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When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
*shrug* who knows.. could possibly generate a random or maybe they'll pull a Kreia and not really show us their faces Could be it pulls data from K1 and K2 saved games as well.. who knows? Either way I'm sure they'd figure a way around the problem. Maybe near the beginning someone will question you about Revan and show you holograms or something and whatever you select is what ends up being correct. In fact that would make perfect sense given the scenario I posted -- Sith forces are pursuing Revan and suspect you to be involved with him, so they capture and during some kind of interrogation you are forced to identify his appearance, etc. -
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Exactly right - the real story takes place between games - in K1 we were establishing the character of Revan after his memory wipe. In K2 we established the character of The Exile after his break from the force and in K3 it makes sense that we will establish a third character who is important to the storyline and (hopefully) will see a conclusion as the three characters come together. -
My take on this is that Bastila is obviously in hiding as she wasn't picked up with the rest of lost Jedi and only ever talks to Carth. She wouldn't have wanted to risk exposing herself for no reason - no reason for her to introduce herself really. Also a question - how do you blackout the text like that for spoilers?
If you play LS and fix the fuel problem with Vogga then Telos ends up alright in the end so really you still only DIRECTLY destroyed 2 planets. Unlike K1 though neither planet technically had anyone living on it and Peragus was an accident which was not the case with either Taris or Dantooine in K1. Also in the case of Malachor the planet was really already destroyed but still in one piece... so REALLLY.. while technically yeah 2 planets technically bought it but there wasn't the same impact in terms of human life.
Hey Tratious I think you seriously need to edit that post because you're into some kind of Star Trekkian timeline mess up.. I mean major major timeline paradox that would make Emmett Brown cringe.
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The more I think about the possible scenarios the more I like the idea of a new PC being someone who really doesn't suspect a thing - kind of like Revan started out in K1 - as far as he knew he was just some joe-schmo soldier who took a nap at a weird time. The thing about Revan is that we know now that he went to find/fight the true Sith on the borders of the galaxy or whatever.. but you know that the fight is going to end up back in Republic space sooner or later, otherwise there would be nothing but a bunch of desolate planets to explore. Not exactly rife with sidequests or extra party members, methinks. So if we move another 5 years into the future for K3 (supposing) and Revan has done what he went to the outer rim to do (possibly with The Exile's help) and now he has to finish what he started with the Republic (for good or evil) - so he uses the force to summon transportation (like putting out a call that a force sensitive would follow unconciously), and the one who receives the call is (for consistancy's sake) the current owner/captain of the Ebon Hawk.. perhaps a smuggler or gun runner or Han Soloesqe character who is used to running blockades and hiding contraband. The character would also possibly be a veteran of the war or someone who was in some way affected by the Sith/Jedi conflict. Revan was specific in the sort of person he wanted but didn't specifically call out anyone in specific, so the person that shows up is our PC. Of course, playing the PC we will have no idea (until later when Revan spills the beans) about the reason why we ended up on the outer rim, but nonetheless we went there and landed on some planet and by seeming happenstance we ran into a mysterious stranger (Revan).. or possibly two mysterious strangers (The Exile too?) who either join the crew as playables or at least as passenger NPCs. Of course Revan knows that whoever picked him up must be force sensitive and perhaps in a moment of foresight ala Kreia he also knows that the person who rescues him from the outer rim is important to his destiny and must be trained in the force. The reason for visiting other worlds would be that Revan has unfinished business and preparations that need doing in order to prepare for the storm unleashed in the outer rim with the "True Sith" prescence perhaps pursuing Revan. A good reason why Revan would be more of a background character at this point would be that he has to hide his prescence for as long as possible to protect the Republic before the True Sith show up. That is also why he originally needs the PC character and crew - while Revan stays in the shadows he is also directing the work that needs to be done while also training your character. Its Kreiaesque in a sense but for a different purpose. Also lets not forget that Revan was trained by Kreia, so some of her ways would undoubtedly be adopted. Later on in story, Revan would come out of hiding and both of his "apprentices" (The Exile, who originally was a Jedi under Revan in the Mandalorian War) and the new PC would either destroy the True Sith (or at least send them running), or they would embrace the True Sith as a means of crushing and ruling the Republic. -
In which case you'd grab some juma juice and talk about how good it feels to slaughter them all and slowly (through a 5 minute conversation) turn him full out Dark Side and install him as a giant force battery in the Ebon Hawk, which you would use to blow up the galaxy. Or uh.. something along those lines.
