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Posts posted by -Jinrai-

  1. Lot of time? naa, not really. -_-


    Im just saying the goodie endings are SO predictable, for change I wouldn't wan't to know how it ends before the actual end.

    Which will not be the case with this one, since we all know what's gonna happen.


    Back on topic?


    Here goes:

    1.Sentinel/ Marauder cos you get those feats.... and you're just the meanest son of a biatch.


    2. Consular/jedi master (the booring do-gooder)

  2. You're all wussies, what's the point if you know "oh hes the main dude he can't die"

    -films? Or "hes the good guy and he loves this, so he will win the final conflict in desperation to protect his loved one"


    I personally think turning Anakin to DS might be some nice entertainment, don't you wanna see that ol' masters cry:"NO, ANAKIN YOU CAN'T! *lightsaber swoosh*.......OH YOU BACKSTABBING PRICK, NOW I'LL SPANK YOU WITH MY REMAINING HAND (the sw favorite cutting off hands), NO master I only did it because I'm darkside now! Mummyyyyyy *cough* Sidious *cough*!!!!


    Oh god I hope they've changed the actor for Anakin that old one S*CKED big time! Ah I guess not, a fools hope.

  3. But he gets killed in ep3. by anakins hand even i think. How bad is that?


    I think the Darkside version of the Weapons master gets a feat that increases damage done by a certain amount per hit.


    also, i don't plan to watch Episode 3, its too much upsetness.


    Yeah it's the melee damage feat. Marauder is the name, by the way.


    And why wouldn't you watch ep.3, it actually might have some good stuff for a change? The goodies don't have to allways win you know, that's gettin boring.

  4. I hate to break it to you but since they're releasing the both versions at the same time, it's likely that they're as buggy as the other. You PCers probably get those patches though.


    HOWEVER, the first KotOR xbox version was supposed to be oh-so-bugged, but I myself after completing the game like 6 times(and numerous unfinished test plays) have encountered 2 bugs and only one that was any trouble at all, infact the other was kinda funny, though I'm not sure it's bug at all (multiple Zaalbaars, anyone?).


    And HONESTLY, do you think they would release a game that is unplayable?

    You've been too hasty with your conclusions, from what I've heard most people encounter minimal bugs, if none. Those game stoppers are supposed to be rare, almost non-existent.


    A game of this kind of free roaming is bound to have some bugs in it. There's too much stuff to clean up over this sort of short development time.

    Would you rather wait 6 months, while they clean some of those barely harmful bugs, instead of getting the game now?

  5. and jinrai most reviews are untrustworthy...even if the reviewers think its a crap game but is thought to be great by ignorant gamers then they will say its a wonderful game....take halo for example..it sucked bad but everyone says its great and once everyone says its great other stupid people will go an waste their money on it and not wanting to look stupid they say its great.


    Your example is BAD. IF you're talking about the FIRST Halo, you are terribly on the wrong tracks. The original was a great game, I've finished it so many times that I lost count a couple of years ago. It is the best console FPS to date and will continue to be one, it seems. Unless you're talking about the SEQUEL, then you are right, the sequel is overly hyped, overrated game. Doesn't come close to the full marks that it's been given in many places.


    Still, I'd say that the rewiews in overall are fairly objective, you just need to know which to read. Of course some official xbox mag will overrate the games, because they're told to, allthough they clame this isn't true.

  6. Dont forget Dooku


    Right forgot him. Well that ain't really hard hes a consular/sith lordish (lightning dude) Nobody want's to be him, so that rules out sith lord... NOT! We still have Sidious, the best backstabber in the sw history. Whew.


    Sith lord is a cool name, like is Jedi master. However it seems to me that marauder or Weapon master would be optimal for this game.

  7. In finland(my place) we are supposed to see it in stores in 11 february 2005 (Christian calendar) :thumbsup:


    And by checking out my Kotor1 box there is clearly stated that the same version was sold in the UK too, so It must be the same with K2.

    it's only ten days.

