Random Twit
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Gah. That must be a bug, then, because it certainly seems like it you should only get it after he joins. For the longest time I was wondering why D.Simpson even had the option in his FAQ if the opposite were true: Sooo, you can get it before he joins, but not after... bleah. Guess I glossed over the option. Regardless, thanks for the info.
Wah? You can't turn him into a Jedi without enough influence (or loss. Yes, you can make someone a Jedi if you lose enough, they just won't share your alignment)... Unless you mean the "What's your problem with the Jedi?" one? I've never been able to get that bloody thing to trigger. Ever. ><
Sith Lords Go to War
Random Twit replied to Darth Veramamee's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Revan is supposed be bright--you'd have to be pretty dim to not just let them all go at eachother and do the work for you. She'd take the opportunity, I think, and more so if she were leaning towards the DS. If she were more light, well... that tends to create a considerable loss in mental agility, doesn't it? Those good guys usually do dumb things... then again, this is Revan, so maybe she'd break the trend. Anyway: That doofus Nihilus would be the first one down due to sheer stupidity; Sion's will would be broken because he'd realize his life was one big waste of space (I like him actually, but really...) and he'd commit suicide; Palpatine would die at Vaders hands (how could it never occur to him that perhaps, just maybe, despite falling so far, that maternal instinct might kick in and Vader would send him plummeting to his doom?); Vader, as we all know, would die. Or not. 'Cause, you know, Luke wouldn't be present. I don't see a problem though; Vader may be the "big daddy", but all things considered, he's just not on the same level as Revan--power over the Force or otherwise. Finally... I don't think the Exile can even control his power; he's a cypher, yes, so it tends to just "happen", but Revan's will is virtually unshakeable from what we know (the wound tends to exert itself over the weaker willed, eh? Revan was never even comsumed by the dark side, she merely used it to achieve her goals), and she simply wouldn't allow such a thing to take place--she's too sly for that. And hell, if Revan could be beaten, I don't think she'd run off to go fight some ancient evil; it'd be over before it began. It's already kinda been infered though that if Revan can't do it, noone can. Thus Revan=Ze Winnar. But this is a silly discussion because the only official characters are Palp, Ty, Maul and Vader, so the others would magically poof out of existence due to the magic of canon. Vader would kill the ones remaining. Though, since they're all imaginary anyway....*rambles* -
is there a On line walk through?
Random Twit replied to DarKOnE!'s topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Riiiight here. Yet another excellent guide by D. Simpson, as always. EDIT: Once again I'm too slow. -
Oh, TSL definately handled romance better, but my only problem is there wasn't enough, and that's why I was a bit dissapointed. I should have typed that up properly, my fault. Anyway, the first game had too little, and I was hoping for more the second time around. What can I say? I really am a dialouge wh*re--I love the stuff, and I was practically giddly with glee to see that there was so much more of it in TSL, romance and otherwise. And about what I meant with the physical thing: that's basically what the main romance track was full of, from what I saw. Not entirely, but mostly(well, you know, talking about attraction in the physical sense), which is why I enjoyed the bit with facing Bastila at the star forge far more. No mention of attraction or such, just love for one another. I don't really mind bits of attraction thrown into a story if it's amusing. Sounds odd, I know. I'm kinda of picky. I feel there was something emotional between Bastila and Revan, too (male and female), but not in a romantic sense. It goes much, much deeper than simply describing it as a force bond or whatever. I'll stop now though because I lost my train of though and no longer know what I'm talking about. D'oh. [EDITED]
Bleah. Playing the Bastila/Revan romance through to the end kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. Wooo, smooch smooch=romance! No, I'm sorry, I just prefer emotional rather than physical relationships(usually. the other stuff has it's place...). I would have prefered a heart felt talk between the two rather than a "Passion, blah blah blah, let's kiss!" thing. For the most part, all the dialogues between you and Bastila focused more on the physical aspect far too much. I actually felt the confrontation at the starforge involving a male Revan and Bastila was better than the actual "romance" portion. As for Carth+Revan... there could have been more to that as well. TSL was also a bit of a dissapointment in this regard, especially for a female Exile (I haven't finished my male game yet, so I'm going by what I've heard, here). At least males have the bit with Visas and you "seeing" eachother through the force, which is pretty meaningful right there. Also, don't Handmaiden and Visas interact more? Back to females: Disciple was more for the emotional aspect and I can appreciate that, but there was so very little of it, not enough interaction really. And Atton... he seemed confused, caught between physical and emotional (further strengthened by one of many things that were cut; Atton's death scene. If that's not proof that he loves the Exile, I don't know what is.), but that isn't really played out either. I'm glad for the few scenes between Atton and Disciple, though--those were amusing. I still haven't seen Atton busting Disciple for sending transmissions to the republic, however... yargh. Of course, I may be horribly confused regarding KotOR, and should play through it again to jog my memory. Eh.
