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Child of Flame

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Posts posted by Child of Flame

  1. It has been suggested that there is no genius without the touch of madness.

    It has been proven more or less that most geniuses, artistic or other suffered from an affliction more or less like Bi-Polar. It gives them the duality, and the inspiration to form their greatest works.

  2. It scares me how wonderfully went written some of Shakespeare's romances are, and how bad the love story is in Romeo and Juliet.

    Well, it has been said he was insane...or at the very least mentally disturbed...perhaps that explains the inconsistency? Especially if he was Bi-Polar...that would really explain it. :p

  3. I want him in the game so I can kill him again.


    And Hades_One, you took the words out of my mouth...he was sort of likeable playing as a fem PC, because I found the dialogues to be much like the ones between Han and Leia in the OT. But as a male PC, I developed a loathing for him; and because of this, I still hated him when playing a fem. Perhaps if I had played a fem first he would have been more likeable. But for Bob's sakes, they could have made him more useful if they're gonna make him so damnably bitchy and whiny, or at least given the Male PCs the option of killing him. Perhaps he could show up on the Star Forge to stop you, only in a sort of one on one duel sort of way....it would have been suicide on his part...but if he brought along a thermal detonator a la Calo Nord, planning on detonating it when you came in for the kill....I mean, you'd probably still survive, but at least he wouldn't seem so neutered in his last moment, willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good; he could have almost been cool. But instead he ran scared like a little bitch.


    I blame you Darth Woo!!! :angry:

  4. You know what would be the shiznat is if they somehow managed to implement a romance rather like the one found in The Taming of the Shrew (for those who don't do Shakespeare, 10 Things I Hate About You is a modern loose adaptation of it, of course not as good as the original, but worth mention); that is simply THE BEST romance of all time IMHO. It was funny, touching, and bawdy in it's own right. Possibly rather politically incorrect in today's hyper sensitive society if implemented EXACTLY like the original. But something like it, i.e. the love interest hating the PC at the beginning, but being forced to be with them anyway through circumstance, and growing to have an affection for them even with the downright rudeness of the PC ( :p ). That would rock.


    I mean, the Bioweenies did manage to implement Romeo and Juliet in the original...but it would have been much better had the PC been Romeo/Juliet rather than just being a mediator between the 'Montagues' and 'Capulets'.


    Anywho, my $0.02 worth.

  5. I'm confused. What's wrong with Carth?

    There are many, many things wrong with Carth among others:


    1. He's a whiny bitch ass pretty boy. He is to Candyman what Squarenix males are to Max Payne.


    2. He is THE MOST USELESS party member in the game. Most people would say T3 is, but equipped properly, with some nice upgradeable blasters, the Baragwin Shield, Carbonite Projector, and Flame Thrower, he could kick his share of ass. Plus, not only was he useful for opening the door to the Sith Academy on Taris, but he could also open Master Uthar Wyn's door on Korriban should you be playing a LS character. If that isn't already enough to prove that he is superior to Carth, take into account his excellent repair and computer slicing capabilities. It's all about playing to his strengths. Carth is quasi-useful on the early levels, after that he becomes for lack of a better term 'bantha poodoo.'


    3. He's a whiny bitch ass pretty boy.


    4. He is made in the image personality-wise of Darth Woo, that is worthy of hate in it's own respect.


    5. The Bioweenies made it so that you could only have the pleasure of killing his ass if you were playing as a fem PC, who followed through with the romance dialogues; which is also unfortunately the setting you're most likely to develop a fondness for him. I think this was a mechanism Darth Woo placed in it specifically to justify his whiny bitchassedness. <_<


    If that isn't enough for you, I suggest you visit the Carth Hater Club, and Apocalyptic Church of the Anti Carth threads for more reasons to hate him.










    P.S. I assume you're an Asimov fan from your screenname, but I could be wrong. Please confirm or allay my suspicions. :p

  6. HEHEHAHA LOL No wonder his wife didn't want him to go back to the fleet! She probably cought them "doing it". And carth said: "NOO I love Saul and must go back to the fleet with him!"

    Yep, and then Saul firebombed his homeworld and left him for Malak. Love hurts do'n't it Carth. ;)

  7. But I, as an original member of the SNPC,  HATE CARTH!!!!!  I know what my sig says, but JESUS would prob hate Carth.  Jesus spent time with fisherman, the outcast, all o' that, NOT WHINING BABYS!!!!!!!

    Aye, Jesus hung out with hookers, thieves, and ne'erdowells. Carth hung out with....with.....who did he hang out with again before Darth Woo made it mandatory for us to have him as a party member? ;)

  8. they will need to be watched closely to ensure they do not fall back into their old ways
    you will never break me hahahahahahahahahhahaha i mean carth rules and he should return in kotor 2 :D its only my opinion :huh:

    Nooooooooooooooooooo! :p The invasion has begun! God help us all... ;)


  9. I can read between the lines Miss Kitty.

    meh you sound like my english teacher :p even if carth DOES rule whats it to you :huh: torch me ill always stay faithful to carth ;)


    EDIT: sorry gettin slightly off topic ut it did start off with a resonable question :angry:

    GAAAAAAAH!!! It's started my brethren!!! TO ARMS!!! TO ARMS!!! :angry:

  10. Sing it with me!!!!! CARTH STINKS CARTH STINKS!!!!! Teksuni may be on THESE BOARDS under a different name!





    Don't get me wrong, Adria Teksuni's fanfic site is a great thing to do.

