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Everything posted by LordRaven

  1. Now before everyone gets on me let me explain. The random loot genertaor is cool because it adds to the OVER ALL replay value of the game. That is COOL! Now here are the reasons it sucks. 1) Some areas that are a pain in the arse to get to or require a decent security or need to be blown up by something that you have to fetch from another planet end up having some very dissapointing loot in it. I tell ya there is nothing like travling from one side of the galaxy to the other so I can use a specific type of explosive to get into a special hidden area and find crap like security tunnlers and thermal detenators argh not even decent stuff to break down for componets. 2) I was in the traya acadmey and fo9ught sion. After beating him I got the Ankarres Saphire crystal for the light saber AT THE END O(F THE FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that I would have used it for my personal lightsaber but it could have been cool to put it in Atton's or Handmaiden's something like that. But I got it at a point where you no longer have any companions. SUCKS!!!!! SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!!SUCKS!!!!! <_<
  2. What? Then explain why Canderous, Jango Fett, and Boba Fett look like humans. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> (just shakes head and sighs)
  3. In episode 3 who is the new Sith that I keep hearing peoiple talk about? is it Asajj Ventress from the comics?
  4. Just because Lucas canned a bunch of people it does not mean that there are no other people there that can not step in. I work for Dish Network and they fire people all the time. No matter who gets fired the job will not change.
  5. I read in a interview that the release for pc was only going to have a better look.
  6. Thanks for the tip
  7. Are these reprints of the old stories or are they new?
  8. What is up with the bith sidequest? Is that one of the things that got cut? Unless I am doing something wrong. I get the cash take it to the pylon, find the dead twilek fight the cleaning droid, and go back to find the biths arm on the ground holding a datapad and then bam nothing. No clues where to go next and no one on the darn planet seems to know he existed. No one mentions him at all. This is one of the things I do not like about the game.
  9. It does not suck. It could have been better. I have had a lot of fun with it though. I think it is to short but it is fun.
  10. if he ever loses his job at lucasarts, he need not worry. hes got great potential for a career in politics. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yea, he'd have to compete with the likes of some great statesmen like George W. Bush... Which one would "out lie" the other? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How could he compete with G.W. !!! G.W. is the man that used the word Hispanicly when explaining the way Hispanics do things. (w00t)
  11. Mace to me is just sort of boring, he seemed more spirtual in Pulp Fiction then in these films <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's settled then: Jules Windu is the greatest Jedi ever. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Until <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is it Anakin that windu fights or is it palpatine. I thought I heard that it is palpatine from somewhwer. I could be wrong.
  12. Today I was able to get it in 7hrs 31min. That was with pretty much blowing through cut scens and only responding to questions that relate to influence and alignment.
  13. I have enjoyed the game. I just think it is short for an RPG. I like my RPG's to feel epic. This felt like more of an expansion than a part 2.
  14. Welp LordRevan (nice original name), Im not a moderator (heheh trust me on that, you would see bannings if I was). But protest to much? come on. First off the speculation threads are fine but get so outta control on speculation its silly. 2) We dont need 50 different threads all saying the same thing 3) OF COURSE THERE WILL BE A KotOR3. Havent seen a single person argue that. 4) What myself and others trying to get through peoples heads is when it is started LAs web site will announce it. Not Joes-im-a-star-wars-nerd.com Fan Site. Fan sites are created to make money. By creating FALSE stories that encourage debate they increase their potential to make money by increasing traffic. Its simple economics and dirty bussiness practices. 5) Lastly, for crying out loud people, KotOR2 isnt even released yet on PC and Euro Xbox. If Lucas is going to make ANY choices regarding the franchise it will be AFTER hes recieved Profit numbers from the world wide releases. Not before. Even those designers that were layed off a month or so ago were NOT making the whole game but working on the engine and such (things that could be used in more then just KotOR3 if so needed). IE Generic programs not related by anything other then name to KotOR3. So in closing, I dont think people protest to much, I think you read into things far to much. It strikes me as strange tho, why are you micro managings realistic complaints but not obviously false FAKE NEWS ANNOUNCEMENTS! Thats what strikes me as very odd to be honest. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Learn to read it is not revan it is raven as in the baltimore ravens only the best NFL team ever. Look at my profile. Real big it says Baltimore MD. Home of the ravens. I also am not micro managing anything. I am just giving my thoughts on what appears to be a subject that rubs a bunch of gamers the wrong way. You have to much emotionally invested in this and I feel very sorry for you. It is a conversation about something that in the grand scheme of things means nothing. It is something that I like to do. The Ravens are a great example they did not make the playoffs this year and everyone is already talking about next season. Get over it. It is not that big of a deal and in the end noone really cares.
  15. I dreaded when I saw Malacor 5 open on the map because I knew that the far to9o short game was nearly over
  16. I get what you are saying but alot but this installment lacks substance. I have had fun with it but I am pretty close to the point of doing all that I can with the game and like you said it has not been out that long. It is fun to disscuss the possible sequals and I think alot of us enjoy the speculation of it.
  17. I think it would be cool if they broaden the scope alittle on the franchise. Yeah I would like to see KotOR3 as much as the next guy. But why not go to the new jedi order for a spell or backtrack to the mandolorian wars. Hell even some pre phantom menace stuff or clone wars tie ins would be cool.
