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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Those bastards at The Score didn't even show Stevies' goal. Did I mention they were bastards?
  2. Peca scored one ( or so he/I thought), Smyth had a goal taken back on a non high stick, and Hemmer in the shootout.
  3. I watched most of it. I was switching between the Oil and the Kings/Thrash/Nucks/Sabres games. Morrison was alright for an Edmonton goalie. He stood up well to quite a bit of Shark pressure. There were a few video calls I didn't like, but thats NHL hockey I guess. Like I said before, Staios' goal was a beatiful effort, and I wish he had more chances like that. Aside from that Dvorak looks to be getting his legs back slowly but surely.
  4. Old time midget Marcell Dionne was the previous owner. Lucky Luc is the top goal scorer for left wingers in NHL history, I believe.
  5. I want to add ' ' for teh win, but I can't decide. Nerdy Ninja, Wimpy the Warrior, Constipated T-shirt guy or the Fat Friar? It's too hard to choose.
  6. Given the choice I'd take the despondent ex-Mrs. Jack over Michaels' ex any day. So do you think all four of the shots fired by the others at Mike all went through his head, or do you think that some of them might have hit him in the chest?
  7. Hurlshot, I think Vesa Toskala should be taking the video review judge out to dinner tonight after the game. Clearly he's in love with him for the three ( okay at least one for sure) goals he dissallowed for the Oilers. And how did you like Steve Staios' goal? Pretty nice if you ask me. And tonight Lucky Luc Robitaille became the alltime leading goal scorer for the LA Kings. I tip my touque to you, good sir. And thanks for the three points in my hockey pool.
  8. Three songs on repeat Holiday- Weezer Holiday- Madonna Holiday Road - Lindsay Buckingham can you guess who just started their holidays? and no, its not Mothman
  9. Hey, I actually liked the dancing minigame. Triangle , triangle, square, circle , X, X, TRIANGLE!!!
  10. The Zigmeister was always my favortie NHL midget. Anyhoo, I can hear (D)ick Pound gloating right now. It turns out a player who was invited to try out for the American Olympic team failed his drug test. 'here' does not mean the same as 'hear'
  11. I disagree with you on that one, Surrepflatus. I have no sympathy for men who work all the time and leave their wives alone. But that last thing she said about ' You'll always need something to fix' made me cringe just a bit. Besides Jack is a dumbass for mentioning it. He just should have said " that wop tried to stick her toungue down my throat but I was all like back off biatch cantyou see the rock on mah finga?" or something along those lines.
  12. I think they didn't suspect Sawyer because some of the other castaways probably seen him on the flight. And I still think that the zombie story would have been entertaining.
  13. the Zigginator decided to hang up his skates cos his shoulder hurts
  14. That line made the entire episode for me. Anybody think they killed Mike? Hopefully Charlie will drown next week (w00t) !
  15. Bye bye Ziggy Thank you for bailing me out in prior hockey pools.
  16. That was anticlimactic. Looks like the others aren't zombies after all. And I didn't figure Jin to be quite so...whipped.
  17. Less than an hour till Mikey decides to go postal. and after rewatching the cloud bit, I think that it shows you what you want to see, much like the computer is doing with Walt and mentioned by the guy in the Dharma movie. Then, once you figure it out and get the creeping willies, it strikes.
  18. I think what bugged me most about Red Eye was the bad guy. And the script. When he was telling the hawt gurl to phone her hotel his dialouge was just atrocious. But the empowerment of said female was a nice twist. Just not nice enough to save that movie. Did anyone else notice it was only an hour and fifteen minutes? totally unrelated and off topic, but this made me giggle.
  19. Well I'll be shelling out another 12 bucks to watch both teams square off on Thursday. And last night I was cheering for the Leafs to win against the Avs. So much for that.
  20. Me myself, I usually work out alone so I try to aim for a higher (say 10-15) rep range with moderate weights. 'Stimulate don't annhiliate' a wise man once said. But then you have guys who do stuff like this and you wonder if his organs will melt by the time he's fifty.
  21. All right, Red Eye was bad.
  22. Stir Frying is wicked awesome. Right now I've got some beef and vegetables simmering in a salad dressing in my wok. Sometimes I'll toss some pasta in with it as well but I'm thinking I'll have rice with it instead for the rest of the week.
  23. That goal and Jason Spezzas' from earlier in the season stand out as the top two for me so far. But when you add in shootout goals, I can think of a few Hemskys' as well as that super sweet goal by Marek Malik from NYR. Plus Sid had a decent one early in the campaign. Where's a highlight show when you need it?
  24. Okay thanks Mothie.
  25. If Imageshack cooperates with me tonight I'll try to post it in here. That was a beaut. and I could nae resize it so here is the linky to the forum I found it on. Just scroll down a bit. The first link is audio only, so don't bother unless you're bored.
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