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Found 9 results

  1. So I know it's not entirely up to Obsidian to make it happen. But since I finished playing Kotor II, years ago, I've been aching for a new story driven Star Wars game of the same quality. The Mass Effect games were nice, but EA dropped the ball big time on them. And the Kotor MMORPG is... well let's just say it's not my cup of tea. If there's any chance at all Obsidian could keep a new Kotor game in mind, man that would be absolutely fantastic If anyone agrees let's hear about it. Maybe if we get enough whispers going we can convince someone high up to make it happen for real. A dreamers dream maybe, but one I'm holding out hope for.
  2. Hey Obsidian!! if you can't do a KOtoR 3, How about a remastered TSL for XB1/PC??? How dope would that be! Get rid of all the bugs, put all the cut content back in plus more maybe.... all using current gen hardware. Just imagining it makes me think how awesome that would be. It would sell like crazy and I would buy it in a heartbeat. Any other thoughts on this??
  3. Obsidian recently came out and said that they still have an interest in making KOTOR 3 or a Star Wars RPG for that matter. To get that published it would require EA's consent due to them owning the rights to publish Star Wars Video Games. I was just curious if Obsidian could use EA Origins crowd funding service thing which has them publish your game as long as it's crowd funded but obviously since it's under the Star Wars name Obsidian would directly have to communicate with EA on business matters. If anyone from Obsidian reads this it's worth a try to ask EA! (easier said than done.) Anyway i'm a long time fan of Obsidian and their games, and i'm buying pillars of Eternity when it releases but I would help fund a KOTOR 3 project with a lot of money ft it were Kickstarted.
  4. Now that Disney has bought Star Wars, what do you think the likleyhood is that we could see an official Knights of The Old Republic 3? I think there is a lot of potential there. I think we can all agree that the older games aer a bit clunky, most games were those days. But there's so much that could be done with it these days. Just so much. I would absolutely love it! Thoughts?
  5. Im starting this in hopes people will rally for the possibility to make kotOR 3. Please spitball your Ideas here
  6. Hey guys, its been about a decade since KotOR 2 came out and im tired of getting teased with them mentioning KotOR games all the time. The Old Republic has been released, along with a bundle of the 2 KotOR games just a few months ago. Now we are all wondering: Why has KotOR 3 not been created yet? No one knows, and after bioware lost so much money due to the Old Republic, they may have nothing to do with a Knights of the Old Republic 3. Anyway, i'm trying to get as many people together as possible to stand up for our beloved kotor games. I put together a steam group for the defense of the game. So far it is not very big, only 2 people discluding myself have joined. But with your help i'm hoping we can get somewhere. I promise I will keep this group active with at frequent acknowledgements! Thanks for reading, and here is the link. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/k3now
  7. Hi i cant get kotor 2 to run after the text scrawl here are my computer specs Intel Pentium 4 cpu 3.00 ghz 0.99 gb of ram Windows xp service pack 3 Directx 11 Intel 82865G Graphics controller what do i do?
  8. Just got the book out of the library. Already I see a few things which don't add up in the KotOR games and book. What are your opinions and...is there a mention of Atton Rand in the book?
  9. http://www.escapistm...this-one-before Check it out, bitch about how bad it is, ignore it entirely, whatever. I've done one on KotOR I as well, and I've only got one update into KotOR II. Gimme some constructive criticism so I can get better at this.
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