  18. It seems to me that all of the posts I have read on the subject of K3 ( The rumors concerning the possibility of if it will come out ever? Who is making it? Blah Blah Blah May be closer to the mark than LA,Obsidian,Bio ware want us to know. If you notice on a lot of those posts a moderator will pop in and say something about dirty foul rumors or so on Well if you look at most of the factors it seems logical that there will be a 3 and 4 and 5 or so on as long as the franchise is a sucess keep cashing in on it.
  19. I disagree it seems to me it is impossible to get all of your companions to change if you are DS you at least cannot be a DS master to do it. It seems that the only person who you can reverse influence is Atton. Everyone else you need to make LS choices in order to get them to gain influence with you. Once you do that there are not enough oppurtunitty's in the game to get DS points to become a DS master and still have all of the companions be Jedi. I have tried it 3 time now and it seems impossible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I played as ds and had mastery and I got everyone to be a jedi except for Mira since you don't get her when playing ds and the diciple since a I was male. I suggest you try again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How did you manage that . I have gone back and saveed at every possible influence gain/loss oint tried every conversation thread and still not been able to turn everyone and be a DS master. LS master no prob! Nuetral no prob! Mostly DS no prob DS master impossible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do Nar-Shadaa first you can have both Atton and Bao-Dur converted there. Then you should have enough time to regain you mastery on the other planets..... Thank you! I have been saying that in so many threads about influence that it works both ways you can also loose influence instead of gaining to make them jedi... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I will give it a go. Thanks for the tip.
  20. Where's your proof Hades_One? Epiphany: Epiphany unlike you I have taken business courses in college so I know how things can happen and how to get them done ok. People yes people have a basic idea of what they want the game to be like, but they don't want to handle every detail. Duh. They want to be suprised. But when a game was first good and a sequel does not live up to the first or might have things that can be corrected others can and have the right to speak up. Things can get done. Also by shwing that company produces the game that they might have a possible loss if they do not fix things, is a very powerful incentive. It is productive. It does not make companies go away as you say. It makes them work harder. We live in a capitalistic country whether we like it or not. If one company refuses to do the job another will step up to the plate to do so. Even if Obsidian were to refuse to fix the problems which I doubt they would since it is in their best interest, it would not make a company disapear like you have stated Epiphany. It just makes them have a loose. And since you guys are helpful as I have seen I thought you might be able to answer when the dates are. I realized it was something I could have searched for, but since you are helpful I thought I could ask you this and save myself the effort. I was wrong. Thank you anyway. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> WOW dude you are like totaly my hero!!!
  21. I just can't belive that there are not more votes for Mace " Mutha F*#king " Windu.
  22. Jedi masters Visas A huts treasure room A guy in the enclave ruins A guy from the mandalorian wars Czerka Corp Now, I've never gone to Dxun/Onderon before getting my saber, nor have I visited Korriban before hand either, but out of those possible choices that I can remember getting a saber piece from, non of them seem to be random people that shouldn't have had one in the first place. The only one you could possibly make a solid arguement against is the guy on Nar Shadaa that's from the wars. But again, he served in the war, possibly close to a jedi or two, perhaps he saw one get killed, or salvaged a broken part from a corpse... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Still it was much weaker than the way you got it in K1 which was a little more satifying
  23. Handmaiden is firce as a guardian!
  24. I disagree it seems to me it is impossible to get all of your companions to change if you are DS you at least cannot be a DS master to do it. It seems that the only person who you can reverse influence is Atton. Everyone else you need to make LS choices in order to get them to gain influence with you. Once you do that there are not enough oppurtunitty's in the game to get DS points to become a DS master and still have all of the companions be Jedi. I have tried it 3 time now and it seems impossible. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I played as ds and had mastery and I got everyone to be a jedi except for Mira since you don't get her when playing ds and the diciple since a I was male. I suggest you try again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How did you manage that . I have gone back and saveed at every possible influence gain/loss oint tried every conversation thread and still not been able to turn everyone and be a DS master. LS master no prob! Nuetral no prob! Mostly DS no prob DS master impossible.
  25. If you are light side it is easy you just have to keep BOA DUR with you almost the whole time. There are key places for him where you gain influence Telos - once you are able to get your party from thier cages at Atris compound tell BOA DUR it is not his fault they were captured.DXUN 1 The mandalorian trapped on the ridge after you rescue him once back at the camp talk to his boss but do not tell him what really happened for another influence gain. Nar Shadda Heal the guy in the refugee sector for influence gain also when doing personal air speeder have Bao Dur check your work on it as you ad parts and also let atton fix something and call him the master for an influence gain with both Atton and Bao Dur. Dantooine do not turn in the guy with the hydrospanner you find in a droid gain influence and when you find the sensors in the crystal cave have bao dur examine them for Influence gain when you give them back to the guy say not so fast and then sell them to him for 3000 anyway gain influence. Onderon give the republic spy in the cantina a open starport visa for influence gain w Bao Dur and in the cantina when you have to battle the troups Bao Dur asks you what to do about inoccents "say be careful" for influence gain. During all of these processes keep talking to Bao Dur after these gains and he will start to say more than just yes general and also keep alternating Mira and Atton and you will have enough influence to make all of your party LS jedi yay LS boo DS because doing this for DS does not work BOO!!!! PS sorry about the poor gramar through all of that. I just had to get it out. No time for puny punctuation and spelling.
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