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Everything posted by curryinahurry

  1. It seems to me that PE is taking on some of the thematic underpinnings of DS3, such as reincarnation and the fragmentation of the spirit and the resultant consequences, etc. I'm sure other games can be referenced in this regard, but it seems that the use of souls as little nuclear reactors to draw power from dovetails nicely with the types of feats that the various characters in DS3 could develop. So we may wind up seeing a tactical RPG take on that sort of special abilities development. Which I personally think would be pretty cool if they can make it not too action-y.
  2. Wow, pushed back to page three by all the LGBT threads! This is a great idea, and I hope the Obsidian people consider a situation in the game that requires out of the box thinking. That said, if you were to create an impossible odds scenario, there would either have to be plenty of pre-warning or a quest specific NPC companion as a guide that basically tells you, in no uncertain terms, that a frontal assault will only end in defeat. Even with such contrivances, you would have people missing the point and raging about it on the forums. Still, it would be great to try to do something along the lines you describe.
  3. Transgender monsters...a variety of lycanthrope, perhaps? To the OP's post; I'm a big fan of folklore and I think that all kinds of weird, alien and fantastic creatures can be put into the game through the world building that Obsidian pursues. I think they did a pretty interesting job in the creature designs for DS3 creating unusual creatures couched in cultural references. There could be a deep wellspring for that in PE if they set up the world in a way that certain veins of folklore lend themselves to the alien.
  4. I would enjoy something along the travel options in Darklands. You get a map view of the entire game region and can travel to any city or known point. You get a travel time pop-up based on mode of transportation (boat, walking, horse, etc.). From that point encounters are based on skills, reputation, plot triggers, etc. Skills like lore, quests taken on or local rumors could become ways of fleshing out the map (as well as plot critical areas).
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