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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. One of KotOR's greatest failings was its total disregard for those who wish to play transvestite characters. Aside from making obsidian's tranny fan base happy, including rather, shall we say, "extravagant" fashion choices will also really potentiate the role playing experience for many.


    For example, consider the dialogue choices made available to your character while facing Yuthura Ban and Master Uthar after having retrieved the sith lightsaber in Naga Sadow's tomb. Instead of muttering drab, boring lines, like "Sorry Master Uthar, I'm with Yuthura on this one" or "I choose me!", your tranny-Revan could so easily exclaim something spicy and vibrant, such as "Join Yuthura, why? Sorry honey, but I'm more sith than both y'all put together!" (this would be followed by a few quick finger snaps and a sassy shake of the head, to show those naughty sith just what they have gotten themselves into). Hot damn would that have been exciting! I'm tingling all over just thinking about it.


    Also, if you think that crushing Malak on his home turf, with all conceivable odds stacked against you is epic, then can you even imagine how heroic doing the same thing in high heels would be?


    I think Obsidian's choice is clear. In fact, I'm not sure that they can afford not to make it.


  2. We all seem to agree that P:T had incredible dialogue.


    Do any other games spring to mind?

    Beyond Good & Evil is my new favorite game, though there wasn't really any RPing since it's of the same genre as Zelda, it had me more attached, and worried about the characters by the end of it than any other game I've ever played.


    Max Payne's dialogue was awesome as well though, I love the 'noir' dectective, descriptions of everything, plays like a frigging movie. ;)

  3. Why all the fuzz about silly colours ?


    Some day, some clever jedi is going to register a patent on a new invention: A lightsaber with a dial, that can change the colourspectrum of his saber...


    No more fiddling around with crystals, that might get lost, or the spouse borrow them for the evening.


    Then you'll always have a perfect match for your lightsaber and the jedi robe of the evening.



  4. Yes, and I had the idea recently whilst reading in the other thread where someone mentioned Boromir continuing to fight with ten arrows in his chest....what if say, to get around the problem of "Ooh, crap, they cut off my saber hand, how am I gonna fight them now" you had to finish them with force powers, as it's rather hard to continue to use your lightsaber without your saberhand, unless perhaps you manipulated it with the force; but I can see someone still being able to zap somone to death with Force Lightning, or slam them against the wall a la Jedi Knight, weapons hand or
  5. Because a blaster bolt is energy, in fact its gas turned into energy.


    By the simple fact you can see a blaster travel in naked eye as you cannot do the same with a bullet.


    Last time I checked "cohesive bursts of light-based energy" are not projetiles and so far only thing that lightsabers deflected are blaster bolts.

    Well in the Jedi Knight series both the Golan Arms FC-1 Flecette and Wookie Bowcaster fire bolts of metal enveloped with energy. The Golan is a shotgun type spread of metal while the Bowcaster is more like a crossbow bolt. Both these weapons can be deflected by your Lightsaber. Also the Imperial Heavy Repeater fires bullets at a super high rate, but they can all be deflected and blocked by your Lightsaber. The Imperial Merr-Sonn PLX-2M Portable Missile System can't be blocked with a Lightsaber however you can use force push to send it screaming back towards your enemies. If a Jedi can do that I see no reason why he couldn't pull a Matrix style attack against todays bullets, not only stoping them in mid flight but also sending them right back at the soldiers who fired them. In conclusion if a Lightsaber can stop and deflect an Imperial Heavy Repeater and force push can send a Rocket back to the shooter I see no reason why todays bullets would present even the slightest challenge to a Jedi or a Sith.

    (All weapon descriptions and info on the ammunition they fire come from Star Wars Jedi Outcast Jedi Knight II Game Manual) B)




    You took the words right out of my mouth. Lightsabers pwn bullets. :rolleyes:

  6. Other, if I don't see a Devaronian in every cantina, making shady bets, it's needless to say, there will be blood. :angry:



    P.S. Male Devaronian, the females look like puddy tats. :rolleyes:


    P.P.S. A Gand or two would be nice out on the Asteroid colony as well, they could do repairs outside of the artificial enviroment since they can breathe in just about any atmosphere other than an oxygen based one, including Deep Space.

  7. this mod is going to be a quick job with no quality at all, i mean, come on. look, your gonna need:




    new Force Animations


    Keep the same level of graphics as kotor


    come up with a story for it


    new sidequests



    and your expecting to finish before kotor2? this is gonna blow man, maybe just make 1 planet that ahs nothing to do with the star forge and concentrate all your efforts on that one level.

