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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. Not really a bug per se. But you can craft scrolls that you don't have the ability (lore) to use. Just doesn't make sense.
  2. 1. Healing Potions are overpowered: -Potions of regeneration heal for 120 and 150 over 10 seconds. Increased Duration by survival. This is way too much -Potions of endurance heal for 50 and 100. This is way too much. -As comparison: Per Rest Priest heal =12 (48 toal potential healing per rest), Level 1 Endurance potions 50 health (120 usable per Fight per Party) (6000 total potential healing per fight) 2. Potions are spammable: -You can drink +100 endurance potions almost as fast as you can click the button. This is almost to the level of absurdity of Skyrim's Pause + eat 1000 cheese wheels to full health. -Insta heal potions should be completely removed from the game. The only ones allowed should be healing over time. 3. Scrolls have the same issues -For a really good time give each member of your party a stack of +33 AOE healing scrolls. Way too overpowered. -You can craft scrolls... without the ability to even use them. -Personally, I see no benefit to scrolls as a gameplay mechanic. These craftable items are more powerful than high level abilities. 3. Enemies are too stupid to Drink. Eat. Sleep at inns. Enchant Weapons or Armor. Or Use life saving Potions and Scrolls: -This is one of those things that should be a basic in every game, but always seem to require mods. Generally if your character can do it, the enemy should be able to.
  3. Fair enough. But it's a two per rest, short duration spell that against any decent enemy that has a negligible effect.
  4. I've noticed a number of bugs... 1. Potion of minor regeneration was not working properly. 2. Potion of Ironskin was not properly reducing slash damage on lions 3. Potion of Mirrored Image and Potion of Wizard's Double have the exactly same effects (as least in description). Despite being the same the level 2 version costs more. 4. You get double items when you craft 1 (I believe this was already reported) 5. Was unable to actually use Potion of Mirrored Image. (Ie character would not drink) 6. Like enchanting there is little feedback when you actually craft an item. As a Matter of Balance: 7. All Potions of regeneration/Endurance are too high... especially considering you can use 20+ per fight per character and they have no cooldown (not sure how easy ingredients are to get). This is almost as bad as Skyrim pause + eating 1000 cheese wheels to gain health. At the very least all healing potions should be over time, like Mr. Sawyer's Fallout Mod. Scrolls also have similar issues. Endurance Potions and Scrolls and game-breakin 8. Enemies apparently are unable to also drink potions. (or sleep at inns, eat food, or enchant weapons and armor) I hate to be overly-critical but when your character can cheese mode fights with massive insta-heal spammable potions. And the enemy can't be bothered. Literally to save his life. It really just feel like the game comes with cheat mode turned on. Positive feedback: 9. The animation looks awesome. Suggestion: 10. Make survival a requirement to craft and use potions. (Like you need a certain lore to use scrolls). Remove increased duration.
  5. This seems to be well covered but to add another example. I entered combat and clicked a potion I wanted to drink. My character never did... supposedly because he was engaged and started to autoattack. ...I was wrong the potion was undrinkable.... Regardless character still started to autoattack.
  6. You're right. I was relying on the outdated wiki.
  7. The vast majority of deflection comes from talents and gear. People are pushing 130 deflection on the beta. A pally has base deflection of 20 and 2 from faith and conviction. Most other classes have 15 base. That's a 7 deflection advantage by being a pally. Not exactly too far off. Rogues only need to have 100 deflection against accuracy of 50 to be unhittable with a 82% miss rate and 12% graze. That is very feasible.
  8. You can't kill them though. You can invest in Perception and Resolve, and have a high Deflection, and get hit for a bit less damage but deal absolutely nothing back - like 1-2 damage per hit/graze through DT or whatever. Meanwhile you're getting destroyed slightly more slowly. Using a shield slows down your recovery, and larger shields reduce your accuracy something shocking (I think by too much), so you're screwed. For soloing with certain classes yes. Druid, Priest, Wizard would be worthless without rest spamming. Fighter and pally just worthless in general. I could see rogue, barbarian, chanter and cipher all doing plenty of solo damage, maybe monk. Especially rogue. If you focus damage as a solo player there is no way you can do enough without getting destroyed.
