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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. sentient or non-sentient, droids should be purchasable....if you want a melee-savy, bipedal droid, you should have to spend about 15,000 credits on it at least.
  2. also, more multithreaded adventures would be cool...that way, you are forced to use most of your shipmates, not just taking the same people out all the time.
  3. in addition to "sentient droids" like HK-47 there should also be 2 or 3 slots for non-sentient droids like the battle droids the hunter had in K1. also, having droid-like carts to help out with an encumberance system (which I think we really need) would be nice.
  4. well, yes, they have several centuries in which to have KOTOR stories...but the current cast of characters need resolution...K4 and beyond should have a totally new cast of characters.
  5. I hope LA forced this... otherwise, my image of Obsidian is somewhat ruined... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> look at the cut content, this was originally thought of as a self-contained story....a Dr Who story with lightsabers. but then the publisher wanted it to be a cliffhanger..."true sith" (more than anything else) makes it a cliffhanger. the easiest way to make true sith work with SW continuity is to say they are the descendants of the followers of Sith Lord Ludo Kresh. His followers have never been accounted for in the comics (after the Great Hyperspace War).
  6. the designers/publisher can play it any number of ways. but the most satisfying answer, IMO, is here: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...ndpost&p=517484
  7. ***SOME SPOILERS*** K3 needs to be all about wrapping things up from both K1 and K2. * True, Exchange and Czerka should probably be all but wiped out. * Big Z inherts the throne of Kashyyyk and assists in the war effort. * Mission's brother finds himself in hot water again (side quest). * The Tarisian Promised Land comes into play some how (lots of droids). * Atris forms a Jedi faction that is more combat-oriented than the Jedi Order. * the Rakatan people come back into focus with the Force and assist in the war effort. * Mira is reunited with her adoptive Mandalorian father. there are all kinds of things like this that can be done. the bottom line is that K3 should be all about wrapping up the many different plotlines that are already out there.
  8. ***SOME SPOILERS HERE*** OK, this argument about not bringing people back because IT WAS POSSIBLE to kill the character just doesn't cut it with me. I killed Bastila in K1 (one of my playthroughs although I may have reloaded the game) and yet I saw Bastila's image on a holomessage in K2. How? Because, while many things are POSSIBLE, only one linear sequence of events actually happened continuity-wise in the game. Revan is LS, Exile is LS. How do I know this? Because (with very few exceptions) all SW protagonists are LS. Bastila is still alive. How do I know this? Because the designers said so by bringing her into K2. The fact is Big Z, Mission, Juhanni, Jolee, Dustil, Visas, Atris and Bastila can all return. Whether they should or not is another matter, depending on where you want to go with the story. But there absolutely no continuity reason they cannot. Vrook, on the other hand, cannot return as a living man because there is no sequence of events that keeps him alive by the end of the game. Remember, the DS path (if you even want to call it that) is only there as a doggie treat. The LS path (with no mistakes) is what actually happened. You probably will be. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps my biggest beef with K2 was feeling like a chump on my own ship because of Miss Know It All. If such a character joins my ship, I want it to happen late in the game. I want to feel like the Captain of the Ebon Hawk for most of the game.
  9. Dustil Onasi would make a good party member....teachable Adept. Mandalore is absolutely essential as an NPC but does not have to be a party member. Bastila would make a good "Kreia figure" as the Architect pointed out. I just hope that I am the most powerful Force user on my ship for most of the game.
  10. I wouldn't mind having Carth in my party....although he is an admiral now so there would have to be some wacked out reason why he would be flying around on the Ebon Hawk.
  11. well, I think word on "the street" is that Obsidian is, in fact, the developer of K3.
  12. In a sense, I agree. If Obsidian could just do whatever they wanted with K3, you and I know it would be a truely great game. But LA also has heard from the hard-core fans and they want to see Revan again. I can't blame them because K2 brought Revan out of retirement so to speak. I doubt they will do K3 unless it tries to wrap up what can only be described as a proper trilogy (even if it was not originally intended to be). The trick is to give Revan and the Exile some involvement while leaving plenty of room for a new PC....and a new PC is absolutely essential, I would agree with that. I'm glad someone else is getting paid to do it and not me.
  13. ok, we are talking about WAR on a galactic scale...there is room for alot of heroes. Revan = Eisenhower Exile = MacArthur PC = Patton hey, sounds like a hero to me.
