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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. I've been given a one thousand dollar budget to but a car. It will be nothing to write home about, but it should get me to and from college, which the public transportation here cannot do. The earliest the busses can get me there is 10:30, and my classes start at 9:00. :devil:


    I also got a calendar, and a daily devotional book by Charles R. Swindoll because my father still thinks I'm a Believer.


    EDIT: I know the silvery ring is Hematite, the other two are Jade? Very pretty.

  2. Is it really Beth's fault though?


    Did they know that Troika wanted the rights?


    Perchance they just came up to Interplay during the firesale and said "Hey, we'd be kinda interested in developing a new Fallout game." offered up a sum they thought was fair (that little ol' Troika couldn't match) and Interplay grabbed at it?


    Interplay would still be in the wrong here, but I don't see how you could hold Bethesda at fault.


    I am not saying the game will be any good, or that it will be bad (I will have to play it first), but be sure to place blame where it is due.



  3. I did the same thing and wondered what the hell was happening, didn't find out until I came across it in the bugs section in a walkthrough (one of the Missle Packs was evading me, and I have to keep the sound down low because it bugs the family).

  4. I wonder if you could sneak one of those belt knives through airport security...  :shifty:

    Before 911, I had carried it on planes & through many various sequurity systems. Since then I don't even carry a paper clip into those areas. Was working in the Denver Federal Courthouse a few months ago and the SOB on security swabbed my tools and materials and held me up because they showed 'hot' for nitrates. Frigging Dudley Dooright! Took me about an hour to explain my way out of that one.


    I haven't gotten any more 'civilized' in my years since. I've just gotten sneakier o:) . ( see post in 'Geeky Evil Thread )


    moreKOTORplz...your buddy sounds like a future organ donar. Idiot! :lol:

    I'll bet he was fun to watch though. ;)



    On the way home from LA my dad got held up by airport security, my sister had stuck a candy wrapper to a bite size Hershey's Dark Chocolate piece when he wasn't looking, they thought he had a bomb or some such. I love how they have the little glass 'cubicles of shame' to inspect you in.


    I suppose it depends on how fine tuned the detectors are when walking through, and how closely they're looking at your stuff if you take the belt off and stick it in a tray.


    I snuck nail clippers through by slipping them in the pocket with my cellphone, they were in my pocket, carry them around most the time because clipping my nails isn't a thing I think to do unless I'm bored, which usually happens when I'm out and about, realized that they're on the list of 'contraband' and decided to take my chances and hope they didn't notice them in the shadow of my phone.


    I was really sad when we came over the border to Mexico after building the clinic, they didn't have metal detectors of any sort for inspecting your person, I could've bought a Butterfly Knife and slipped it in my pocket to bring it home. :(


    Oh well, there's always Arizona.

  5. Dude, that's a common bug, it has to do with the streaming loading.


    Slow down, don't run so fast from area to area, basically what is happening is you are moving from area to area faster than the game can load the models and textures. Unless the disc is actually scratched, your game, and your Cube, are fine.


    If I had to guess you've saved and are just running right over to the battle as fast as you can over and over again, am I right?

  6. what were you in for  :thumbsup:

    Now where have I heard that before? ;)

    Before I turned 18, I was 'encarcerated' for 6 counts of False Reporting to Authorities. In laymanspeak, it means I was running around to all the local high schools hitting their fire alarms during my lunch breaks. They didn't take to kindly to a couple of bomb scares either. Bothersome sods. Second time was for shoplifting while I was on probation for The above listed infraction. Tried to have me legally termed a 'Juvenial Delenquent'. At 16, I didn't even know that was a legal term.

    Got picked up again when I was 22 for failure to appear on a traffic ticket. Cop stopped me for a burned out tail light :"> . Ran my license and came back and said "Come with me".

    Since I was 16, I've alway have this belt ( mine is double sided though ). Each time I was thrown in jail, I was allowed to keep it because I was never picked up for a violent crime. Those picked up for fighting had their shoes and belt taken.


    Say... do I get extra anti-geek points for that? :thumbsup:



    You...you're the coolest person I've ever met on the internets!


    I wonder if you could sneak one of those belt knives through airport security... ;)

  7. All I know is Santarchs is the coolest name for a prostesting group of Santas against Christmas evar!


    Also we never get any good riots up here in the foothills, we're always too busy being nice to each other and such, what with the hippies from SoCal that moved up here when it got all populated, and the Bible Thumping Conservatives. It's amazing really, the way we coexist considering the split is about 50/50, nobody getting upset at each other, everyone just being decent and such. They way peoples on the internet and the TV talk, we should be at each other's throats.


    Also, Grass Valley/Nevada City has the highest concentration of Bookstores in the US. Knowledge for everyone! Except the rednecks, because they're kind of crazy.

  8. I got 190 .. yah! I'm barely a non-geek!!  :cool:



    Says the man who was using RPGs on social misfits as a way of helping them understand cause and effect of social interactions. :)


    I didn't lie about being good with the ladies, no reason to.


    By which I mean I wanted to score as high as I could, if I'm going to be socially dysfunctional, I might as well excell.

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