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About atchoum44

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  1. I do it all the time. You have to copy/past the saves though. I'd love to have a feature where steam synchronise the saves from windows to osX but it doesn't seem to exist, for any game.
  2. For me it's really game breaking when you have a black screen each time you change zone and are forced to implement a mod to continue playing. And it's only one of them. The stacking of stats for exemple... And as for expectations : I'm not saying I expect a 100% bug free release. There is a difference between a bunch of rather small annoying bugs, and game breaking nightmares that can screw a 20 hours game save. Again, I've also seen worse, even with AAA titles. It's true that for 4 millions dollars I guess with have a very big game, and probably some sacrifice was made over stability (I can just presume). You're mentioning Crusader Kings 2 but I never had any game breaking bug with it. And Europa Universalis IV was very clean at release. Both are enormously huge games. So yes, releasing games in a better state is ideally possible. And Obsidian DOES have a reputation for game-breaking release (except the two mentionned previously, you are right)
  3. This game rocks. Seriously. But despite being free from the oppression of the "Evil Publishers and their Dreadful Deadlines", this game has some unacceptable game breaking bugs. I know that they will be fixed and that in a few weeks, the game will probably be ok. And compared to many broken AAA titles (hello Rome 2 Total war my good friend) this game is still in a better shape, quite playable (and again, awesome). But still : some game breaking bugs here are pretty obvious and any careful game tester would have been able to check them : stats changing, loading time going up, items disappearing, black screens... It's such a pity that this game will have lesser grades in the press because of this carelessness. And its such a pity that everyone has to say "well it's obsidian, what did you expect". I'm no developer, I assume that bug checking and fixing is a tedious and hard challenge, but clearly, it would be a great improvement for your next titles to ensure better programming. Sorry If I made english mistakes, not fluent.
  4. I agree with the 10 to the constitution thing, it's more than enough. I love tanking with my paladin. At level 4 I attacked Raedrick. With a full party (with one custom rogue). Nearly everyone was knocked out. Pala in the middle ? Not a scratch. I didn't min/maxed though, I'm still wondering if it's the best idea considering the multiple defensive system. Besides, in urgent situation, it's good that your tank can still DPS a little bit. I gave him a defensive speciality in shield + weapon also for the +6 on deviation and reflexe (total score 70 at level 4). As it is a fixed bonus I'm not sure if it's worth it at high level.
  5. I have black screen issues in the fortress too. I guess excepting a really clean obsidian release was... stupid.
  6. Same problem for me. I did'nt succeed with knocking down at first but I retried and it work doint it this way : - knocking down - selecting quickly my stuck character - clicking around a lot elsewhere on terrain to make it move as soon as he stand up - the little dude did move.
  7. L.O.V.I.N.G. I.T. (understatement Coming from an old douchebag that usually gives ah "meh" and raise an eyebrow at 90% of nowadays releases. I think It's a great first message ) Thank you Obsidian.
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