    There are going to be voice overs, I'm one of the voice actors.


    The model format is already almost cracked, as in it's cracked, but we're still working on the compiler/decompiler.


    I'd say it stands a good chance of being quite good....though I don't know if the release date will be as soon as Craftsman said. <_<

  8. By the way; Mr Columnist is not too lazy to do any research. Mr Columnist is just very tired and wants his answers answered as good as possible. My work has by the way nothing to do with KotOR2. I'm the retro-columnist of the magazine. Now, how cool ain't that. <_< I'm just a regular gamer.

    :rolleyes: Alright then.


    Just get tired of people flooding this thread with questions that have been asked time and time again. :huh:

  9. Oh please stop with the goddamn Carth-discussion. I thought this was a forum thread for posting questions to the developers? So far I've only seen off topic-s***. Enough.


    Now; some questions to maintain order. And by the way; I don't care if they have been posted before. Yeah, I'm lazy and don't have the time to check through the other posts.


    Dear Obsidian Entertainment;

    1: Is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Sith Lords treated as just another game in a franchise or as a totally new product free from the "need to try and surpass the greatness of Bioware who made the game of the year".

    2: How much of a sequel is it? Will Revan pop up again in the story? Since we're ONCE AGAIN playing a character with MEMORY LOSS I can't help but draw the conclusion that it's possible that we're dealing with Revan once again.

    3: I read in the latest PC Gamer (swedish version) that the companions collected in KotOR2 will be able to go onto adventures of their own. I wonder; how is this going to be done? It sounds like a really cool idea, but I don't know. Is it going to be linked to their "personal quests" and can you, the player, choose to help them out? Or are they just gone until they get back?

    4: Bioware did a terrible job (hey, let's face it) and Knights of the Old Republic was nothing more than a Diablo-clone with a Star Wars-theme, a couple of puzzles and dialogue. Will Knights of the Old Republic 2 be more of the same or make for a more roleplaying experience? Will we have *gasp* freedom?

    5: There has been some talk that HK47 is returning as a possible party member. Please confirm this as true, since he probably was the only good character to come out from Biowares work.


    Anyway; there's no doubt you guys will make a much better job than Bioware. Keep it up.

    1. Well, with a name that's first part is the name of the original game what do you think? They've said it will be an original game, but they of course are going to try and outdo the original. Isn't that the point of a sequel? :huh:


    2. Yes, Revan does pop up in it some time in the story, the devs have said this. The devs also said that the PC has all his memories, Gamespot or whoever perpetuated that rumor got the statement "He is out of touch with the force" confused with amnesia, don't ask me why. He has all his memories, knows who he is, and is a Jedi from the start. However, he hasn't used the force actively for awhile and is a little rusty, a la Kyle Katarn.


    3. I have no idea what that's talking about, hadn't heard anything of the sort.


    4. Yes indeed. I think that in this respect KotOR 2 will prove to be better, and the Devs have said this, as well as the party member interaction not being based solely on romance anymore.


    5. They have refused to confirm this as of yet, they have however said that either he, or a droid 'similar' to himself will be included somewhere or other.


    Hope this helps to put some of your questions to rest until the devs show up and answer them for the umpteenth time; I've been keeping track of this forum more or less from the beginning since it was just a rumor that Obsidian would be doing KotOR 2, so anything I've said the devs said, you can rest assured they said. ;)


    P.S. Wow, just looked at your sig, and Mr. big powerful Swedish PC Gaming World Columnist is too lazy to do his own research...what a surprise. :rolleyes:

  10. I have a lot smart friends, and I've met a lot of smart people.


    I've only met one person who I would truly call a genius.  We call him "Captain Oblivious".  He once dated a girl for two months, and didn't realize it.  We often make reference to the joke about the ceiling, ya' know, the one above his head?


    Yet, Steve is a math genius like none I've ever seen.  Without ever really studying, he tested out of every undergraduate math class Creighton University offered, during his Freshman year.  He casually flipped through books on fuzzy math, absorbing it in no time at all. He tried explaining some of it, but I just don't quite get fuzzy math.


    He partied every night, has all the time in the world for his friends, and breezed through school.  By his sophmore year, he was a teacher aide for physics and math classes, and then some.  They had nothing else for him to do, so he was giving lectures, at 20.  Grad school consisted of shipping him off to New York to do research smashing sub-atomic particles together in a nuclear reactor, trying to recreate conditions at the time of the big-bang.  I'm not sure that's a great idea, but what do I know?


