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Found 7 results

  1. Bonjour, serait-il possible de voir dans les options du jeu une option pour la taille des polices des textes en jeu et cinématique, car devoir jouer à 1 mètre de sa TV c’est pas top, surtout pour un vieux comme moi. sa serait vraiment sympa d’avoir la possibilité de choisir la taille de la police d’écriture
  2. Salut tout le monde. Bon, j'ai commencé à regarder... ...Y'a du boulot : p Je le prends sur le ton de la blague, mais y'a vraiment des trucs qui font juste tâche. -------------------------------------------- Chance extraordinnaire = bugué en description. -------------------------------------------- Empower attack = "Améliorés attaques". -------------------------------------------- Force brute (barbare) = pas traduit en français, c'est resté en anglais. -------------------------------------------- Franchement, j'aurai pris en charge la traduction, je n'aurais jamais laissé passé un tel truc. ---------- Incantateur : (Le grand ver, ligne 9 des pouvoirs) Invoqué 1 de :: Dragon. ---------- Vitesse accelérée (le passif qui augmente de 10 % la vitesse de lancement de sort) / Extension de portée dans le même genre "Vitesse d'attaque +10% avec sorts de" Sorts de ? De ? De quoi ? : p ------------ Esprit de la décomposition/Secret du givre/Engeance de flammes/Cœur de la tempête "Acide attaques." = Attaques acides. "Eau attaques" etc. --------------------- Dans le même esprit Âme vertueuse (Paladin, ligne 5) "Immunité à Maladie / Poison attaques." ---------------------- "+1 de puissance" "Dextérité +1" Seule la puissance met le bonus d'abord parmi tous les attributs. Bizarre. Pas très grave mais pas "niquel" dans l'agencement. --------------------- Lanterne de Xoti (Objet) Effet gardienne de l'âme : "+1 de chaque moine ressource par victime." ----------------------- "Sorts de Prêtre Cœur" (pour n'importe quelle classe en fait...) Petit cœur ! On t'a retrouvé ! Ici je mettrais plutôt Noyau de pouvoir OU Noyau de sort OU Sorts Primaires Etc. ----------------------- Proficiency non armés... Celle ci est magnifique. Description : "Penetration : +2 avec Non armés armes." (Sans doute celle que tu as relevé Zahua) ------------------------ Xoti dans la liste d'effet en cours en tant que Moine-prêtre. Soeur de la lune faucheuse : "Blessures : +3 par victime avec corps à corps attaques. Moine plaie capacité coûte +1." Celle ci est belle aussi (malheureusement...)
  3. I know, the title is a bit harsh but hear me out on this one. When you give game's assets a name, like "The Deadfire Archipelago", "Ashen Maw" or even "The Leaden Key", they all have a nice, even poetic, ring to them. Even if what it relates to isn't clear, you still get some meaning out of it like : - The Deadfire Archipelago: unforgiving, tropical, deadly - The Leaden Key: A heavy, unmovable key to lock away a shameful secret. - Ashen Maw: those who know what it is don't need me to explain. No Spoil right And here comes the translation.. stripping many names of their poetic sense, or not using the french language at its fullest : - The Deadfire Archipelago becomes "Archipel du Feu Éteint", which means "Extinguished fire Archipelago", like it has been stripped from its life spark, losing all other meaning.-( - Druids' Rejuvenation (healing) school becomes "Rajeunissement" Which means getting younger.. This one is just wrong. It might sound appropriate for a healing school in english, but in french it has the LITERAL "getting younger" meaning. - The Leaden Key becomes "Clef Plombée" which means "lead coated key", now this one is nice enough when it comes to its meaning, but there may be a better way to say it because as it is, it doesn't sound good. Now, the question is, is the game's translation still up for debate ? Or do we have to mod the game to get it right ? I know it sounds a lot like bickering over something not that important, but when a language as rich as french is so poorly used, as if the names simply went through google translator, I wouldn't mind spending some time correcting that.
  4. Hello ! I found some bugs you reported on the French version, and I want to help this excellent game to be perfect. 1) [Display] Description of Precision bonus continues to be indicated as Deflection. [Change in english, the bug disappears.] 2) [Powers] Repulsing Seals (Priest, level 2) lock at 1.25 meters without scale possible for Intelligence. Is it normal ? 3 [Display] A strange blur effect on few writing and image.
  5. Hi, Hitting any of the number keys does not select a character nor select an action/answer on story screen when using a french keyboard. I tried the 3 different mappings: French, French numerical, French PC without success. Switching the keyboard mapping to english fixed the issue but changes all the shortcuts which is not very easy to play. That and having to switch keyboard before launching the game. I tested this issue over two Macbook pro and one iMac with builtin keyboard, usb keyboard and bluetooth keyboard. They all have the same problem. On the usb keyboard however the keypad is actually working. I tested this issue on a french Windows 7 PC and the keys were working perfectly. On all the tests I was using the default shortcuts. System info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014) Processor 2,8 GHz Intel Core i5 Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Graphics Intel Iris 1536 MB
  6. I recorded my game because there will never be a first time again in this beautiful game My vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV0N-PAhiHs See you tomorrow for more Cant EDIT: removed duplicate video per request
  7. So, besides Ubisoft shooting themselves in the foot with a shotgun during E3, who else is excited for AC's first next gen romp?
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