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About darkrlm

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Isn't the rifle on the droid planet on the xbox
  2. In the nar shaddaa docks are you meant to be able to get past the two closed doors because the game shows something beyond them on the map. I mean the door in the corner near vogga's and the one next to all the apartment things.
  3. Another big thing would be editing areas and not just changing textures
  4. the cargo hold one was found by revan the other one is in visas' room
  5. zonama sekot I would settle for the planets form the first two with more detail and places and a few new ones and isn't grand admiral thrawn a chiss other planets csilla corellia ruins of taris klatooine(to complete the set of -ooine planets) bakura maybe go and see the yevetha or ssi-ruuk
  6. someone on holowan said that you could open the save on the pc version, and was the sealed module door on telos actually meant to lead to anything.
  7. I only got to 22 with no prestige class,
  8. I see now, and I thought that it was vader-palpatine
  9. If you're asking me, no Because you have bane and whoever then you have malak and revan, then treya, sion and nihilus then you have sidious and maul and so on so unless they changed the convention twice no
  10. you could have a look at the zabraks in jedi academy too, they all have tattoos
  11. If thres only two dark lords how does that explain sion, nihilus and treya all at once. AND Revan if he went dark.
  12. In the other stories carida, alderaan, coruscant(to a lesser extent) and sernpidal are all destroyed. And helska 4 is, but thats just a ball of ice. So its only 8/9 over about 4000 years
  13. I had the same problem at first , I ended up using kreia and handmaiden, force heal helped lots. EDIT: Do you play male or female.
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