*Scratches head* Yeah, you know, waaaay back when, females weren't regarded as people. Such a thing would have been unheard of, and the female trying to take on such a role likely would have been killed or some such. It has nothing to do with mental ability. Your argument is null and void. Nyah! Being self-centered? That's baaaaad. But I get what you're saying. You mean emotionally stable, right? If so, not every woman is an emotional train wreak. They can be just as stable, if not more so, because women tend to be more intouch with thier emotions than men, and can come to terms with them better. That's usually the case, but men are just as capaple of such understanding, as well as the whole weeping deal. That said, it still all comes down to the individual. Gender has nothing to do with it, really. EDIT: Damn you Aegis! You beat me to it. And, um, Tanuvein.
.... Typical male egotism. I love it. I fail to see how a woman can't be a charismatic, authoritative figure and a more than effective military strategist. "Oh, well... cause, y'know, being female and all..." isn't a good enough argument.
That's... bizarre, I've never had that problem. Everytime I've turned a character into a Jedi they gained XP just fine, though I have had a few characters behind in levels once or twice, but it never had anything to do with Jedifying them. Players encountering bugs vs. players not encountering bugs seems pretty split down the middle--many play through the game encountering numerous game enders, yet countless others don't. Eh, just lucky, I guess. The worst I've had is two Attons and two Kreias on the same screen, that sort of thing. Stuff you'd laugh at but wouldn't really stress over. I can't help with the Handmaiden problems, unfourtunately... haven't played as a male Exile yet. But, I CAN tell you about the HK thing: the love dialouge actually appears after you view the hologram of Bastila/Carth that T3 has. It isn't a cutscene (neither is the HK bit, obviously) so the Handmaiden bit shouldn't be an issue. EDIT: Oh, wow, that post was made in January... Horace probably gave up.
Saint: Just use the spoiler tags. Like this {spoiler}{/spoiler}, only use [] instead. And I've got a better question: what's so bloody great about Bastila?! Seriously. Is it the "babe" factor? She's important to the whole Revan thing (the bond and all), but honestly... Anyway, it doesn't make much sense for such a famous padawan to be running around shouting "Lookie lookie, I'm a JEDI!" in a galaxy where Jedi are currently being hunted down, eh? Secrecy and subterfuge are what it's all about, now. At least, until Revan gets things rolling.