  8. It's Just TEN days left!!






    Copy-paste,Copy-paste,Copy-paste,Copy-paste,Copy-paste,Copy-paste,Copy-paste. and so on.

  9. I usually avoid fights and if I cant, I set the script so that my PC is Jedi/Droid support, Juhani is Default Attack and either Bastila or Canderous is incharge of the finishing attack role.


    Mandalorian1: Is that bush supposed to shoot force lightning allover the place? It tickles!

    Mandalorian2: oh that? well it's just that mighty jedi Revan hiding in that bush, you know, the one that beat us in the war and killed our mighty leader and all.



    Sorry, couldn't resist. :thumbsup:

  10. Hail Mace Windu! Weapon Master all the way.


    You sure he's WM? Okay he is good with the saber but still.

    Yoda is a definite Jedi master and Obi-wan is a sentinel/watchman IMO.

    Anakin's a straightforward marauder and Sidious/Palpatine is a sith lord(obviosly)

    Gui-gon must have been consular/no prestige earned (he sucked), the consular based on his negotiating "skills" in ep.1

    Also maul is a marauder, who else is out there?


    Okay not really the topic this was intented, but this is still a bit related.

    I mean who would wan't to be a Gui-gon or Obi-wan? So no quitting and no watchman, lame guys those.

  11. Now this has probably been done before, I just thought that It would be a nice topic now that the releases of Xbox and PC versions on several countries is getting closer.


    So which prestige class would you pick and why?

    OR for those who have the game: Which class have you had most fun playing and why? NO SPOILERS, please.


    Check this on out if you don't yet know:

    (watch out for spoilers, though. Page 16 in particular, heard it has something biggish)


  12. The "sentinel still useless" topic got locked because of that stupid argument which I truly regret. I will NOT continue it in any way here. The lockdown wasn't nessessary the feud is over.


    The sentinel seemed to be a popular topic so I made another so we can continue it.

    So if anyone has anything to say just post it here. If not this shall be gone.


    Let's just get back to why to pick sentinel.

  13. "Argument over item finder"???? Sure, let's just say it was that at the end.


    Nice sentinel, really good class, maybe I could get some nice robes to match my alignment? Oh, that's right, the generator is randomized, well I guess I can forget that Fashion weekly front page picture!


    Sry, let's just talk about the sentinel.

  14. What? No more arguments? That all you can do?Hey maybe I'll promote myself to "Jinrai the Epiphany beater" how much was that joining fee for your fan club?


    And I also would like to apologize for anyone who is United States of America citizen (exept our dearly beloved Epiphany), I'm not usually this attackive and I might have crossed the line here. Sry all (Exept epiphany).


    And please let's stop this pointless bickering, I don't wan't this topic closed.

    Sry mods, couldn't help it.

  15. [

    You complain about my negativity, yet you have never played the game, so your first hand knowledge is completely void.  You don't see me telling over optimistic borderline fanboy's that they're being too positive do you?  Are you trying to represent the minority of people that think the random item generator is amazing, are you going to be one of "those" kind of people?  Even the true fans of this game (people that accept it the faults it has, not those that think it's perfect), acknowledge the broken random item generation.  I'm glad you plan on playing it dozens and dozens of times though, I truely hope you can muster the energy required, and that you don't run across any bugs that completely turn your view of the game around 180 degrees.


    Wow Epip you really are a though argumentator, have you honestly thought about the politician career??? Maybe you could run through some good ideas like: why bother giving social security to old people, cause they're gonna die soon anyway? (Although, you Yanks have a crappy welfare system allready, so why not. Hey I've got a good idea:let's go kill Iraqis, that money is better spent there anyways) -what? It's rational thinking, isn't it?


    Why don't you just let the total noob fanboy be in his foolish delusions, instead of trying to provoke everyone in to a fight with you?! Plz?

    Credits to you: A finn is not easily "warmed up", since we live in this remote frozen place that is far from the wonderful country that you guys inhabit!

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