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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. If I were to teach I'd want to do it at the highschool level.


    Sure the pay isn't great, but it's like world building. Warping the minds of the young and impressionable to your own world view! :huh:

  2. Yeah, when I'm feeling particularly masochistic and/or bored I frequent the Pal Comix and Star Wars Erotica boards and then post the real gems on Dumbrella, but that's just me.



    I'm afraid of Longdongians.


  3. 2?? in all your time you've only had 2 warnings!!! :-





    And yeah, I guess I was put on moderated status for a week after the second one, I was talking about the indefinite moderated status they put you on after your third though. Course I just made an alt during that week, the password for which is now long forgotten. Phoenix87 if you guys want to delete it or something.

  4. As far as I can tell they're talking about giving me one in the Supar Secrat Moderator Forum. But that's nothing new as they do that roughly every other week. My guess is they like having me at two as it makes me curb my behavior somewhat, and putting users on moderated posting bugs them more than they value it in most cases.

  5. Three official warnings is moderated posting (I've dodged that so far and have been on my second official warning for most of my time here.) they don't generally ban people here, but nobody loves Karzack and he provoked Fionavar.

  6. You realize you've just made a n00b out of yourself don't you?



    Hahaha, Ive been a member of this forum longer then youve had pubic hair boy.



    The dates don't line up, I'm sorry.


    I am surprised to see you've been around that long by your join date though. What'd you do, register and then forget about the place for a year?

  7. Oh man, I feel your pain. MetaRidley is a bastard to kill even after you've played the game several times.


    By collecting all the stuffs I meant all the various powerups and such, that affect your level of completion of the game.

  8. My answer would be: No.

    If I want information on something I just Google it...the links it gives me (that I click on as being promising) have not yet led to Wiki. Therefore, I assume it wouldn't be very useful to me personally.


    Either that, or I use one of my many reference books sitting my bookshelves.



    I can code a webpage that links to a picture of the Goatse-man that comes up using any terms you desire on Google. :)"


    Just because Wiki pages don't come up doesn't mean they're not reliable, it means that they don't Googlebomb.

  9. If this constitutes as flaming, my apologies...

    :D Not even close in my book. I think it's called 'venting' >_< .

    My point is that maybe you guys should start over since he and I have been talking in PM. As a new guy here, cut him a little slack. Not a lot but certainly remember that we were all newbs once. :)



    Ugh. I would, but he claimed to call a truce last night then starts this crap up again today. Not only do I miss most of the fun while I'm out, but I also attract the attention of the Illuminati.


    I'm leaving him alone from now on though. Members that make complete fools of themselves then run to the Moderators when they draw the anger of those that have to put up with them are more trouble than they're worth.



  10. 2. Lurk for awhile. Feel the place out, look at what draws the wrath of the forumites and what they laugh at, try and fly under the radar rather than pissing everybody off your first week here.

    3. Netsp33k and 1337sp33k are generally looked down upon here, please to be composing your posts with complete sentences and proper English.


    i protest these and your gonna have to deal with it!


    but i will follow the search and KOTOR 3 tenets


    by the way why did you say king speak when your from Norcal?


    :devil: poser perhaps ??


    oh and its northern california if were not going to be a hypocrite  :ermm:


    and why is this thread up again good lord OCD



    Lurking for awhile is always a good idea, you don't jump into a room at a party and treat everyone like you've known them for years (unless you're a jackass).


    Netsp33k and 1337sp33k are annoying.


    I will start a poll if you want, but I already know most of the forum member's feelings about this.


    And NorCal is not 1337 or Netsp33k, it's a shortening of two words, usually used locally. Idiot.


    Also, Lady Crimson:


    Way Off-Topic

    ( 418 posts / 33% of this member's active posts )

  11. I use it, lots. I'll probably eventually cite it as a source so long as it's on a topic that isn't subject opinion, along with other sources for confirmation.


    I'm upset that someone else posted the Penny Arcade comic before I did.


    That wacky Skeletor.

  12. Not all OEI people are using the [OEI] tags, but here are most of the names = people.


    Major Dillz = Darren Monahan

    QA Confidential = Patrick Mills

    djkillingspree = Nathaniel Chapman

    OneTrueJoe = Joe Bulock

    MongooseObs = Terry Hendrix

    baby_goat = me

    ConstantGaw = ConstantGaw

    C4 = Brian Fox

    neblig = Tony Evans

    DarkTimmy = Tim Donley

    huggies = Jeff Husges

    Ferret = Ferret Baudoin

    billgates666 = Jason Keeney

    Rear Admiral Tubgirl = Eric Fenstermaker

    Woebetz = Ben Ma

    west_sayeed = Mustazar Essa

    Mr. Creeps = Trent Campbell


    I know there are a few others.



    Am I a bad person for now having a fierce desire to meet Eric Fenstermaker?

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