about "Magran" and this region and its "history" is still highlighted. What do I do? Thanks!
  3. So, i realy enjoy hiring adventures even if they are 1 lvl below me.Last time i go with 4 chanters (Godlikes) and now i want to make this. I want 2 Fighters for my party.2 tanks, big shield and plate armor.Their weapons will be burning sword and freezing war hammer. I just have question about stats.I want to give them 19 Per/Res, race human.But how important is Inteligence to fighter?Does he have any skills (like prone) that require spell durration?Is 12 Con enough?Should i aim at Dex or make ballance between Mig and Dex. What are the essencial tallents for tanking with fighter?
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