Er, kickass endings? In KotOR I? That's pretty subjective. Wrapping things up is good and all, but by no means does that automatically equal "kickass". I felt both the LS and DS endings were kinda... bland. And yes, plenty about KotOR just plain dissapointed me. Oddly enough, even having said such, I still enjoyed the endings, and the game as a whole. And really, the only reason so many go on about KotOR and what classic it is, is due to the nostalgia factor (and fanboy/girlism. Admit it). Seriously, look at the movies. Episode 1 & 2 weren't spectacular by any means (heck, RotJ left something to be desired, and that's the old trilogy, something considered practically sacred by more rabid fans), yet people will still trip over themselves running to theatres to catch the next flick in the series (no matter how horrible it may be) simply because they remember loving the previous ones. When I heard about Ep. 1, I remember being hyped at the prospect of actually being in a theatre, watching an honest-to-goodness Star Wars movie. After hearing from others about what the whole thing was like for them, I wanted to experience the same. Sure, I caught them on TV every once and a while, but it just didn't have the same feel. But actually being there for it... It's like getting to see the Lord of the Rings trilogy on the big screen after decades of reading the novels. Regarding sequals in general: no matter how well fleshed-out the characters are, how magnificent the journey, or moving the ending(s), there will always, always be grumbling about how the first movie/book/game/blah blah blah was so much better, even if it wasn't! Even if countless things were improved upon.. It's kinda like... well, something akin to this: "Hey guys. Remember that crummy ol', rusted 9mm that was issued to you when you joined <insert organization>? Well, we've decided to gift you with a brand spankin' new Rocket Launcher! Take out hordes of hostiles all at once when before you could only ice one at a time!" "Oh, no no... I like the 9mm better." "But... the rocket launcher... it's all shiny and new, and you don't have to get as close! Tell you what, why don't you keep both, and we'll throw in this machine gun for closer shots. Crowd control AND no chance of blowing yourself up!" "No, I only want the 9mm." "But-" "NO! The first is ALWAYS THE BEST!" You know, I could have summed up everything I just said with a single quote... Can't remember where I saw it, but here it is: Question: How many fanboys does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Answer: 10. 1 to screw it in and 9 to argue about how the old one was so much better. KotOR II may not be perfect, but it is, in my opinon(is this really needed? I mean, obviously it's mine...) meatier than the original. Which means I like it better. Which means I think Obsidian did a commendable job. Which also means I think they did better than Bioware. Which, of course, means I'd love it if III were developed by them. You know, Obsidian. Yeah. You may conmmence lynching. Someone's going to jump in with "OMFG, II didn't even HAVE endings!", I just know it... I am fully aware of the lackluster endings... My opinion will not change. Nyah!
Just Finished PC Version-WTH?
Random Twit replied to Mosaic's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Don't worry about it. You'll get oddles of other robes eventually, just keep looting every corpse/crate you see. Now that I think about it, though, the Baran De Novice robes look pretty close to what Obi wears. They aren't particularly good, though, so wait for the Ossus Keeper robes: Better stats, similar look. -
Just Finished PC Version-WTH?
Random Twit replied to Mosaic's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
... It's not a matter of negative influence, Osiris, you just need more. If you had more than a couple skeletons in your closet, would you launch into an hours-long spiel about your super sekkrit uber dark past to a virtual stranger? No, you'd wait until you developed a, perhaps mutual, level of respect and/or understanding for him/her/it before you devulge your life story to him/her/it. That's bascially what the influence system is; it doesn't perfectly emulate what you get in life, but it works, for the most part. You just didn't try hard enough to make it work, that's all. Jedi Reaven: You really should have asked elsewhere, but regardless... I can't recall the name of a robe that matches your description off hand, and it really wouldn't help much, anyway, seeing as how loot is randomly generated in this game. Sorry. -
...Cripes. After reading through what was cut I'm horribly tempted to run out and buy the bloody PC version(I'm weak, you see. I had to get the Xbox version first), if only to listen to the sound samples/read through the dialog.tlk file myself. The scenes between Atton/Exile and Disciple/Atton... wow. Hell, all the bits Aurora mentioned could have made for an incredible finale. I'm torn, though, I really am. I don't know about the majority of people here, but I tend to get pretty attached to characters and seeing them killed off in such a way would have me cursing the writers for doing so to begin with, yet praise them for creating something that ends on a powerful note. Bleargh. Actually, Plooby... Iseo is correct. The only way to kill Bastila/die with Carth at the Starforge as a DS female is to download the mod that restores those dialogs. The "official" DS female romance ending forces you (or you tell Bastila to) kill Carth. I loaded up a save I made before fighting Malak and checked, with and without the mod, just to make sure to avoid having to put my foot in my mouth later. I'm nitpicky, I know. Chuck a couple bricks my way if you like, I won't take offense. :D