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Everything posted by JerekKruger

  1. Yeah, it's a weird one that doesn't make much sense to me beyond game balance reasons. I would have preferred hatchets to share the battle axe's bonus to critical damage, and for swords to have the bonus to deflection (although they might have to make swords slash only to balance this). Other weapons I would see changed are spears gaining reach instead of accuracy and some change to clubs (perhaps higher interrupt).
  2. I hope they won't introduce a human female cipher in White March II. Not only do we already have one in Grieving Mother, but four of the ten companions are human. If we are going to get another Cipher, which I doubt, I'd like to see a female wild Orlan. As one of the two more original races in Pillars it'd be nice to see more of them and also since Hiravias is my least favourite companion it'd be nice to have a second Orlan option. They could even be a Glanfathan Brîshalgwin, though I'm not sure if Glanfathan Orlans are hearth or wild. That said, my guess is the only new character will be a Barbarian and a female Coastal Aumaua seems a likely option (especially given the portrait). Having a Barbarian companion will certainly be cool though, although I share the concerns about them being available only very late in the game.
  3. One idea would be to revise the current weapon focus groups to have some overlap. It seems to me that soldiers, adventurers and knights would all be trained to use swords, not just knights, for example. I'm not sure how I'd assign the weapons off the top of my head, but this might make the choice of weapon focus a little less of a no-brainer. The weapon focus groups are a strange set of talents. On the one hand I like that they give more flexibility than choosing a single weapon to focus on, but on the other I dislike how sometimes the two weapons I actually want to use are in different groups.
  4. Yeah, as long as there are several "non-armour" armours in the game I'm happy with the rag-like underwear. It's actually nicer than having a default unarmoured look, since I get to pick what that look actually is.
  5. I'd love to see pencil style drawings for items, but it's not the end of the world if they aren't any (fingers crossed for future Pillars of Eternity games). What I do really want to see genuinely unique and memorable magic items. Baldur's Gate 2 did this well but in NWN2 you could craft as good, or better, items as you could find, and that's a shame to my mind.
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