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Everything posted by Barrendall

  1. Adventure on the Atari 2600
  2. Why don't they let the PC'ers have first crack at it like they did with #1? I mean KoToR did come out on the PC first right?
  3. Since Lucas owns the property outright it's always possible from their perspective. Whether or not Obsidian wants to make it or LA wants them to make it is another matter. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well hopefully they do. I think the idea is still marketable, but that's just my opinion.
  4. So has Obsidian or LucasArts mentioned that a third title is even possible? I mean I have skipped thru this thread here and there but haven't like really read or heard anything about their thoughts.
  5. No I didn't play any of the Lord of the Rings games. Huh, I figured you were just talking about cinematics at the beginning. My apologies.
  6. No need to, you had two games to develop them if you played the previous games. If you didnt play the previous games , then there is even less reason to do so since to actually clue someone in the backgrounds would take away from what you could be using in the new story. It's not as lame as just saying they died for two reasons. 1. You get a kick ass battle where you get to toss around high level force powers and abilities. As well as preveiw of the bad guys. 2. Its actually part of the new character (since it's their nightmare) so even if you have no clue who those two were it still has some relevence to you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So you actually play the two characters even tho they inevitably bite it?
  7. I'm not bashing you, but what would the point be of developing them if they are going to die so soon anyway? What I mean is that Shadow's idea of this brings closure to KoToRII and begins something new. It would just be taking away valuable space away from the new story.
  8. Not asking me to write the entire plot are you ? It dosnt really matter if the dream happens when they die, or if the dream is prophetic really. It's only there for closure purposes. You could take the plot in many directions from that. Your character could be a sensitive with particularly strong precognative powers and be the only one aware of the threat. He/she would then have to convince others. If you wanted to get totally whacky your character could be a clone created from the DNA of Revan and the Exile in order to create the "perfect Jedi" as a weapon to fight the Sith. Of course your character would be blisfully unaware of that for most of the game and may not be overly thrilled when they find out. As far as design goes you need a few things. 1. A character that belongs to the player (with a few designer implanted story hooks) The amnesiac , or even partially amnesiac Jedi isnt going to fly this time since no one is going to be in the least bit suprised.(not like I was anyway in KOTOR but thats another story). 2. The freedom for that character to explore both dark and light possibilies but at the same time not having to write two entirely different stories. Choices that may appear good, but have an undesired outcome in the future. Or a short term evil that leads to a long term good. It should not simply be about clicking the DS or LS response like Pavlovs dog. 3. An ending where the actions of the character through out the game are summed up. I'm much more in favour of a Fallout type ending where your actions are judged on a more local level in addition to an overall "galactic" cinematic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank-you, I like your ideas except the cloning.lol.
  9. No not like in II. No playing 20 questions with the NPCs, that was obviously too complex for some people to comprehend. Choose a head and gender , or an "outfit" I'm sure the developers wouldnt mind sticking them in. Then play your prologue or dream sequence. The dream sequence is basically akin to the helms deep battle only Gandalf wont be showing up to bail them out. These guys are not going to down easy, but they are going down. It also gives you a sense of foreshadowing. Getting both of the old characters out of the way gives then a clean slate. Where as in KOTOR II they had to try to piece together possible outcomes from KOTOR. For example LS/DS ,male/female, did Carth live or die etc. Without those burdens you would have got your droid planet and your ending. Which would have added immesurably more to KII dont you think? You could, but then it's still going to fall into the same trap. It's more difficult with the Exile too. It was irrelevent for example what alignment Revan was in KOTOR since that wasnt actually Revan just the fake personality. The Exile dosnt have a fake personality he or she has the one the player gave them. Therefore you cant just simply say and the Exile will turn out like this and trying to write in a DS and LS and a male female exile into the story means more messing around with continuity and less story. Leveling up is at the core of any RPG it's not something you eliminate without some serious thought. There are many implications in that , not least of which KOTOR uses a derivative of the D20 rules. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So when would the story take place? Does the dream happen when Revan and the Exile die? Or is it a premonition? Just curious.
