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Everything posted by Sofaking

  1. *Removes plastic covering and dusts off the old mothballs* Hey guys! *Insert my classic witty catchphrase we all remember fondly*
  2. Do the local school children dare eachother to go inside?
  3. This isn't exactly a random generation but once, my group decided to make characters for eachother, with the person they were playing no knowing or having any input. It was great because it ended up with us all playing characters we would never dream of. I think I ended up a halfling paladin or something. It was great fun.
  4. You can only "Take 10/20" on checks that don't have a penalty for failure. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here comes: 'define failure' and 'penalty' <{POST_SNAPBACK}> *Half-Orc male talking to Elf female* Hey baby wanna see the green eyed cyclops. Failure. *Elf female casts poweword kill* Penalty.
  5. Hmm. A post-apocalyptical Survival/RPG? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah sounds great! I can envison in my mind some guy in a tattered dress shirt and slacks hiding behind a burning car as some sort of mutant dog wanders by. As the game progresses the main character can start to turn into something of a badass as he fights for his survival. First weapon, stapler.
  6. White Wolf used to do it in the old WoD and iirc still do in Exalted. New WoD rules no longer have appearance as a trait, although there is a merit called Striking Looks, so physical appearance is not included in any of the traits. There are other systems that do as well, but that's the one I know best. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So, were there any bonuses to having an ugly character?
  7. The () were there to show it was just a joke... I agree with you, that
  8. What kind of ads are they talking about anyway? Are there going to be commercials in my video games now?
  9. ...better than been a whipped "Yes Man"...I dunna like sphincter-peanuts on my nose... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... I'm sure Missy keeps her butt very clean and free but nuts.
  10. Sargy just likes to bitch sometimes.
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