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Found 5 results

  1. I think the ability to retract the bow is needed. Let's say Im using the bow and aiming at something but it flees. Now, Im stuck with the only option is to shoot my arrow then retrieve it. I should be able to retract the bow and not waste that time shooting the arrow at nothing since my target fled.
  2. I've been having a ton of issues with area transitions that started with the Endless Queries. It'll load into the area, but after half a second or so the screen will freeze. When I first entered the Endless Queries it'd show the "cut scene" (where it gives an overview of the map) and then when I regained control it'd freeze. I can "move" the characters by clicking and hearing their responses, and I can open the menu by pressing ESC and can hear the "clicks" when I hover over buttons. I had some luck at first by tabbing out while loading the area, and managed after many freezes to get through the area. However now when I'm about to head back to the Shattered Passage from the Endless Queries, not even my work around seems to work. Playing around, trying to work around it, I put the game in fullscreen mode and tabbed out, letting the game fully load before heading in again. The game would be in Pause mode, and it seemed fine at first, but as soon as I unpause and move characters it'll freeze. Here's a save file with the issue: <Link removed, PM if save file is needed> I tried looking for a post describing a similar issue, but couldn't find one. If I missed it please direct me to it so I can see what others have to say. Thanks. EDIT: I tried unpausing and doing nothing for a bit, and that seemed to work around the freeze. If I unpause and move right away it still freezes. At least I can progress now.
  3. I have posted This in regards to the current bow bug which is in pillars of eternity. This has been brought up before, but from what I can see Zero results from the DEVs on getting it fixed. This bug is not just limited to me but others as well - and not just on this site (steam for example). Here are the pictures: Information: Windows 7 professional 64 Bit Service pack 1 Installed Memory 8GB I5-6500 3.20 GHz Processor Geforce GTX 960 373.06 8GB Direct X version 6.01.7601.17514 From what I can tell this bug normally appears when switching weapons in combat (I pause to switch weapons). Reloading the game or restarting the game fixes this issue until it happens again. So I assume that the bug is not going to be part of the save game file but perhaps in the way the game is using the graphic assets. While this is not a game breaker - it is most annoying and breaks immersion. From what I can see from other post around the web - this bug has been here since the game was released.
  4. I'm currently building a ranged rogue (not an optimal build for rogue or ranged hero I know) and can't decide on weapon specialization class due to confusion regarding different ranged weapons. As I understand it, bows are generally higher interrupt and lower damage compared to firearms (although firearms can pierce Arcane Veil), but what about attack speed and potential upgrades/enchantments? From the Wiki, there seem to be much better unique bows than unique pistols or blunderbusses. Are there any quantitative values for attack speed for each class of projectile weapon? I know firearms have reload time, but just how much slower is it?
  5. I have no problem using the bow in and out of battle, but the problem is that everytime i use the bow outside the battle and hit someone/something the screen goes black for few seconds which is very annoying . This happens when using DragonShout too but the black screen goes away quicker. I have no idea what causes that and there's not much to change in the options too. Also i have everything: drivers , directx etc. up to date.
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