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About Neroyume

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    (2) Evoker
  1. Your character is either not sufficiently LS or DS, or not high enough in level to enter the to tomb. Level up a bit or get your character closer to LS or DS mastery and go back to it later.
  2. Did you follow the suggestion in the pop-up text box embedded in the video and read the summary for an explanation? ------------------------- "If you noticed my whole party is outside and want to know how I did it. I used the Defender's Wrist Console. The reason behind doing it in this video is to torment you."
  3. It's definitely added by a mod. Nothing like you describe happens in a normal game in the PC version.
  4. Bao-dur cannot be cannot be influenced through conversation - only trigger events - the atmospheric processors on Dantooine, the the broken speeder on Nar Shadaa, dealing with Akerre on Dantooine after finding his wrench, etc. The problem with Bao is that if any other party member is present at the time he or she (or it) will receive the influence shift instead, so it has to be just your character and Bao in the party. Mira is the 2nd easiest character to Jedify, with only Disciple being easier. You have to get enough influence with her first. Quite easy, as it can be done solely through conversation. Jedifying her requires that your character has either an INT of 14, WIS of 14 or Awareness of 10. If your character has any of the above stats, during the first conversation with her ask her "Why don't you kill your targets?" You'll get a dialog option with either a WIS, INT or Awareness tag in front of it - it should be similar to this line: "Because all life is connected, and Malachor proved it - you know what the loss of family means, even to your targets." When your character says that line, Mira will become angry and blow off your character. Not to worry. Immediately talk to her again and apologize. Follow this conversation as far as it goes. When that conversation ends, talk to her again, asking her about growing up on Nar Shaddaa, Hanharr and why she doesn't kill her targets. Take her back to the Ebon Hawk and talk to her while on board. Tell her she seems restless and follow out the dialog branches till you can tell her that you can take her to the spot on Nar Shaddaa where Kreia showed your PC the Force, which is near the railing in front of the entrance to the pazaak den and cantina. That spot is the only place that she can be Jedified. Drag her back to that spot and a cut scene will trigger automatically. The dialog choices for your character during this scene are pretty obvious. When it ends you can start leveling her up as a Jedi. You don't even have to leave Nar Shaddaa to turn her into a Jedi, and the conversations with her can be done back to back, without anything happening in between them. Edit: spelling.
  5. I doubt it. A DS character can get Revan's robes in K1, on deck 2 of the Star Forge. They bear very little resemblance to what Revan is wearing in the cut-scenes though. Revan's robes don't exist in K2. The only way to get them is to use a mod that adds them.
  6. As far as I know, once Handmaiden gets pissy about your character's interaction with Visas, that's all she wrote. The Handmaiden, aka Brianna, will forever more be pissed off, and you won't be able to speak to her about anything, nor to turn her into a Jedi. Your best bet is to get as much influence with Handmaiden, as quickly as possible, so that you can avoid the above scenario. When leaving the Telos Plateau, land on Citadel Station instead of going to one of the other planets. You can get in your first post Telos conversation and sparring match with her there (as well as finding out her mother was a Jedi and querying her about it). This will earn your character quite a bit of influence with her. Once your char has garnered enough influence with Handmaiden, it's totally safe to interact with Visas.
  7. That shouldn't make a difference. Kreia can upgrade the <character name> crystal more than one upgrade level at a shot, so missing the odd upgrade won't hurt anything. If you get the <character name> crystal late enough in the game, she can upgrade it to it's maximum stats in a single upgrade, dependent on the level of your character at the time. The final upgrade, the one that gives the crystal it's max stats, would be done when your character is level 33, but you won't normally reach that level without exploiting XP glitches.
  8. Handmaiden will only speak about Atris if your character has a slight amount of influence with her. Once your character gains significant influence with Handmaiden, she will decline to answer questions regarding Atris. That will cause you to miss a very interesting dialog, made much more interesting by having Kreia present when you speak to her.
  9. It could be a problem, as LS chars don't regenrate FP while in the tomb, and the character I used the glitch with was light side. However, I had given her the Drain Force power, and maxed it's level prior to entering the tomb (Master Drain Force IIRC). Alternating between Force Storm and Master Drain Force kept her pretty well supplied with FP.
  10. Hm. You should have gotten nearly enough influence with her merely by sparring with her. Check her alignment meter in relation to your character's. If you have enough influence with her it should be almost the same. That's supposed to happen. She'll only talk about Atris when you have a little influence with her. When you have a lot of influence with her, she clam up re Atris. I've always reserved her level ups till after Jedifying her, and never had any problems. I can't imagine why it would matter. I've always done it after the first time I sparred with her though, and on the ship, so... Hm. Could you have missed a line or two of dialog about Handmaiden's mother when talking to Kreia? Try talking to Kreia again to see if anything crops up.
  11. That depends on how many Hssiss you spawn at a time. Just keep clicking on the corpse and 2 Hssiss will spawn each time you do - even if you haven't killed the first pair off. The one timed I tried the "glitch", I leveled my Exile from level 25 to level 33 in about an an hour. But then, I was spawning 50 to 60 Hssiss at a time.
  12. Yes. Disciple will only join the party of a female Exile.
  13. You can only increase your character's stats by putting points into them at level up. Once you reach the level 50 cap, any XP you get after that pretty much goes to waste. BTW there is a point of diminishing returns with the infinite Hssiss glitch. At some point, the amount of XP you get for killing each Hssiss will drop. It will be a substantial decrease too. That point will vary depending on the order in which you do the planets and you character's level when he or she enters the tomb, but you will reach it.
  14. Your party members will receive XP for all that happens in the tomb, Hssiss glitch included.
  15. I never managed it myself, but FWIW I found that information in the forums here not too awfully long after TSL shipped.
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