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Found 3 results

  1. That was a pain, but I made it Here is a fixes for the slight of hand bonus missing for all rogue classes with Berath's blessing bonus skills. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/206 The bonus was applied to insight instead of slight of hand. This fix redirects it to slight of hand. Berath's blessing is only applied at character creation or for npcs when they join you. So one have to start a new game for the correct bonus on the avatar. It is incompatible with anything that modifies Berath's blessing bonus skills. Just extract into the override folder like all the other mods for PoE2. This are the class IDs for anyone, who wishes to change/make abilities for classes. The ForClassID is the main class.
  2. When I choose the "+2 skill" in "Berath's Blessings" playing as a rogue, it gives +2 to all skills except "sleight of hand". I tested a couple of times and it happens in single or multiclass. With rogue or its subclasses.
  3. First of all, I like the Berath's blessing system. I tend to do a lot of playthroughs (PoE, Tyranny and other games) - sometimes just to mess with a character concept rather then playing the full game - and this helps you get a certain idea that is your mind achieveable. As to the erroneous description: If one chooses to use the skill enhancement of Berath's Blessing it states you get "Double the skill points" on the selection screen. However, this is not true as you get a flat +2. This is noticeable if you multiclass and have one skill that gets 1 point (as it was halved), but end up in the end with 3 skill points. This is correctly noted on your character sheet (which says +2 Berath's Blessing).
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