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Everything posted by Qistina
What if we the east do the same things to you? Meddling with your affairs and invading your country, then leave it in ruins? How about that? Will you still boasting your "good quality of life"? What if we in the east doing the same to you, "Obama is a dictator, let us sent our troops to topple him and give Americans their freedom" Or "USA have problem with Mexico, let us armed the white supremacist in USA, let them fight the Mexicans, then let them topple government of USA, there will be no problem with Mexico then...later we will sent our troop to fight these white supremacists....and we restore the democracy..."
DS3 look promising...look like Bloodborne much...and now magic use mana
So "the west offer the quality of life"...bull****...you now complaint why Muslims migrating to your country, it is because your own doing, yet you want to claim it is because you offer a good quality of life than anyone else?
Their countries won't be a mess if not because of the west...the west who messed up their countries. Such as in Afhanistan, USA who supply the Mujahidden to fight Russia and then let them loose, you give weapons to mad men, then these mad men rule, what do you expect? Below is Afghanistan before ad after USA using Mujahiddeen to fight Russian. If the west don't intervine, Afghans won't bother to migrate to the west.... Below is Iraq before and after USA topple Saddam Hussein Western peoples are hypocrite...you claim you are better than anyone, it is just because you destroy everyone else
I know some of you just dismiss everything related to "Atlantis" and "Lemuria", only believing in evolutionists and mainstream scientists....just consider this, why there are so many unaswerable questions regarding the past? Why there are so many forbidden archeology in the list? How pyramids was build before 10000 BC? Why there are building build even before that? The answer is Atlantis...mainstream scietists refuse to accept that and saying human just evolved recently, it is because want to justify western superiority, that you are the most advance human being, other races are undeveloped, not yet to reach human potential... China actually already having advance civilizations 5000 BC, already made buildings and having governments while the west are just new civilization around 300 BC...
Might as well say all humans are Africans. Not all, but some...far eastern peoples are not from Africa... I think you missed the joke, all humans have genetics roots that trace back to Africa (something you could have found out with a few seconds of research): "Homo erectus were the first of the hominina to leave Africa, and this species spread through Africa, Asia, and Europe between 1.3 to 1.8 million years ago. One population of H. erectus, also sometimes classified as a separate species Homo ergaster, stayed in Africa and evolved into Homo sapiens." "This would suggest several different species of humans co-existing in Africa around two million years ago with only one of them surviving and eventually evolving into our species, Homo sapiens. It is as if nature was experimenting with different versions of the same evolutionary configuration until one succeeded." Those are hardly the best sources but good enough to prove my point. Like i said, not all, but some...some human come from Atlantis....especially SEA peoples. My people was Atlanteans.
Well, that song is just the famous melodic song, hear this one
Euro centricism...for a long time i and my people think white people are "big" and "above" people...we called white people as "men above the winds", we are "men below the winds"...but now i am free...the truth set me free....
Might as well say all humans are Africans. Not all, but some...far eastern peoples are not from Africa, but today everything have mixed up, it is because some human migrate, some human don't...Those who migrate creating many races, those who don't stay as they were... We can trace racial origin by language...
Our mind have been accustom to the map creted by "the west", they make Europe bigger than what it really is and put it on "above" the others "below"...who said north is "upward" and south is "downward"? This create the attitude of human today, especially western and white people, thinking they are big and above all others, thinking they are the center of the earth and the world is them... The whole world become busy with white men problem as if their problem is the world problem, no one care care black, yellow, brown men problems as if these men are not important, not a part of the world...
Well, "Europe" is not exactly "the west", it just a small part of land connected with Asia...hey, we are brothers and sisters
"Europeans" come from the east originally, the real Europeans are only a few, the Romans/Italians and Greeks... Frank, Goth, Visigoth, Ostrogoth, Vandal, Saxon...are all Mongol stock from the east now become French, German, Polish, Hungarians, English... Spanish is mixture of some above with Moors, Berbers.... It is not so suprising if the history repeat itself....
No, he's an Illuminati Jew... Qui Gon have become a pawn of Sidious from the begining because Sidous have seen it all...Sidious planned everything based on premonitions but sometimes he just taking advantage of situations. It is quite the failure of Jedis themselves cannot forsee it...that Sidious have been around them and they can't sense he's a Sith Lord... I just wonder how powerful Sidious really is
In Islamic history, there was a time where Arab Muslims have to migrate to escape persecution in Makkah by the Pagans...Muslims go to Ethiopia by the order of the prophet, because Ethiopia have a good Orthodox Christian king...the king welcome and protect those Muslims... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9BksDe4zXk But today the world is not the same isn't it...?
