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About Dark_Wolf122000

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Thank just thought that was wierd.
  2. What did Exar Kun do? All I know is that he led the Mandalorians or something. Me want story! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You idiot he started the sith.
  3. I beat the game a while ago and on korribon when you go in to the tomb and face your past you see Kreia. When I walk up to her my party members come and attack her you have the option to help her. If I attack her I can go on but I get a dark side boost. But if I help her and kill my party members disapear and the door to progress is locked but if I talk to Kreia the whole conversation starts all over. So I have to take the dark side boost. Why?
  4. I got Exar Kun`s armor once it was pretty good and I got his lightsaber.So there are cool items i was LS to.
  5. I remeber that issue it was a good one.
  6. The game was great but Peregus II was just plain confusing getting on board that ship outside the station was so stupid.
  7. You fools the most powerful is Naga Sadow he brought the Sith back to life even in death he started a new line of Sith.
  8. I have been haveing a problem on my Xbox with both KOTOR games.It happens more in KOTOR2.The game freezes and my tv makes this loud harsh buzzing sound I turn off my Xbox and it works.It only happens in KOTOR 1 or 2 no other games.I dont know what it is
  9. Juhani is a Cathor ok?My friend is playing the first game and he says you can`t kill her but can you?LOL.Juhani is not a cat.
  10. The Exchange boss is a guy with the tenticles right?I told him to let little girl go with force perswade.Well I`ll keep doing side quests
  11. You have to be a female charecter though
  12. Thanks I killed the gang and talked with exchange boss I did force perswade to make him free little girl.Should I go talk to Atton?
  13. Took me six hours to get lightsaber not that hard.Keep trying though or I can tell you how if you want
  14. Please help me I have been attacked by the slavers in the Ebon Hawk.I killed all them then I went and paid the rat guy to put in a bad word with the exchange.What do I do now?Which side quests should I do and how?Am I supposed to enter the Jek Jek Tar?And if so how?Any help would be appreciated thanks
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