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Everything posted by Saint

  1. Not so much hurt my feelings as made me angry. On top of that it just seemed like a really dumb thing to say on a forum dedicated to someone else's work.
  2. I'm actually surprised nobody replied to this yet.. /FLAME ON?
  3. Holy crap - what's going on in here? Like the man said.. post a comic.. I wasn't asking for an evaluation of the whole dang Questionable Content series.. just that one little comic. There is absolutely no "Girl vs. Boy" anything in that comic. At all. No - although you friendly people ripped him to shreds too. I'll admit that one was not very funny but whatever. No, not security guard. I do Quality Assurance at an AT&T Wireless Call Centre. When you call for help with your cell phone and get the message "Your call may be recorded for quality purposes" there is a chance it'll be me monitoring it. I actually have a friend who is autistic and his rants are nowhere near this well crafted. He mostly picks his nose and shakes his hands a lot. Nice guy though.
  4. Okay so apparently today is personal attack day on the OE forums. Oops I meant to say "Oh you wound me, oh wise and intellectual game player - I can now see clearly the error of my ways and repent of daring to STEAL the secret and original formula and daring to repost this formula for the fun and amusement of the forums. "From this day forward I shall endeavour to ONLY post things that are completely original and have in no way been influenced by the creative ideas of others. "As part of my newfound philosophy I shall have to discontinue the use of this forum, as posting question, theories and in general discussing the creative work of Obsidian in the form of KOTOR 2 is obviously not completely original and must therefore be banned. And speaking of which, Obsidian must also be banned for stealing the intellectual property of Star Wars from LucasArts, which must be banned for adapting said Intellectual property from George Lucas.. who must also be banned for stealing Science Fiction and Fantasy from.. someone. Adieu!" There, you've broken my spirit and I hope you're happy. Now shut up and go be unloved and overly critical somewhere else.
  5. Okay you people are frickin brutal. It was funny and you all know it was funny but you're just too obsessed with video games as high art to be anything less than morbidly serious about YOUR GAME. While I can definately respect the differing opinions of people around here - crap like this is just mean-spirited and lame. In answer to your question, I'm 25, married and work in a position of authority. I don't need to get out more, though based on your apparent lack of social graces I can tell you either need to get out more or you need to get out in more mixed company (i.e. not by yourself all the time because nobody likes you). In response to other people's questions about why I found the cartoon funny I guess I can only reply that my sense of humour must not be as evolved as yours. And I also thought the tiny little robot spouting HK-47 type dialogue was pretty funny too.
  6. I was just checking an online comic and came across this .. totally random but I found it hilarious. http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=24
  8. I'd like to know what Chris Avellone's Jedi Name is...
  9. I ran into this problem myself after killing all of the exchange guards and everything. What I found is that I was using the speeder to get around and in order to set off the script that enable the wife to leave you have to actually go to the exit and it will say "The exit is now clear for so-and-so to leave".
  10. That's a pretty good name..
  11. Wow! You summed up my feeling about certain people's inability to find out what the thread is about before posting.. to a tee Such passionate resolve! You're like some kind of forum Jedi who seeks out and annihilates the dark side of the posting force. Bravo, sir! And by the way, I thikn your name - especially "Vasper" sounds awesome.
  12. My apologies master Dane..Danes that is.. I thought one of you had mentioned that you were from Sweden which is why I assumed you were. I'm sure you are quite proud of your heritage. So Danish.. that's from Norway right? Oh BTW I am from Canada!
  13. Holy Swedes, Batman! Not only are they derailing the thread but they're doing it in Swedish! YAAAGGGHHH!!!
  14. Hey Sylver and Bodrock - GET WITH THE FRIGGIN PROGRAM AND READ THE ORIGINAL POST!! LOL.. I had no idea when I started this thread how many people just skip to the end and add their 2 credits without even knowing what the thread is about
  15. It may sound retarded but it also sounds Star Waresque. I mean come on.. Obi-Wan Kenobi? Ki-Adi-Mundi? Plo Koon? All retarded and yet classic Jedi names.
  16. Well that's the weirdest Jedi name I've ever heard. It looks like some kind of Scandinavian dialect..
  17. All good.. man there are some interesting names coming out of this.
  18. Star Control 2 was awesome.. actually Star Control 3 was pretty good too but SC 2 was definately a classic. I also loved the original Privateer a heck of a lot, although Privateer 2 was .. different. Freelancer on the other hand was a friggin amazing game. I really wish they had made more storyline once the main story is over but I found enough to do while searching for all of the level 10 weapons on derelict ships and then becoming buddies with the largest crime syndicate in the colonies by killing off their rival gang - which also increased my influence with all the local police and militaries. Of course this was necessary to buy the best ship in the game.. which unfortunately was not the coolest LOOKING ship ever, but kicked some bad buttocks regardless.
  19. Did you use the formula (posted in the ORIGINAL POST for those of you that are still posting their made up names in here)for that? Feanor would be an awfully coincidental name to get from that
  20. I don't think GO-TO is supposed to be in the pilot's area.. in my games (XBox) he is always in the main hold area near Mira.
  21. All kinds of cool Jedi names coming up here. Let's see what my wife's Jedi Name would be.. (using her maiden name) Flene-El Brilis Well that could use some work. My mom would be Jo-Strivi Bripa Hmm.. As strange as they are.. I think they'd work. Better than Jek Porkins.
  22. Well I'm glad some of you actually read the original post. STOP POSTING YOUR MADE UP NAMES! READ THE FIRST POST AND USE THE DANG FORMULA!! Then you can post your made up or randomly generated names.
  23. There's something very wrong here - you started out using Yoda's twisted sentence structure and now you've become some kind of a crazy Scottish Cricket Player. Either that or you are invoking the movie version of Gimli the Dwarf.
  24. As weird as some of these names are, you have to admit they are undeniably Star Wars names. Not necessarily Human mind you. Warpa has a definate Huttesque ring to it. I picture Waau Ra Tarea as Zabrak..
  25. You may want to add the middle name thing to the first name..Last name is pretty good though.
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