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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yep, that happened locally for us too.
  2. Just a fracture, thankfully. Doesn't even need surgery. It's on the outside of the hand under the small finger. The cast is just a bit bulky.
  3. 40 hours a week should be considered busting your butt. A healthy person should be getting 8 hours of sleep a day, so that leaves you with 16 hours a day. So spending half of your waking hours during a 5-day work week is certainly a significant amount of time and should be enough to have a decent life during the non-work hours. No one said anything about raking in millions. You should also all be exercising about 90 minutes a day. I don't understand why that is hard. I average about 10 hours a week and people act like that is a big time commitment. It's not, and I get way more benefit out of that then I do my 40-hour work week. But that might be another topic.
  4. Space Force may be a bit too close to reality. 10 years ago these jokes would have really been hilarious.
  5. Yep. My right is broken. I am left handed, so most stuff is not a problem, but I never trained to use the mouse with my left. I am getting more proficient. 6 weeks to practice.
  6. With my broken hand, it is a bit of a struggle to work the mouse, so I dusted off my PS4 and played some MLB The Show. I'm also just exploring the world of Lord of the Rings Online, since I can still move around, but combat is a bit tricky.
  7. I think it is Saturday. Very anticlimactic.
  8. The SpaceX Dragon launch is pretty compelling TV. Can they beat the Florida weather?
  9. I remenber Mikey and I am 41. I figured it was an attempt to poke gen-x. Being part of gen-x, I just ignore it.
  10. Stick with it! I loved Star Traders. Don't get overwhelmed by the crew. You can really just focus on your officers for the most part.
  11. Poison oak is the worst. One of my eyes is swollen shut, so back to the doctor today. My leg is starting to regain sensation and I did get a good walk in today though. There is a indentation of the guard rail on it. I see a hand doctor today as well. But man, poison oak is a stupid plant.
  12. IPA's definitely still rule the craft beer world, I was just saying we are seeing some pretty solid lagers coming out of the craft beer market. The tricky part is a lager actually takes longer to brew, but has a smaller abv, so it doesn't demand the same price as the heavier stuff.
  13. We have plenty of craft beer lagers nowadays. They are the only ones making the good stuff in the US. But light american lagers are garbage and they account for 70% of the market.
  14. I watched the first season. I'm pretty sure if someone isn't offended by the stuff early on, they aren't going to take exception to some religious stuff.
  15. Krookie is the only one I would trust for that.
  16. I crashed my bike going down a steep road yesterday. I swerved to avoid a hole and my back wheel lost traction. I hit a guard rail and flipped over into a ravine. When I landed, my leg was on fire, and all I could think was I need to get up and climb out of this. I wasn't with anyone and no one could see me down there. I stumbled over a bunch of bushes and got back on the road. Some cyclist came along and checked on me, and then a guy in a jeep offered to drive me down. The bike was deep in the ravine and not visible. I loaded up in the jeep and the guy took me to the ER nearby. It is amazing how supportive people are. My wife met me at the ER. I had a broken hand, but the femur looked good and it feels better today. It is super tight, but I can move it and it supports my weight. My knee is questionable, but we will see how it feels after some rest. I definitely got off lucky with the physical damage. After we were discharged, we went back to the mountain and met a couple friends to look for the bike. We had to hike about half a mile down, since there were no good turn outs near my crash. I found my body indentations in the bushes, and the bike was about 30 yards down from that. My wife climbed down and got it! It looks like it is decent shape. It needs a bit of work, but I got lucky there too. So yeah, scary day, but I'm very thankful for the great support group I have. Also typing with a splint is not fun. This is the turn I did not make. Oops!
  17. Barry Bonds? I'm missing baseball something fierce. Watched Bull Durham last night and proceeded to call my kids a bunch of lollygaggers.
  18. So Bruce had to share a taxi, which exposes the driver to him and him to previous passengers, in order to avoid violating a curfew which is supposed to enforce social distancing? I think everyone would be better off finishing the walk.
  19. You don't own a piece of cloth you can wear over your mouth and nose? The idea that some minimim wage grocer needs to be exposed to you because of freedum is pretty silly. Cover your mouth and stop being a crybaby. The people at these businesses have rights too.
  20. I'm running about 25 miles a week and everything hurts. But it is still easier than trying to homeschool my kids.
  21. I haven't read it. Growing up it was a lot harder to find certain books, and I don't remember those being readily available (still have a copy of Time Cat.) I'll have to give them a try. Plus I can bug my kids to read them after I finish. My daughter just finished The Giver. We had some great discussions about it, but I think it suffers from having a sequel where the fate of Jonas and the baby are revealed. It was more powerful in the 90's when I read it and it was completely up to interpretation. I also got the audio book version of The Hobbit for my son, and he is hooked on it.
  22. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3084779/coronavirus-hamster-research-proof-effectiveness Wearing a mask seems like a pretty simple thing to do.
  23. I've always got a strange relationship with crafting in MMO's. I love it early, but it usually becomes a grind, and then any time I try to return to a character after time away I have no idea what is going on with all the ingredients. This is standard in almost every MMO I've played. At least they seemed to have sped up the curve in LotRO for the time being, so I'm not burning out yet.
  24. I am not that old majestic, I wasn't teaching in the 70's.
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