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Posts posted by -Jinrai-

  1. You wanna have some backed up opinions that sentinel might be better then guardian(was in doubt myself) /about the lvl cap? I asked the guys that have the game, and answers can be found in the xbox forum in the topic "Sentinel still useless?" has some answers for both the classes AND the lvl cap.


    And don't worry about spoilers or anything, I banned that (tried atleast) and it was clean last time I checked.

  2. Okay thought so...



    What about this:

    Does the fact that there isn't a lvl cap mean that you can have almost whatever lvl? So you could have like 300 points in attributes and practically infinite vita and force? I guess the good side is that you can put some points to e.g. INT, cause you can get more anyways? Or is there a max for attribute points available?


  3. Of course, running around with level 50 character is stupid in of itself.


    So 50 is possible?! That requires some work, doesn't it? I mean when K1 was limited to 20 and you still were the king of the battlefield by the end of the game, doesn't sth like 50 ruin this?


    Does the fact that there isn't a lvl cap mean that you can have almost whatever lvl? So you could have like 600 points in attributes and practically infinite vita and force? I guess the good side is that you can put some points to e.g. INT, cause you can get more anyways? Or is there a max for attribute points available?


    I mean 50 isn't what you would normally be in the end of the game right?

  4. There are some good points you're making here.


    Yes I hear the skills are actually of some use in the sequel, which basically wasn't true in K1. Which is clearly an improvement. And you actually have to be without your stick of light for over 10 hours? Sheesh! But I guess it must feel really good once you get it. Hope there's no sabers before that on any of other characters. (Bastila getting hers on taris in K1 really took some glory off your own fellas first sabre). It's a shame you don't get it earlier I really liked force jump.


    It seems you've given me sth to think about here. Maybe i should pick sentinel first... that really gives me the option to go anywhere when the prestige classes are chosen... Sith lord/jedi master sounds cool, though marauder/WM seems to be a bit more effective with sentinel as first class. Definetely not going assassin or watchman, it just ain't me.


    Dunno hav to dig up some more.


    Oh, and how important is that item creation, that you've talked about? I hear you can make some powerful gear yourself now? And whatabout T3-M4, he is a superb in repair and comm skills, can't he do it for you?


    And finally how big is that spoiler in the guides page 16? I heard there's sth there that I might not wan't to know about and so I skipped that page. Is it safe?


    LOL, i feel like a total noob here. Thx for your patience. :)

  5. The only thing that made the Soldier and Guardian unique in terms of attack potenital in K1 was a 0-20 Base Attack Bonus.  The Sentinel, had a 0-15 BaB. 


    In K2, all Jedi classes gain 1 BaB every level, so that advantage is now nullified.  Also, the Sentinel posseses far superior saving throws than the Consular.  And whilst Consulars gave you more force powers & force poinits in K1,  come the end of K2 you'll have 500+ force points and more force powers than you know what to do with, so Consulars aren't really necessary.


    K2 Saving Throws


    K2 Feat Gain


    OK. Nice links. Copied those, thx.


    So according to these the sentinel and guardian get the same saving throws, and for feats guardian gets 11 and sentinel 10 by the lvl20. Seems it's been balanced, good thing I suppose. BaB sth also interesting. All this makes the choice a little harder, hav'to admit, but I'm still not sure how sentinel is actually BETTER.

  6. Okay, you think it's good. BUT could some1 give me some solid facts? I know the basic stuff (amount of points and feats you get). I mean feat is allways good, damage/strenght bonuses are given to guardians(atleast in the first Kotor) not to mention vitality. And I would allways take force jump and some sheer power over a couple of skillpoints and some immunities, since poison and stuff are so easilly cured.


    Now, I know there's new stuff in this sequel that change things, so could you guys tell me if there is any improvements to the character balance (more thorougly)?

    And how does the fact that there (in theory) isn't a level cap affect the character evolution?


    I checked the jeditraining guide available from kotor2.com, but that is filled with basic stuff that I allready know from the 1st game (Except for the prestige classes). Almost worthless I say. According to the guide sentinels get nothing good.


    Not trying to judge book by it's cover but I still don't see any good reason for pickin' this piece of you know what.


    So when I make a character I try not to make a mediocre, good at nothing guy, but instead go for the fullest in the certain traits.

  7. I'm planning my 1st character for KOTOR2 and I was just wondering: Is there a good reason to pick a Sentinel, this time? Atleast in 1st KOTOR a couple of skillpoints and some immunities wasn't even close to compensating the bonuses the guardian and the consular get? And no I'm not going to play it with stealth, so that isn't a good reason.


    And those who have time to answer, please don't spoil anything, since I haven't yet played the game. Meaning: no "if you combine this with this armor wich you get after beating this plot critical character you get this and this, which makes up for this that you don't have"-phrases, please.



  8. LOL, credit?????


    Maybe a psych test would be more fitting.


    Im a old school DIE HARD Power gamer from MMORPGs so the long sessions not that hard!


    Cant count the number of days I would play UO/EQ/DAoC for like 10 hours, get 2 hours sleep, go work for for 8-10 hours, and repeat process! LOL


    Okay, so the reason you're alive is to play RPGs, I get it. But i'm still saying not everyone can do it. I guess you're one of those um... what did the japanese call them? oh yes, hikikomori (not too sure it's the right term though, not being Japanese an all). You know those ol' boys not leaving their houses, but for one purpose: to able to stay home for all the "free" time they have. Nah, just teasing you, I'm sure you have life beyond MMORPGS, UOs EQs and so on... :lol:


    Wow these forums are better than I thought: besides talking about games, you can also find answers to the structural questions of human mind: why does anything exist?- well to play RPGs of course! I'm sure god is also a kotor fan.