  9. It's 3 per level. BB wizard is already lvl 4. But Enemy accuracy presumably will also go up. Regardless... It's a two per rest cooldown on a characters that have the lowest health and defenses. Like someone said its supposd to be an ability lore wise that makes people switch to guns to get through it. But against any enemy with decent accuracy.... the mage is still going to take a ton of damage. Against an accuracy level of 80 (against lvl 4 BB wizard) the enemy is still guaranteed to hit at least 95% of the time, and a 45% chance to crit. Who would switch to a gun when you have a 95% chance to hit??? The ability is simply underwhelming for what it is supposed to do.
  10. No more screwed than anyone else. At least if you get hit with a fort attack you won't be taking damage from other sources. Honestly having low deflection means your getting crit for days. Having high deflection means you barely get hit at all. For example, BB wizard's roll table against a level 60 accuracy. 1-10 = graze 11-60 = hit 61-100 = crit Everyone keeps saying... well that doesn't work against high accuracy npcs. But it's even worse if you have low deflection. BB wizard v Elder Bear 1-31 = hit 32-100 = crit 135 Deflection vs Elder Bear 1-53 = miss 54-89 = graze 90 -100 =hit
  11. In his build you are screwed the second you fight anything with 60 accuracy or better. Why? Your hit table goes from: If you have 135 deflection your hit table goes compared to a lvl 50 accuracy to level 60 accuracy goes from: 1-100: Miss To: 1-90 miss 91-100 graze 1/10 attacks grazing isn't exactly getting screwed. And those will probably all be min attacks if you have any kind of DR.
  12. I'm confused. One of you says Mechanics, another says Perception.
  13. Math hard too hard for me to compare to D&D.
  14. Que? Mage Armour is awesome.. until you get those nifty AC Bracers that make no sense in BG2. As for Arcane Veil, it more than doubles your Deflection. That's pretty big. If your wizard is getting punched in the face. 25 Def is not going to save him. the BB wizard base is 20 def... which is awful. Most basic enemies in the beta have around 50 accuracy. Powerful 80+ So... Against a powerful enemy (accuracy 80ish) 1-5 graze 6-55-hit 56-100 crit A 45% chance to be crit and a 60% chance to be hit. WITH ARCANE VEIL ACTIVE.
  15. Kind of like real life? A wrestler can get winded in 5 minutes (Endurance). Take a few minute break and get back to it (End of combat). But each time he does it takes a toll on his health. And can only do that so many times before he needs a more proper rest (Health). If it was really like that, it would be pretty cool. But as it stands, under POE's system that wrestler can sprint around the ring, do body slams and pile drivers endlessly, for an unlimited amount of time without losing a single point of endurance.....as long as he doesn't get hit. Actually there is also a fatigue mechanic in the game like the IE games. Also magic.
  16. I just kind of assume any really good tank is going to have horrible damage. Which makes me think something with a lot of base abilities would be a "better" tank in the long run as opposed to a fighter. Pallys would be little better off cause they do something in fights other than miss with a hatchet.
  17. 5 is actually a lot. My point was that deflection scales so well that I won't even need the damage reduction after mid game and can then be free to wield whatever I want. This totally depends on how well enemy accuracy scales relative to deflection.
  18. I saw that. The text on some of them really broke the 4th wall. Also, I found a solution to the problem... Major loss of Repuation though... Hiro was a big deal.
  19. I got that sense. But from a gameplay perspective I don't feel like I'm left with a choice. Either 1) do no damage with a hatchet and have some tanking stats, OR 2) do no damage with something else, it will look cool, but you will take more damage. That being said... with how deflection is scaling... I don't think the 5 deflection will be that important after mid game.
  20. Are these the npcs with the yellow nameplates?
  21. I'm more concerned about hatchets being the only weapons that offer any kind of damage reduction.
  22. Deep conviction only gives 2 deflection.
  23. That's what accuracy does accuracy Hatches give deflection. Which is by far the best tanking stat. Nothing else compares to these small axes in terms of damage reduction.
  24. For clarity... The reflex bonus is +2 from the perception enchant not +1 from talents.
  25. Anything think it's odd that hatchets are the best tanking weapon?
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