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Found 4 results

  1. Hi tech team! Having a blast so far playing through as a rogue. I found the awesome talking sword Modwyr and soulbound it to my character even though I'm not proficient, because it just seemed so cool! Unfortunately, I seem to have stalled a bit in the progression of the item. I have a buff on my character called Modwyr's empathy, saying that Modwyr wants to talk to me. Try as I might, though, I can't seem to initiate that conversation. I've tried clicking on the icon for the buff, clicking on the sword in my inventory. Everything that I could think of. Is there something that I'm missing, or is it possible that there is a bug?
  2. Hello, I am on my second playthrough (love the game) and ran into the bug of missing the "talk" option with the sword Modwyr (I have all three main DlCs and version Since this bug has been known for a while, I suspected it might be something with my installation or save file. After playing around a bit with my saves, I noticed that the bug very likely occurs independently of mods i have installed: I always lose the "talk" option with Modwyr after I sell it and buy it again. The problem is, on my current save I sold it accidentally. I guess all left to do for me is to roll back to a save where I have not sold Modwyr. Or can I do something about it on my current save? Maybe with the console mod? (Below is a onedrive-link with a 7z archive containing: my save file, the latest output_log and pictures of the bug and my Deadfire installation folder (I include this last one because I remember that I at some point started to use GOG Galaxy on top of a manual GOG installation and I wonder if my installation looks wierd because of it... but I've never experienced any problems in 1.5 playthroughs). https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoFirKO3NY-YgQoIbq4mqJEB0_GU)
  3. Has anyone run a multiclass modwyr berserker? If so, what was your second class? What did you think of it? What would you do differently? Even if you haven't run one, what doth your theorycrafting unveil to thou? I'm curious to hear folks' thoughts on the matter.
  4. Is it just me, or do you think as well, that the sentient weapon Modwyr houses the removed soul of sidekick Ydwin? IMO story-wise it would make a lot of sense, but I guess it didn't make it in the final game (yet?). So far I failed to link the two of them together in the game. Would have been so nice to upgrade Ydwin from sidekick to a full companion after Modwyr's story is resolved, one way or another. Any thoughts?
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