  14. I agree with those who think that a strong story is not essential to a good RPG. If story is what you like, then play an adventure game. That being said, there is a story going on here and K2 forces this thing to be a proper trilogy. Thus, if K3 wraps up a proper trilogy, then Revan must be the primary protagonist. Now, I personally think it would be cool to have Revan be the primary protagonist (with gender, race, graphical sprite, etc set by the player) BUT NOT AS THE PC NOR A CONTROLLABLE NPC. That is one avenue that has been woefully underexplored in the cRPG...playing someone other than the primary protagonist.
  15. video game Revan does not necessarily equal continuity Revan. Revan will (if he has not already) have a hard coded indentity in the EU. Why? Because he has a name. People with names have stories. People without names don't. They bloody well can't keep saying "The Exiled Jedi" in the comics. This person needs a name, race, gender, etc. I personally think a LS female Twilek would be good but that's just me.
  16. it is true that good AI eats up system resources and that is one reason it has not been well-implemented in cRPGs. Oblivion will be a huge test case in this area...they claim that all NPCs will have "non-scripted AI" which means it is not just a bunch of sequential scripts but actually tries to come up with the best solution based on the circumstances. Of course, Oblivion will probably not have henchmen (the other ES games do not) so it may not tell us as much as we'd like.
  17. as to the *train a Jedi* thing: IMO, there should only be one person that wants to be a LS Adept and one person that wants to be a DS Adept of yours. there should be people who are already Force users like Jolee or Visas as well and they don't have to be integral to the main plot...nothing wrong with "disposable Jedi" although if you play as a non-Jedi these people become more important to your party. I like the idea of your Padawan almost being like a second PC with the Persuade skill and all who essentially takes over if the PC is off on another thread. But K3 has alot of mess to clean up and so K3 may not be the best time to implement some of these things.
  18. indeed it is....a real Catch 22.......so it is off to the sci cons to see if you can get in good with someone who has some private fax numbers
  19. true...and, in fact, I see no reason to have a variable Exile....as long as Revan is set by the player, the Exile can be hardcoded IMO and play a prominent, scripted role. the idea of playing a noob and then going to another character after the noob gets killed off is interesting....but playing a total of 3 protagonists, 2 of which get killed off? I think that might be a bit much. I say Exile's role is that of a very important NPC like Vrook or Kavar....totally hard-coded and scripted character. The Exile needs a name....the continuity story for the Exile can only be written if he has a name.
  20. if you are not, in fact, Royalty in disguise (and I personally think you are) and if you don't already have inside connections to either the devs or the license holder, then I would say that the chances of having your story be used in K3 is, essentially, nill. while it is true that a fan could conceivably sue a publisher for using his work and not paying him, that is not as much of a legal concern with a derivative work. the courts go out of their way to ensure that derivative works remain the exclusive property of the license holder. copyrighting a Star Wars character may protect you from another amateur writter but it will not protect you from LFL, etc. LFL is the license holder and owns outright any and all derivative works based on the Star Wars franchise. even so, devs and publishers get alot of fan mail and so they generally have a policy of not even reading unsolicited material. your best bet would be snail mail, certified return receipt (you would need a specific name) but it is still very much a long shot. whatever you do, don't post the entire story in a public forum because then you have just taken the thunder out of the story and there is no way it will be used after that.
  21. I'm just wondering if you actually take control of all 6 party members without using pauses...if you do, then, well, that is incredible. I could never game like that.
  22. I generally like the planets...if Coruscant is not there as an explorable map, then I really wouldn't mind seeing some cameo cutscreens showing off some of the key places there. Alderaan is a definitely something to look forward to. I also think that Rakata Prime would be a nice touch because I think it would be nice if the Rakatan people played some significant part in solving the current crisis. They want to atone for their sins from the days of the Infinite Empire and they are starting to get some Force Adepts...having them tie in somehow would be sweet, IMO.
  23. so I take it that you pause alot and determine everyone's response? I like the idea of AI-controlled if the AI was good enough and customizable enough.
  24. @ Architect: I like the idea of Bastila having such a central role...that will be good for the game. I like the fact that Revan ends up being the main protagonist (I'm not a Revan fanboy but having Revan front and center makes for a good, tight story). are you looking for ideas or are you pretty much set?
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