    YAAAAAAY!!!! Join me in the Apocalyptic Church of the Anti Carth my brethren, with your help, we can nip this in the bud. :D

  11. You're one of them Carth lovers ain't you


    erm maybe i should just say no and save myself some trouble heh :D

    This is no laughing matter. The Church of the Anti Carth has made a pact to flame any former Church of Carth members or whatever the flock it was called off of these boards before they get a chance to take root and spread their disgusting pre pubescent Carth loving ways. <_<

    ok ok dont have a stress attack it was JUST a question and if im right it didnt even MENTION the name carth so stop havin a go :angry:

    I can read between the lines Miss Kitty. Plus I remember making fun of you in your mulitple Carth loving threads. ;)


    Servant of Eru, High Priest of the Church of the Anti Carth

  12. Ok this topic's officially creepy...

    Yeah, I know....damned creepy. I said Carth was almost likeable. The newly registered Carth lovers must have sent subliminal messaging to me or some schmidt. AAAAAIIIIEEEE!!! THEY HAVE CONTROL OF MY BRAIN!!! PUT ME OUT OF MY SUFFERING NOW MY FELLOW CHURCH OF THE ANTI CARTH MEMBERS!!!



    Nevermind...I think I'll be alright. :ph34r:

  13. The flood has started my Carth Despising brethren. Already I have identified Adria Teksuni and kitty518233, part of the Temple of Righteous Cartholicism....they will need to be watched closely to ensure they do not fall back into their old ways, and spread their lies among us. :ph34r:

  14. You're one of them Carth lovers ain't you


    erm maybe i should just say no and save myself some trouble heh :D

    This is no laughing matter. The Church of the Anti Carth has made a pact to flame any former Church of Carth members or whatever the flock it was called off of these boards before they get a chance to take root and spread their disgusting pre pubescent Carth loving ways. <_<

  15. not sure whether this has ben answered already but i forget aftr i read the whole thread in 1 day but anyways


    how far will customising your character go? eg for men facial hair women make up (maybe for men as well ;)) and for both sexes hair eye color skin tone etc etc or will there just be say 7 people for each sex and thats as far as it will go?



    You're one of them Carth lovers ain't you. <_<


    I shall resist the urge to flame for now, but you have been warned! :angry:

  16. hey people, why not just play podracer for the pc. it should have a nice 10 dollar price right now.


    anyway, upgrading swoops would be good, and a selection of bikes.

    why not develop an extra swoop game and make it an add-on to kotor2?


    whoever wants to swoop, swoops. whoever doesn't, won't buy the add-on.



    Erm....because that would mean not only wouldn't be integrated into the game all that well, but we also would have to fork over money for another game? ;)

  17. Does anyone except me think that a triple lightsaber used like that one oriental bladed weapon (don't remember the name); spins from side to side and such, would not pwn? Plus it would add to the 'uniqueness' factor.


    My favorite saber configuration by the end of the game would be either dual wielding one hand HotG with Jenraux (+2 Damage, +7 BB Deflection) and Upari (+4 Attack, +1d12 Damage); and the other hand the MotF with Upari (+8 BB Deflection, +1 Hit, +1d6 Damage) and Solari for a LS PC (+4 Attack, +1d8 Damage, +2d6 DS) or Krayt Pearl for a DS PC (+4 Damage, +3 BB Deflection), or maybe even substitute a Bondar for the Upari (On Hit Paralysis, DC 14).....or the above mentioned config with the MotF because not only did I like the look better, but it had better stats overall. I have to say though, by the time I'd played the game through three times, I decided to heck with it, and used cheats so I could have dual MotF sabers, simply because I always thought Dual was classier than the staff, and I like the look of the same color better, in which case, I'd have the above configuration, with the second MotF saber being Upari+Bondar.


    Needless to say, any of these configurations will pwn just about any enemies, far too easy IMHO. Should've made it more strategy based. <_<

  18. And can we select breast size?



    36-22-36 ?


    I couldn't care less. I picked a slightly european guy/girl in my games, because it was easier to identify with. Had there only been one, it wouldn't matter either.


    Edit: And it was ^&%$ difficult to play a girl! Impossible to identify with ;)

    Really? I found it easy to identify with... ;) I even found Carth almost likeable whilst playing as a fem. I do wish I could have romanced Bratstila in the original one as a fem though, thank Bob for the modding community.


    P.S. In fact, I rather liked playing a fem better than a guy once I got the lesbian mod, alot nicer to look at those rocking hips and luscious buttocks in hot pants mimicking armor than some guy in the same hot pants. :ph34r:

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