    Without trying, he had a Masters.  He's currently deciding whether to get a doctorate in physics, or start on another path, and get a computer programming degree for fun.


    I don't think Steve is insane at any level, but he is often so deep in thought on some random project, that he isn't entirely "there".

    ROFL awesome. :p


    I believe you're thinking of a particle accelerator like the one they're building in the Alps, not a nuclear reactor? Usually several miles long, it hurtles different elemental atoms at each other, trying to find elusive subatomic particles like the Higgs something or other...can't remember ATM, my brain is too fuzzy right now, as it's 2:02 AM here. ;)

  11. I never played female. If you play female DS, do you get the option to kill Carth because people are mentioning that they did kill Carth somehow.


    If a character had the ability to die in the first KOTOR, I don't think they should pop up in the sequel. It would invalidate your choices in the first game, and it looks like the devs are striving against that.


    If so, I think it's unlikely that Carth will appear.

    Aye. If you play a fem DS PC, and let his bratty son live. You gain his trust, he comes to attempt to turn you back to the Light Side on the Star Forge, in the landing bay, after you've slain Malak, and you have the option of killing his bitch ass (which I did) or turning back to the light. Overall, it is worth it to let his bratty son live, in order to gain his trust, and turn on him. Damn, where's a devil horns emoticon like the :twisted: on on the PHP software when I need one. <_<

  12. It has been proven more or less that most geniuses, artistic or other suffered from an affliction more or less like Bi-Polar.  It gives them the duality, and the inspiration to form their greatest works.

    It has been suggested that madness and genius have a common source. When the brain processes stimuli, it "learns" to discard information that it considers irrelevant.


    For some unknown reason, some people doesn't develop these inhibitors and the brain is more "open" for input, which other peoples brains might observe, but discard as irrelevant.


    These people are frequently called "creative", as they can observe things, where others can not (e.g. artists etc.).


    In extreme cases, the information becomes overwhelming and a high intelligence is required to process the information. These people are able to utilize input in ways most other people can't. These are often referred to as "geniuses" (e.g. Einstein etc.).


    If a person lacks inhibitors and the intelligence to process it, they succumb to "madness" (i.e. they tend to lose their grip on reality)


    Sometimes people starts out with low inhibitors and high intelligence, but eventually the mind tires, intelligent or not, and madness sets in after a period of brilliance.


    Interesting field of researh, but I'm currently too lazy to look up the links for the source... :p

    Good post Gorth. Yes, Einstein comes to mind indeed. I believe someone said about him, was that what gave him his genius, is he never ceased to look at things around him as a child would, everything is possible; nothing is beyond imagination. Which refers to the 'openness' you speak of.

  13. Yes, and I had the idea recently whilst reading in the other thread where someone mentioned Boromir continuing to fight with ten arrows in his chest....what if say, to get around the problem of "Ooh, crap, they cut off my saber hand, how am I gonna fight them now" you had to finish them with force powers, as it's rather hard to continue to use your lightsaber without your saberhand, unless perhaps you manipulated it with the force; but I can see someone still being able to zap somone to death with Force Lightning, or slam them against the wall a la Jedi Knight, weapons hand or no hand. Then they can have a nice cut scene of you getting a robotic limb replacement.


    Good or bad idea?

  14. That's another thing that bothered me in KOTOR.


    Say you're on Tatooine dealing with some scumbag, and you use Dominate Mind to get a few extra credits out of said scumbag, Bastilla would chastise you. Look, you're taking money away from a scumbag to buy equipment that will help you take down Malak. It's not like Bastilla hasn't used questionable morals towards pursuing a higher goal (lying to you about being Revan).


    It seemed rather hypocritcal.

    Well, you can also look at where Bastila ended up... :p

  15. a track that isn't as simple as "go in a straight line" would be nice. you know- curves, slopes, tunnels... that type of thing. hazards should also include some that can't be bumped into but that hinder sight (smoke, waterfalls, fog)


    swoop upgrades should include plating, upgraded drives, upgraded drive shift and turbo drives.


    there should be a possibility to buy and sell swoops in addition to being able to modify them. swoops should have different looks.

    Great Ideas Sniggy!


    It would be so cool if your Swoop had a flucuating value dependent on your Tournament wins/Title status etc. So you coud win a few Prizes with your crappy bike, and then sell it for a fortune because it's a "Champions Swoop Bike". B)



    "This Bike carried me to victory countless times, it will do the same for you if you treat it right."


    Just don't mention that it's a POS and the only reason you did so well on it is because 'Force Reload'. :p

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