Aha! This definately does lend creedence to my theory about them being two halves of the same person.. or Nihilus being kind of the essence of Exile's darkside. Also makes a lot of sense of why Nihilus has come after Exile. Nice work! I want to hear those sound files now...
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Where did you get that from, pray tell?? -
Here's the thing about those annoying bugs that you claim killed Revan.. see those bug didn't specifically go after Revan - they were world killing bugs. I mean those bugs crashed the entire galaxy so of course Revan went with it. But that is a moot point because Vader, if in that situation, would have been powerless as well! As for the memory wipe.. well heck - if this all powerful Vader can get beat by Obi-Wan then he could have had his memory wiped no problem - Obi-Wan just never thought about it. And I guess also the fact that Vader ended up in Lava made the possiblity somewhat remote.
And that is also hardly conclusive as Revan never really broke a sweat either. At least I never saw a message "While delivering one heck of an ass-whooping you suddenly break into a sweat". In fact that guy didn't even sweat on Tatooine! Even more amazing is the fact that Revan kicked all that butt without ever eating, drinking or going to the bathroom. I mean that's endurance. And while Revan DID take the occasional power nap (what - about 10-15 seconds during the takeoff and landing cutscenes) but even that was only for the purposes of having special visions of the star maps. The guy was invincible!
Of course he doesn't break a sweat! "He's more machine, now, than man.." Duh.
One thing to note about Vader (this came from an official SW source) is that after his fight with Obi-Wan his ability to use the force was severely reduced. Before that, Anakin had the highest midi-chlorian count of any Jedi or Sith and Sidious was a somewhat close second. After the fight with Obi-Wan, Anakin lost I think both arms and one leg, which cuts down the midi-chlorian count by a lot. This actually placed him I believe as the third most powerful (force-wise), after Sidious and then Luke. Sidious also had some something called a Kyber Crystal which increase his affinity to the force and made him #1 after Anakin fell in the lava. The thing about being the chosen one is that Vader was not necessarily destined to the be the most powerful Jedi of all time, but was destined to balance the force, which he did by killing Sidious in ROTJ.
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well - I guess we'll all have to wait and see - seems we all have our own perspectives on what should happen. I'm sure we'll all be surprised in some way by the reality when it happens. I'm looking forward to it. Having said that however I think it would be good if Bioware had a little more input and made sure that Obsidian actually followed up all of the little hinted at quests that never really happened (i.e. The HK Factory). -
My Theory on Darth Nihilus Identity
Saint replied to AromisTallion's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Another thing that kind of goes along with that theory is that first cutscene with Visas and Nihilus. It wasn't just a random coincidence that she happened upon sensing The Exile - the conversation with Nihilus suggests that he had ordered her to find him - he was seeking out the Exile, for what reason? The Hunger aspect doesn't really fit the criteria as a reason because Nihilus didn't seem to gain much strength just from feeding on one lone Jedi - he went after entire planets to satisfy his hunger. The impression I got was the Nihilus was somehow accutely aware of Exile's existance (which is never really explained) and had used Visas to find him. Visas also says that her master sent her to find Exile - why? If Nihilus simply wanted another Jedi to feed on, why send Visas? I'm not claiming to have the answer to why he sent Visas to begin with, but it seems to me that Nihilus was drawn inexorably to the Exile somehow. -
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Thing is - we don't know exactly how the story is going to be played out in the end. Yes, Revan seems to be the major character, but KOTOR as a game franchise seems to be all about characters who get a second chance and have to choose how they will contribute to the overall story. Revan has to play a significant part in K3 to properly conclude the story, and I would think Exile probably does as well, but for gameplay purposes it would not be the same to play an already established character. It would be pretty cool I think, for the K3 PC to be maybe be a new apprentice of Revan (again you would need to establish the facts about Revan to know where you fit in the story) who would have a lot of interaction with Revan as the story unfolds and ends up playing a huge part, for instance in either keeping Revan on the light side or corrupting him back to the dark side (if Revan starts lightside) or by bringing Revan back to the light or continuing Revans desecent in to the DS (if Revan starts darkside). There's a number of possibilities, but either way it would not be the same kind of experience to actually play a character we already know. Another possibility would be starting as a smuggler or something who ends up with a mysterious and unknown passenger who ends up being Revan - in that case Revan might serve in a similar capacity to Kreia as a sort of mysterious persona who teaches you the way of the force and as part of the story you are transporting Revan from world to world as he does whatever he does and eventually you become a key to the fate of galaxy by Revan's side. I personally think either of those scenarios would be far more interesting than just starting as Revan, etc. You may not want a fresh perspective, but KOTOR seems geared toward creating a fresh perspective - otherwise you don't have the freedom to really develop your character. Its like 3 different chapters in the same story that revolve around 3 different people who ultimately are tied together for good or evil. There's a lot of potential there I think. -
When KOTOR was created, was the TSL story in mind?
