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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. Minority Report just ended. Every time I see it I'm suprised at how well it plays out. Okay so maybe I've only seen it twice, but it's still a fine movie. Along with the Last Samurai it's one of the few TC movies I can stomach. OOhhh!! Now the Frighteners is on the cable movie station! Let's hear it for the Judge and his dried up ectoplasm!!!
  2. 8-Tracks were lame, but compared to only having the radio in the car at the time it was a boon. One of the first ones I can remember playing on my parents old cabinet stereo system (which had an AM/FM tuner, record player plus the 8 track system with those four, no six big fat butttons you would use to advance the tape inside) was a K-Tel twofer with about sixty songs from the fifties. I remember 'Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley' was one of my childhood favorites, along with a song called 'Sugar Shack', although I can't remember the artist. Nowadays I feel just about naked without my ipod. I'm glad we've come along way, but I really thought we'd all have jetpacks by now.
  3. I always thought that Tim Daly was a great choice for the voice of Superman in that series.
  4. Time Bomb is a great song. I love the simplistic guitar solo. Rancid -Lock, Step and Gone
  5. Is that because you're standing at the station in need of education in the rain Drabs? Or was it overflowing gently because it's all elementary? The Rivingtons - Papa Oom Mom Wow
  6. Oasis are britpop. Finn - Only Talking Sense
  7. Followed by what? The grunge movement actually making good music lasted, what, three years? Then we got post-grunge dingo like Creed and later on the entire nu-metal movement as a result. Every decade has more poop than good, you know. For every Bob Dylan there are twenty Motley Cru
  8. If anything you should be thanking Nirvana for ending the reign of the hair metal bands. Luna - slash your tires
  9. I finshed watching season 2 of Little Britain last night. It seemed like it was the same joke over and over and over. Not half as good as the first. Then after that I watched Excalibur. Although the guy who played Arthur seemed to be a bit of a ponce it was nice to see a much younger Liam Neeson and Gabriel Byrne in some early roles.
  10. I say 'Run Forrest Run'! The Prodigy - Smack my bitch up lame song, but the video is pretty entertaining
  11. The Police - Can't Stand Losing You
  12. I dunno... Actually AOL (ha) was one of my friends favorite bands. I kinda thought they sucked pretty bad, but Web In Front trancends most of their Pavement meets Sonic Youth style. Plus I love to live in the past, and the nineties were good times for anyone who wasn't into boy bands or the emergence of hip hop. Fleetwood Mac - Hold Me
  13. Last night while nursing a killer headache I listened to/watched Everyone Stares: The Police Inside Out. It's a documentary of the band from the perspective of drummer Stewart Copelands' super 8 camera. It was interesting, but I had to meet up with my friends Ralph and Hurl so I missed the last half hour.
  14. ^^all i ever wanted all i ever wanted all i ever wanted was to be your spine That song is quickly becoming the most played tune in my music player. Of course when it clocks in at an even two minutes, it's hard not to listen to it two or three times in a row. Blessid Union Of Souls - Let Me Be The One
  15. So the fault lies solely on the shoulders of that fat bastard Santa then.
  16. the Transplants - We Trusted You
  17. Try to save some Rice A Roni for the rest of us, will you?
  18. One step closer to adulthood, I guess. Have a good time Baley.
  19. Rocket From The Crypt - Lipstick
  20. Matthew Sweet - Sick Of Myself
  21. Last night I watched High Plains Drifter for the first time. How I'd never seen that before escapes me. And then I followed that up by watching Bull Durham again.
  22. :D absolutely? "
  23. There is no addiction Don. I may enter maybe 6 tournaments a month. Compared to the amount of time some people spend gaming I feel it's quite minimal. Plus I'm still playing on the original free 100 dollar bankroll from said poker company.
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