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Everything posted by Pyrrhic

  1. My reaction as a modder to no romances...
  2. Well if you don't like writing Romances, hire someone who is good at it. Just because you aren't good at something doesn't mean you can't involve others in the process.
  3. They did write in an article, "Pillars of Eternity will delve into themes like "racism and more pervasive racism than just bold-faced racism", explained Sawyer, "like social racism or institutional racism". Class problems will be explored, and there will be an ongoing struggle between the religiously minded and the technological." So hopefully they will not only have it happening around the player, but towards the player as well.
  4. Never would have imagined there is such a big European following.
  5. Personally I like the option of Romances, however, it does not make or break a game for me. They did ask if we wanted more stretch goals. I could see them possibly adding Romances as a stretch goal. I can only imagine how many people will give money for that.
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