    Okay, this is just a bit off topic, eh? Let's just agree that Kotors are good and RPGs are fun to play, if sometimes some1 somewhere plays a bit too much from someones point of view... :wacko:

  9. Yep, that's my KOTOR. I think you can still find new stuff even from the first if you looked hard enough. Replay value? Yes, definetely, but I'm not sure if REplay as a word describes it too good, since it's almost a different game 2nd time (atleast in the 1st kotor it was and that seems to be the case this time around too :) ).


    And I really have to give ya some credit for "power session of 40 hours " isn't something everybody can do. You realise it's almost 2 days? And you still managed to keep yourself awake during those less interesting quests (sth like fetch and bring it back through an area you've been through 7 times, and don't tell me there aren't any because there allways is.) and played pazaak, had lot's of conversations and so on...? Now that's quite an achievement. I myself am thinking of sleeping maybe a few hours, you know gather some lost energy an exitement and all... Still, completing a rpg in one single long run is fun I have to admit (done it). Well done Kalfear, well done.


    Maybe I should complete it really quick too, considering my matriculation examination is due a month from the release... nah, why worry about your future, when you can play KOTOR2?! Having some issues with this, since I've never been good in controlling my... well almost an addiction for good games. Can't really stop until I've had enough once I get to it. Maybe I should see a shrink? Nah, it's time to grow up, Im not buying kotor2 afterall... :p" Yeah, right.



    Counting the days... it's bout 19... whoa, time's really flying, doesn't seem that long nomore... Soon i'll be able to debate on all the whatsifs and howtodothisses around here... :)

  10. Darkside friendly, yaaa :) I think thats fair.


    But to be totally honest, I have played through 8 times now and played LS male/female and DS male/female and the game seems to flow the smoothest as a LS male character.


    Thats just my opinion tho, might just be my preference for playing a goodie shinning through :)


    8 times and it's been out for what? a month?... ookay. I guess it's good then. :)


    And it's probably just your do-gooder(good-doer) attitude. :p

    But I guess harmony is always smooth compared to chaos, eh?


    A month! A whole month! left to wait... :)

  11. Yes I am also "waiting" for KOTOR2 to be released in Australia. I don't see the reason for the delay, I mean why do the Yanks get DVD's AND games earlier than we do. I just don't see the point in making us wait.


    I've had a fit about this topic so many times and I can't seem to get any good evidence telling mew why, oh why we get games and DVD's so late after the "REST OF THE WORLD."


    I know how you feel, it seems pretty dumb, surely they could publish the same version everywhere. Usually when you ask about the reasons for this kind of delay, they just give you the "we have to translate the manuals, change the zone codes(or whtvr their called) and make more copies"-explanation. I don't really buy those reasons since they could do it in time, but i guess it can't be helped, usa is the most important marketing zone.


    If you remember xbox was originally designed so that the "zone codes" wouldn't be needed, but that really didn't take off because of publishers like ea who make their crappy games for every console and gizmo out there= greedy i say.


    Maybe the DEVS of Kotor2 who obviosly uphold this forum could give us an answer, but i doubt it would be any better.


    Well, i guess we just have to wait.

  12. Have no fear Jinrai,


    The game is awsome and well worth the wait.



    Thx for those well backed up opinions I can really see why you think it's better, or different like you put it. And I don't really worry about the ending, since it surely can't be as bad as FABLEs! or the cliffhanger ending of HALO2 (understandable for halo3, though).


    I understand it's a bit more darkside "friendly" this time too, so you don't have to play good just to get more out of your party? (Juhani case, lot's of conversation options)


    I think you've only made my wait worse, but i guess it's worth the effort. :)

    Thx again Kalfear.


    So anyone planned their characters in advance?

  13. Yes, indeed. Allthough reading all those reviews and news and stuff make the wait seem really long. Also there is the danger of investigating too much, since you obviously don't want to ruin you're gaming experience. Allthough most reviews try to reveal very little, you still pick up a few things here and there and suddenly something starts to come together. No matter how much you try to dodge and avoid spoilers, something allways gets through. Which is why i've stopped reading the articles, a decision which is quite hard to keep. Maybe I should dump the PC and xbox until 11 feb.


    Character design is one of the things you can check out though, I did it the first time and that only improved my game with KOTOR 1. Having a clear picture of what you want to be helps. So this time i think i'm gonna start darkside, guardian-marauder sounds really a kick-ass combination and for the second round i think i'm gonna pick lightside consular-jedi master since a lightside force user is usually considered a bit more challenging to master than it's dark counterpart.

    Anyone else with plans about their character?


    So its less than four weeks now. No point counting it more accurately... yet. Days, minutes and seconds can wait.

  14. So the americans already got theirs, but we in europe hav'to wait for another month or so... I myself am a big fan of the original, having completed it 6 times, so i'm getting quite excited about this sequel. Actually i'm quite suprised that obsidian was this fast in providing us with a sequel and, according to the many reviews, a good one too. NICE JOB! that's all I can say.


    Now, I wonder if there is anyone else who might be waitin' for this game? Atleast back at the bioware forums we had plenty, around the time of the release of the 1st KOTOR. So is there any veterans who share this agony of not having the game.


    And for those who already have the game: Is it good, or even better than the original?




    11 february=not fair!!! >_<


    thx for possible replys.

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