  10. For my own part, for a third game I agree with you Shadow. I myself want to play something fresh and new. To me tho this idea is like the Hound chasing the Fox. I feel sympathy for the Fox's predicament, but I can see the Hound's perspective as well. This is also why I refrain from writng in these threads, and just stay as a casual observer for the most part.
  11. LOL. No need to apologize. I completely understand what you are getting at. And to be fair, your idea is very interesting. It definately shows merit with the way you would like the game to continue on the storyline.
  12. It's not that they're the end of the KotOR universe. Revan played a huge role in KotOR I and was given even more rep in KotOR II. The Exile, the best general Revan had, continued his work in KotOR II. They both gone into the unknown regions to face the greater threat, that's why they deserve a good portion of the story in KotOR III, since the whole story is based on their actions(if they continue the story in the third installment, that is). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Although I didn't care for the ending in #2, it was an ending. The exile rode off into the sunset and the Republic again is safe for the time being. If the developers decide to bring back Revan and the Exile, you'll get no complaints from me. If they decide to go about a completely different route, that's even better in my opinion. I am fairly unbiased as I'm not the one who has to work on it.
  13. No, no, no......NO. That's again lazy story-line design. Although, they shouldn't be party members, they should still play a vital role in KotOR III. Give them male/female voices (it doesn't matter in the long run if a few people think that they're not the "right" voice), so the main character can interact with them about their agendas. I wouldn't mind if one or both of them die during the course of the game, as long as it's in a blaze of glory, which they clearly deserve. Nothing would be more irritating than reading the first sentence in the opening credits as: "Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic III" "Revan and the Exile died during their campaign in the unknown regions. Now the Republic is at stake blablabla...". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed. As somebody who likes to weave stories himself, something like what Paladin has suggested would be somehow...unforgivable. Why go through all of that, just to have both characters you played for hours and hours in the first and second games die within the first ten minutes of gameplay? That's just ludicrous, not to mention sort of insulting to the people who came up with both characters and wrote out the scripts in the first place. I like Mesh's idea the most though, it's got an air of KotOR about it that I really like...though a few alterations wouldn't be too bad. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How is it insulting to the people who wrote the scripts? They are the one's who gave us the ending to KoToRII. I'm not trying to bash anyone opinions here, but I don't think Revan and Exile are completely the end all and be all of the KoToR universe. ShadowPaladin's idea holds real merit, giving closure to the first games and presenting a new legend. And I honestly hope they give the new game a clean ending this time. I wasn't happy with the other two either.
  14. I understand some people's wish to tie up KotorII's ending, but personally I wouldn't mind seeing a completely new story. Maybe something that happens a couple centuries later. It would still be the Old Republic, but a breath of fresh air. The Jedi council rebuilt and in strong order with new challenges and new threats to the Republic. New Heroes risen and ominous villains for the Star Wars legends. Maybe I'm out of order but I would like to see this game stay completely fresh.
  15. Is there such a thing as too much reading of anything? It's what you get out of it that matters. It wouldn't be the first time two different bodies of work showed similar themes, or where one format simply robbed an idea altogether. D&D's version of Hell from Dante's Inferno. My interpretation was taken actually from a quote from the movies, more from anything else. Darth Vader was speaking to his son "You don't know the power of the Dark Side". Now I'm not sure if I quoted that verbatim, but that was the gist that I'm trying to get across. And if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No skin off of my teeth.
  16. From the movies, games, books and etc, it sounds like something that was once whole and then from some sort of cosmic accident or otherwise was split in two. And from that point on the two halves, have been warring in contest to overcome the other, either trying to bring back balance (light side), or have dominance(dark side).
  17. There should be similarities between the two characters. Both are "Missionaries", spreading their teachings, to further their own agendas. (Power, Self-Destruction, whatever.)
  18. I'll probably hear some flak for this but, I always thought Sierra's "Return to Krondor" would be a good starter rpg for someone.
  19. Definately not a fan of Morrowwind.
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