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Everything posted by kirottu

  1. The thought fills me with shivers.
  2. The Usual Suspects
  3. The World of TOMBS: at the Lair of the Beast. Kirottu had just finished his final test in his path to become a wizard. He had had to stand on his hands naked and recite the Rules of Great Snugglebottoms while two older naked wizards tickled his feet with feathers. Pictures where taken to ensure if Kirottu would ever betray the Order he would pay the price. It would be about 100k without taxes... Depression had hit hard the Order of Wizards. Kirottu was beaming with pride and relief when he was given his almost new, well actually quite old wizard robe that looked like something crazy woman would wear, when she would feed her cats in the middle of the night. Depression had really hit hard the wizards, but Kirottu was happy never the less like anyone would be standing naked surrounded by robed older men. “We have your first Quest for you youngling”, said the Master Wizard. He didn
  4. What the hell? Referee decided to let Italy win.
  5. We need threads like that. Just like "Mkreku
  6. English was the winner of that match. Too many portugese players got red cards.
  7. You mean more improved, right?
  8. That totally depends where you post.
  9. Or just say you
  11. Didn
  12. Fast and Furious 3: Tokyo Drift Kinda very big meh and clich
  14. Ooh! Sneaky. :D
  15. I vote for Mr. Ass. Prod.
  16. The only swedish player currently that doesn
  17. I want a computer cabable of playing the game. Collectors edition computer with paint job and autographs and stuff.
  18. I thought you looked 25+. Oh, Eldar is just soo old that everyone looks young to him.
  19. Well, that was one of the easiest yellow cards ever. Yes, he pulled Klose
  20. Zomgers! Germany is totally owning Sweden right now. 2 goals in 10 minutes.
  21. ... XRAY GLASSES FTW (w00t)
  22. Dead Kennedys - California
  23. TOMBS reports have never been constructive. They have always been partly or totally there to poke fun of the victim. If you
  24. Congrats of your victory. It was 0-2, but you totally owned Feargus with your m4d n1nj4 posting skillz. I mean 10-3... Whoa.
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