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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Funny, I bought a 4-pack of Revision Brewing cans from my local craft beer bar Friday to help support them. It cost me $28.
  2. Q Ball on Netflix is a fantastic watch for anything craving a sports fix. It is a San Quentin prison basketball program that plays against the Warriors.
  3. If it makes you feel better, I just made a current events assignment for my 7th graders out of your post. We've already covered habeas corpus this year, so hopefully this will hit home for them. Hardest part of writing the assignment was not making the stimulus package sound like a blatant payoff for our civil liberties. I mean, I don't mind them making the connection, but I don't want to make it for them.
  4. It really just depends on what the pop culture trends end up being. I mean, we cover a ton of content in school, but people really only retain about 5-10% of that. You need more to really inject it into the public consciousness. For example, Norse Mythology is big right now thanks to the Marvel movies blowing up. Greek mythology just needs that same push to get it out there, and clearly Percy Jackson wasn't a big enough hit.
  5. Tiger King is a pretty crazy documentary on Netflix. I've got one episode left!
  6. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood - I loved it. I'm a fan of most Tarantino films, and I was a bit bummed I missed this on the big screen, as I think he is one of the few directors worth watching that way. I remember I was a bit put off by the loose with history approach he took to Inglorious Basterds, but it didn't bother me here. Probably because I was ready for it. Anyways, I'm going to spend this quarantine working on my Brad Pitt physique. Evolution - My daughter and I were perusing end of the world type movies on Netflix, and this popped up. I remember seeing it in theaters in college. It has held up pretty well!
  7. Thankfully it isn't, because we aren't really at the mercy of our federal government. We have State, County, and local governments in place to handle the important stuff.
  8. Wait, did Rand Paul really just test positive for Covid-19? That's a frightening bit of karma for Ron.
  9. Whelp, time to update my lesson plan on the Magna Carta.
  10. I have started creating a virtual classroom using RPGMaker. Perhaps not the easiest way to push out content, but it's fun.
  11. My wife and I are both teachers with close to 40 years combined experience, and we are terrible at this homeschooling thing.
  12. Today I climbed the big mountain in our area, Mount Hamilton. I decided to go solo and embrace the socially distance moniker. It took just under 7 hours, and came out to 82 miles with 7900 feet of climbing. Hitting the snow line was amazing. It was also cold up there, so it was good I brought layers. Nutrition is still a work in progress, but I am getting better at it. I stopped for a sandwich at mile 60 and that made a world of difference. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lick_Observatory
  13. I'm confused about hard boiling eggs to make them last. Raw eggs last 4-5 weeks in the fridge. They only last about a week once boiled. https://www.incredibleegg.org/cooking-school/tips-tricks/egg-storage/
  14. I enjoy the commercials. It reminds me of a simpler time. Plus it gives me a chance to check stuff on my phone.
  15. My daughter is livestreaming a tap class in our living room and my son is attending a 4th grade Zoom meeting in his room. My wife is sendng video workouts to her PE students, and I just set up a google drive so students can digitally submit biographies on Renaissance figures. This is the future.
  16. Hulu also comes free with my Sprint service.
  17. I think the isolation is getting to Gfted. Cabin fever!
  18. We've been watching a lot of cooking shows during the quarantine:
  19. It strikes me as a strange comparison because Germany was the aggressor in WW2. It seems rather tone deaf to make the comparison.
  20. Eh, Hulu has probably surpassed Netflix in terms of how much I use it. Granted I use Hulu Live for all the local stuff now, but it's come a long way since it first launched.
  21. Wow, thanks for covering up my disaster of a run as the Freeburg Police Chief. I had good intentions, people!
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