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Everything posted by @\NightandtheShape/@

  1. They had a unique style that I enjoied...
  2. Well I'm not russian so I think I did quite well LOL, my g/f is estonian so I cheated and asked her.
  3. My understanding was it meant "three of something that are simular" edit: Basically it's something like "Three things"
  4. You can do it on Quake 4... I believe... Basically the screen becomes squished Horizontally. Looks very strange, but you get the periperial vision.
  5. Trokia, it's a funny russian word...
  6. Awesome LMFAO.
  7. Actually you can achieve it, but it looks extremely weird because monitors are unable to really show the result to us correctly, perhaps a widescreen monitor would have better success... Most first person games use a 45 degree angle Where what you really need is just shy of 90, if the camera is setup that way you get the result you desire but because of the view space it looks strange on a flat 2D screen.
  8. Well with all my intelligence mustered and the many hours of study I have experienced, and dedicated to the mastery of Vologic, I'm still fairly certain I will be unable to comprehend Vologic and thus must continue with my life in a kind of ignorant haze of unenlightend delight.
  9. It's more like your looking through a pair of eyes, I for example cannot see myself without a mirror, you may indeed have floating eyes behind you I dunno, but seriously, that's why, because the perspective feels more natural.
  10. Then DiCE is dead. Every company that EA buys out EA kills. Bullfrog, Westwood, Origin... Just to name a few. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Probably, what scares me is that EA continues to get fat and release totally pointless fifa titles year in, year out... And the moronic football fan still buys the slightly improved version of a crap game. *SIGH* EA SUCKS!
  11. I, on the other hand, have strikingly different associations with crunch time: emotional and physical fatigue, caffeine intoxication, stress, unanswered mail, microsleep, losing focus, instant messenger beeps at 4am, rotten takeaway boxes, meeting the dawn, eye strain, back pain, wrist pain, headache, f***ed up circadian rhythms, gaps in social life, roaches in week old pizza boxes, more caffeine, more stress, more bugs. So, no, I'd rather not have a crunch time in the nearest... lifetime, I guess. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sometimes I struggle with breathing properly after a crunch as hours of being sat at a desk has caused me to slouch slightly. Very unplesant. As for all the other things you mentioned they're all true and I've experienced them all... Except the roaches.
  12. Only EA software I ever buy is the battlefield series that DiCE have worked upon, should EA somehow remove DiCE from the equation I would stop buying Battlefield titles. EA recently bought DiCE out, I believe, and with that in mind I will be eyeing DiCE on the next title they release.
  13. Crunch time really is awful, it's the one thing a person should dread, the caffine intake is so high that health issues can become apparent. Cliffy B and MCA always spring to my mind when I think of the potential dangers of crunch time, MCA once commented that the docter expected his heart to explode, and Cliffy B had an extremely high heart rate while working on GoW. CRUNCH, I can do, I'm very good at it I like what I achieve when I crunch, but I will say this, it is not healthy, and it's a hazard of the games industry.
  14. Ahhh but EA eats up young talent and spits it out. It works for them because after it's destroyed the will of a person to even be involved in the games creation experience, it spits them out and they get a nice new young ignorant talented individual to take there place. Rinse and repeat. I wouldn't work for EA, unless I had no other options, I'd sooner go back to working as a lighting engineer or in supermarkets.
  15. You can achieve both FP and TP views no problem. I believe the general masses EXPECT first person.
  16. It is fairly easy to make a third person and first person hybrid camera. So your issue is with design I guess, and those poor sods have the problem of trying to please the finicky buggers such as yourself, and the general masses.
  17. Everyone does. Sooner or later. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Everyone crunches, heck I've had to crunch, but not like they were at trokia, as in constant crunch time throughout a project... THATS INSANE! Not that I'm opposed to doing it, it's part of the industry, but still it does open your eyes as to how and why things went badly for Trokia, you can't work at that pace and not make mistakes.
  18. Reminds me of head over heels.
  19. Interesting, I knew nothing about them working that kinda crunch time...
  20. Man I was just being sarcastic with the old skool thing.. Smells like the old hades is back for 2007!
  21. :crazy: He's lying.
  22. That is why I am willing to compromise with the toggle. First person for those who like first person. Third person for people who like third person. It works just fine in games like Bloodlines, Morrowind, and Oblivion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> FP camera's and Third person cameras are not the same in terms of code... Although easy enough to code, it's hard to get just as the user would like. third person really only makes sense from and angular perspectiver and never made any logical sense in morrowind and oblivion 3rd person effect gameplay dramatically making the game pooerer from it when it comes t combat.
  23. Never played it because it didn't look all that good to me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because your not old skool enough, nor cool enough... But in all seriousness you don't like many games, you somehow want PnP on the PC while cool, almost impossible to achieve today.
  24. Third person is irrelivant... Depends on the context of the game... Ultima Underworld > All. FP RPG GOODNESS.
  25. At advanced stages of the game Diablo 2 can be very difficult especially if you play single player only and thus dont have all the powerful unique and set items. And this is if you use character guides and thus know where to invest all your character and skill points. If you mess up your character then you have no chance in the end game in hell difficulty. And when you die you lose XP and most of your money. This is actually a lot more difficult compared to NWN2 where death is actually beneficial since it cures disease and level drain. In Diablo 2 you need to use a potion to heal yourself or go back to town. If your ally dies you need to spend a lot of money resurrecting them, and you need to keep them alive with potions sometimes. In NWN2 you can hit a button and instaheal everyone after combat. You dont even need to keep any potions. If bosses in Diablo 2 randomly have lots of powerful buffs then battles can require a lot of strategy such as for example hit and run tactics, or deciding who to take down first. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I wouldn't say that Diablo 2 contained any tactical combat so much as a harder game in general, when you compare it with NWN2. The developer does seem unwilling to punish the player, I'm all in favour of giving the player a good bitch slapping when they screw up, but most developers are too scared to do this because it may alienate players.
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