He's the worst Jedi... i. Weak Force Sense Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have a bad feeling about this. Qui-Gon Jinn: I don't sense anything. ii. Can't defeat two droids (and before that failed to open the door) Qui Gon Jinn : We cannot defeat these droids, we must escape! iii. Failed Jedi Mind Trick on a random merchant Qui-Gon Jinn: I have 20,000 republic dataries... Watto: Republic credits? Republic credits are no use out here. I need something different, something more real... Qui-Gon: I don't have anything else, but credits will do fine. [waves his hand, attempting to use the Jedi mind trick] Watto: No, they won'ta. Qui-Gon: Credits will do fine. [tries the mind trick again] Watto: No, they won'ta! What, you think you're some kind of Jedi, waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks won't work on me; only money. No money! No parts! No deal! And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that. iv. He's the reason for everything happened in Episode 1 to 6 Qui-Gon Jinn : Finding him was the will of the force, I have no doubt of that. Jedis can sense the future, surely he can see what Anakin would become, Yoda have sense it, everyone sense it, but he don't, like the first point he have a weak Jedi sense. Finding the boy lead to the fall of Jedi Order and the Republic... Oh yes, he's the one who found Jar-Jar Binks, and that lead to the authroization by the Senate for the creation of clone army in which lead to the fall of Republic...
It still nonsense, they should just leave Darth Maul dead, it is not fair for Qui Gon. Oh, Qui Gon also have learned the path of imortality....he must be DEAD first to become "immortal"...that's another nonsense of Star Wars...i don't even bother to know anymore... First midichlorian, then Darth Maul live after being cut into half, then "your old master, Qui Gon, have learned the path of immortality, commune with him i will teach..."
Midichlorians hate Qui Gon...he got stabbed at his tummy and dead, Darth Maul being cut into half at his tummy and he's alive...damn Midichlorians... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVtoZvKY0Mg
Can't blame Clone Wars for that. Comic books made that canon already a multitude of YEARS before they were even working on Clone Wars (and the same applies to Boba Fett). Side note: Clone Wars happened BEFORE Disney purchased LucasFilm as well - Disney had more to do with canceling the show than it did with making it. Rebels is their brainchild. No matter, they should just scrap that idea, you see Qui Gon only got stabbed and he's dead, why would Darth Maul who got cut into two survived and having robotic lower body, it's nonsense. That's what happen when there are too many cooks, it spoiled the broth.
Clone Wars making characters that are dead not dead, that's bull**** for me...Darth Maul is DEAD in Episode 1 but then he have half his body attach to robotic part, how that even possible? That's why i don't like it, i want characters that are dead stay dead. Come on, he being cut in half, is there a need to resurrect that character? Oh it is because he have fans.....
They don't need to include new things, just stick with the Sith is fine, it's Star Wars part 7 movie, there is no mention of Knight of Ren whatsoever in episode 6. Not even in episode 1 to 5. For me it is fine if all those new things of Disney not include in the main movie, just in their cartoons, i don't follow the Clone War anyway, it's too much of BS
Alright...but all Sith are Sith wannabe to think about it...because there was the True Sith...if there is True Sith, then all other Sith are Sith wannabes Kylo Ren is a member of the Knights of Ren, they weren't taught by a Sith Master as far as we have been told and are pretty much a group of Darth Vader fanboys. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Knights_of_Ren Let me guess...Disney character? I don't catch up with Star Wars universe anymore, there are too many things, and none make any sense. Knights of Ren sound soo cartoonish, why not just called it Sith, and that's fine by me
Alright...but all Sith are Sith wannabe to think about it...because there was the True Sith...if there is True Sith, then all other Sith are Sith wannabes
I get the feeling that Luke Skywalker is the Sith and the bad guy in this movie.... "I will finish what you started..." is the dialogue we hear from that Sith in the trailer, he said that like a son to a father...
In before WW3(or 4) and nuclear fallout, i just want to say thank you to you guys for allowing me to join and speak in this forum, you guys are so welcoming and funny too, i hope you guys take care and i wish you guys safe, i don't know if we all can chat like this in the future, maybe the technology will gone and i don't know if we survive, and i also thank Obsidian for making games, i don't know if we can play Obsidian games anymore after this...in anyway i just wish the best for you guys, may Allah bless you and us all...
This is your attitude in a nutshell: This is funny, and they still wonder why people hate USA...