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Posts posted by -Jinrai-

  1. I don't agree with you here. Based from my experience from KotOR, I had a lot of fun the first time just scavenging every container and corpse just to see what was inside and what cool item I'd get. Now this random gen. really gives this nice feeling back once your playing your later playthroughs. It's gonna be like: "Yes! i got the xxxxxx, wohoo!!!!"


    What can I say- I'm a equipment junkie. :p


    Edit(addition):And don't you just dare come and counter this with something like "but then you might end up without anything" or "dont have no DS robes, my character does still look like a LS goon", I don't care if I don't get all the good stuff, I'm gonna play it so many times anyway. And if you don't like your clothes you can allways go commando.

  2. I do however think that, in the interests of appeasing as many people as possible, there should have been a few more set item drops earlier in the game.  Dark-side characters are screwed if the random generator doesn't favor them early in the game, whereas regular Jedi robes are a lot easier to come by (ironically, they're even easier to come by as a DS character as you're guarenteed to find them on certain characters).


    You're closing on my definement of spoiler... careful now. (Check the first post.)

  3. If you don't know the answer to a question, why do you even bother to try?


    Listen, swede, ever heard about helpfulness? Now I did see from his number of posts sent, that he probably is new here. So I just though he might not have thought of forum search. Is suggesting such things so bad?


    And JEEDAI if you want to know more bout the classes, check out the guide available at kotor2.com, it's pretty basic but still nice to read. Oh and watch out for page 16/48, big spoiler I hear, just wanted to give you heads up in case you decide to get the guide.

  4. It seems that the xbox and pc forums have disappeared and most of the stuff got dumped in the general discussion forum. Now is this temporary, or will the old forums come back? ( I think keeping the versions appart was better, helps to keep certain things clear)


    Now, if there is allready a topic about this I apologize, this can be deleted then.

  5. Lol to both of you.


    Well atleast you Britons have sth to show of your ancient might. Still the one country in Europe we finns have some respect towards (very little though :) ), unlike the French, who think their big, but in truth all they have is their stupid language. One thing though: football is inferior to ice hockey, why do you bother?




    I won't go all the way telling why I prefer Xbox, I'm just saying that i've been on the other side of the fence too and found this side a lot more comfortable. (read: the couch, games instantly playable)

  6. How about if I wanted to make a sith lord/JM? Consular or Sentinel for start?

    Sentinel does get a bit of everything, that's good, but since the BaBs been leveled, there is no real reason why a consular wouldn't be able to fight in melee? More fp, powers and saves r ok. The only drawback is the low amount of feats and few skills.


    Any backed up opinions?

  7. Yep still waiting for my XBOX version. If you PCers didn't know the rest of the worlds xboxers outcluding america is still waiting.


    The RD is confirmed 11 feb for both PC and XBOX uk K2 launch, yes we in Finland get uk versions, which IMO is good. (We don need no translated manuals, unlike the germans and french)


    Now of course i'll be getting the better version... :-

  8. I think random item generator sounds like a good idea, since it gives some significanse to the new workstation. I mean surely it's better not knowing what items you get everytime you play the game (not counting first) and if you really need sth you can make it, right? I mean this adds to the replay value, maybe not the biggest thing, but still.


    Now of course I have yet to play the game, so what I state here is purely based on other peoples writings. So forgive the noob for being so arrogant. :-


    BTW it seems you're (Epiphany) messages are almost allways a bit negative? Now don't get all pissed and angry but that is quite true isn't it?

  9. Well... level 20 or 50? It depends, so let us get rational.


    With so many levels to gain as 50, and I talk out of knowledge of some TSL structures, we could get several options to consider.


    More feats and powers. With more feats and force powers, combat would really get more diverse and fun, and they could have higher level requirements for perfectionists around. Are there enough feat and power adds for this? So we would have always something to raise up in 49-50. :devil:


    Leveled creatures. I think this would be great, which meant no "easy cakewalk" in whatever level you are. Creatures stats could be calculated to match your character in some way. Or AI instead. Or just in special areas. Something. :x


    It's all in proportion. :x


    By the way, why level limit? Because level raise is xp-exponential, I think that evolving chars could only be done 1-50, and up there you would only gain level just as rank and not godlike Hp and Fp, which would only give and idea of playtime with a char.


    Thats all folks!


    Lvl 50 isn't what you would get in the game by "legal" means, you should end up in around 25-30 once the game ends.


    The creatures are made to match your level, so no cakewalk.


    That's all i know, ask someone wise and old if you wan't more...

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