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Found 4 results

  1. The question is how much DR should you have to ensure, that most of the damage you receive is reduced? Let's say, I have a Battle Mage wearing Guardian's Plate, which gives you 13 DR if Legendary, plus 5 from Llengrath's Safeguard, 18 totally, is it worth someting?
  2. Hello I'll get straight to the point: I'd like to mod the game, and add a DR passive effect every certain amount of levels to the monk class. Sort of like the passive you get every several levels that increases unarmed damage. Maybe I could just add a DR effect to it and save myself the trouble of trying to add something completely new. My reason is, that I like the unarmed martial arts no armor theme of the class, but every time I tried to start a game as a monk, I felt either very weak and useless, or had to stray from the theme and use medium or heavy armor to utilize the wounds mechanic properly and to actually survive (I play on POTD exclusively). If I could add a passive DR value to Transcendent Suffering, I could make it reach 12 DR (like plate armor) at level 10, which seems reasonable to me for a front line fighter who's theme is to wear just clothes and be a punching bad-ass. I'm very proficient in Java, but I have never modded any game, so I'm feeling a bit lost. I mostly request guidance on where I could find the files I need to mod, maybe a link to a modding guide would be enough. If I eventually get this to work and other people would be interested in it, I'd gladly upload it somewhere and share it. Thanks in advance
  3. [, linux, GoG] Problem: Even when proofing enchantment of armors works differently compare to proofing and other DR bonuses from items, the stacking rule sees those as in the same category. This is probably a feature. However, when suppression mechanism is applied, the decision which of the buffs is higher isn't done properly. At least in several instances this may lead to wrong suppression. Concrete examples and steps to preproduce: Used Items: -- Freeze-proofed Fine Scale Armor (Freeze-Proofed: +3 Damage Reduction (Freeze)) -- Cloak item Shroud of Mourning (Freeze-Proofed: +3 Damage Reduction (Freeze)) 1. First Armor then Cloak: a) On character without any item giving DR bonus equipped, first equip the freeze-proofed Fine Scale armor. b) Then equip the cloak. c) On character sheet there is the cloack DR bonus suppressed, and indeed when attacked the Armor bonus is applied: 15.0 Freeze DR. See picture below 2. First Cloak then armor: a) On character without any item giving DR bonus equipped, first equip the freeze-proofed Cloak. b) Then equip the Armor. c) On character sheet there is the armor's proofing DR bonus suppressed this time. And indeed when attacked only Fine Armor + Cloak bonuses are applied: 14.25 Freeze DR (combat log and character sheet display rounded numbers). See picture below --> Game not able to properly distinguish which of the bonuses is higher? It suppresses the last equipped of mentioned items, even when it's clearly wrong decision --> in the case above the number 2 (in the case below the wrong decision is the left one). Another example with similar behavior: Left: Eder's Fine Pierce-proofed Scale armor equipped first, afterwards Hiro's Mantle (giving 3 DR Pierce bonus). Right: First equipped Hiro's Mantle, then Eder's armor. Expected behavior: If it is truly intended that armor's proofing enchantment doesn't stack with other items' flat DR bonuses, the property giving lower bonus should be always suppressed, regardless order in which the items are equipped. Decision should be made in accordance with the real items' behaviors. Speculation: Because how it behaves in game, I think the decision on suppression may see both (armor and cape) as equal. Thus it simple suppresses the last one. Descriptions may support this decision, as both (armor and cape) contain the same line: Freeze-Proofed: +3 Damage Reduction (Freeze) However, in reality they work completely differently. The formulas for armors seem to work like this: Fine Scale Armor: Base DR = (7+2) = 9.0 DR: Freeze is 125 % of Base DR -> 125 % of 9.0 = 11.25 Freeze DR The difference: 1) Fine Scale Armor with Freeze-proofing adds 3DR bonus to the base DR before percentual calculation: Freeze is 125 % of (Base DR + 3.0) -> 125 % of 12.0 => 15.0 Freeze DR 2) Fine Scale Armor & Freeze DR bonus from Shroud of Mourning will add flat bonus to the armor's Freeze DR: Freeze is 125 % of (Base DR) -> 125 % of 9.0 => 11.25 from Fine Armor + 3.00 from Mantle = 14.25 Freeze DR On issue with descriptions: Armors and cloaks having the same description even when working differently -> this is confusing. Besides that, there are other items giving flat DR bonuses (the same way as mentioned cloaks), such as belts, with different description. See belt in the picture below There is: Pierce DR Bonus: +5 Damage Reduction (Pierce) Conclusion: A) Either items with "Proofed" in descriptions are intended to work as flat bonuses as other non-armor items, thus --> Their descriptions should be different to armors' proofing. For example, make them similar to the belt above? And the suppression mechanism should be corrected to work properly as mentioned above. B) Or items with "Proofed" in descriptions are intended to work the same way as proofing of armors. In that case --> The bug is in their behavior (giving wrongly flat bonus) not in the suppression mechanism. Comments: On the unofficial community bug tracker: https://github.com/PoE-unofficial/Pillars-of-Eternity-bugtracker/issues/14 Edit: Note that, regardless of differences among items' descriptions, in character sheet section Active Effects there is always listed "+3 Damage Reduction (Pierce)" or "+5 Damage Reduction (Pierce)", etc.
  4. Deflection stacking, deflection stacking all the way. A character with very high Deflection enjoys many advantages. He lasts very long in combat, and being heavily outnumbered and surrounded doesn't bother him that much, because it doesn't make him easier to hit. Deflection also avoids many attacks altogether (Knocknown, poison, disease as secondary effects). I don't read about DR stacking on this forum nearly as often. Don't you think DR stacking is too weak ? DR comes with more limits, for example at least 20% damage always goes through. Each attack always deals damage no matter how thick your armor. Unless it doesn't hit at all. Games like DCSS have limits on similar mechanics, such as shield parry. Each subsequent attack has a higher chance to hit. In PoE terms, it could be that when you are attacked, you get -5 to Deflection for 1 second (STACKS).
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