Saint replied to Tyrell's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I totally agree with Celeborn on this - the story is really something that exists to feed the gameplay and not the other way around. In both K1 and K2 we get a character to call our own and to develop how we see fit - this character fits in or changes events and characters around him as YOU develop him. I think someone was right (perhaps in another thread) when they said that the KOTOR series IS Revan's story - if it wasn't Revan's story then there would be no need for him to be mentioned in K2 at all - as some have said, this would just be teasing us. Instead, K2 continues (or perhaps more than continuing, it fleshes out the story) from the perspective of the Exile, who was never just some random guy who went searching for Revan. The Exile was one of Revan's Generals and as such his destiny is very much wrapped up in Revan. The point of K2 was not searching for Revan, that just happens to have been what the Exile ends up doing, but the game itself is about the Exile figuring out what he is and also sets him up as an important character in Revan's overall story. I don't think it would make sense to play as Revan or The Exile in K3 because what we've been doing the whole time is seeing Revan's story while playing as different people within that story. K1 we were introduced to Revan and got to play as him because we were introducing Revan's story. K2 we played as one of Revan's fallen Jedi, who obviously has an important part to play in Revan's destiny - but in the spirit or KOTOR, that part of the story isn't going to be seen until the character is established, which is what we've done in K2. In K3 there should be another character whose destiny has also been intertwined around Revan and who has a pivotal part to play in Revan's destiny - what we will see by the end K3 (assuming this is a trilogy, which makes sense) is Revan's destiny come full circle as told by 3 different people. The gameplay elements that make KOTOR fun (i.e. developing the character and choosing his path) will be intact, while also incorporating Revan and the Exile and concluding Revan's story. Or.. perhaps it is isn't really Revan's story either.. it is the KOTOR story, of which all 3 characters play equally important roles that must be in place for the story to end. Revan starts it by becoming Sith Lord, etc.. that results in the Exile's story and as a result of both stories the third character's destiny is formed. When all three are put together, KOTOR is complete. Just because there is a third characters also does not mean that he is going to have to go searching for Revan and the Exile either. Their destinies are involved with each other but there is no reason but that doesn't mean they intentionally look for each other - they are thrust into each other's stories while playing out their own. -
My Theory on Darth Nihilus Identity
Saint replied to AromisTallion's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I personally like the idea that Nihilus is a part of the Exile - as you go through the game there are several places where either Kreia, Visas or the Lost Jedi Masters describe exactly who and what you are and also describe what exactly Nihilus is, and as most people know you are exactly the same kind of being - a wound in the force, albeit the two of them seem to take on a different aspect of that. Where Nihilus sucks the force into himself, The Exile's power makes him a leader and gives him the ability to compel and coerce through the force. There is also the fact that Nihilus and the Exile became what they are at exactly the same time in exactly the same place and as a result of the exact same event. It makes sense to me that The Exile went to Malachor V and did what he did - the implications of that massacre in the force was that The Exile cut himself off from the force to avoid dying as a result of being connected to all those lives, but what it seems to me that he could have been cut off due to his nature being split somehow. Perhaps the "wound" in the force refers to the Exile being split in two, creating two beings that are kind of opposite but the same and would naturally seek each other out. The Exile cut himself off from the force sure enough, but in doing so he had to redirect all of that darkness and hunger into something else - thus Nihilus is created. This would explain a lot of things about Nihilus himself and why he/she (honestly in that outfit he could be either) appears to be so inhuman - because everything he is revolves around his hunger.. in a sense that is all that he is. When Nihilus tries to feed on the Exile he basically kills himself because it is like feeding on himself. The Exile is able to easily defeat Nihilus because he is the whole person, while Nihilus is only a piece of the whole - a piece that the Exile has replaced by reconnecting himself to the force. This would also explain why Visas is able to sense The Exile and latches onto him - she has a bond with Nihilus and thus she also has a bond to The Exile. It could also explain The Exile's bond to Kreia - she was Nihilus' master and was probably bonded to him, which also bonder her to The Exile. Then you also have what someone else said about Visas, how she never really tells you what Nihilus looks like - she saw the Exile's face and decided that she didn't want him to know. Anyway that is my thought on it.