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Everything posted by Qistina
I being sarcastic in the post with videos above....i just want to show how the media work...no one care about Muslims being persecuted because of the media have brainwash you all saying Islam and Muslims are bad, so if Muslims got persecuted who cares? Muslims and Islam are bad. Rohingya Muslims got genocided and driven out from Burma by Buddhist, nothing goes into media, no one say "Buddhism is religion of terror", "Buddhists are terrorists"...what worse is you will blame those Rohingya Muslims...i have seen that in internet comments....
What sort of question is this? There is no such thing as "militan Islam", that term made by the west Islam is Islam, no more no less, you western peoples love to play with terminologies If you ask about militant Muslims, then i point my fingers to tell you
Okay well I must say it took less time than I thought for you to admit this but well done for acknowledging this So what is the first thing you want to change about Islam? I don't understand your question, what i want to change about Islam? What do you mean by that? Islam is a religion, there are millions of Muslims, and islam itself have many sects and branches You are an atheist right? So what if i ask you "what do you want to change about atheism?"
No one care about Muslims because Muslims are bad people, there's always something wrong about Islam, Muslims are supposed to be eradicated... There's nothing wrong with Zionism and Judaism, they are free to kill Palestinians There's nothing wrong with Communists, they are free to persecute Uygurs There's nothing wrong with white people, they are free to shoot Muslim families, they just mentally ill.... When a Muslim doing something bad..."it must be something wrong with the religion!"
"You can take religion away from the killer and he or she can still kill people with a different ideology. If you take the killer way from the religion the religion does nothing." Except, when that ideology is steeped in hatred, intolerance, and preaches aggression toward heathens then said ideology does not do nothing, it creates new killers. And I'm aware Christians have committed their fare share of atrocities throughout history, I'm not giving Christians a pass, nor any other religion... except maybe Buddhists, I can't think of atrocities committed by Buddhists, though I could be wrong on that one. Buddhists are peaceful, they are just monks who meditate and don't care about the world...
When you talk about politic, people call you troll, when you talk about religion, people call you troll, when you talk about conspiracy theory, people call you troll...even if you talk about games, people still call you troll....and then people call you being someone else...and people call you fake...
I always wonder why they hate archery so much...archery always suck. This is no one can deny. You see, magic is also ranged attack, and they are varried, also powerful. They can make magic like that, but why they still thinking archery will be overpowered and they cripple the whole archery mechanic? I just don't understand that. They also remove Hunter class of DS1, they make Bandit have bow as starting weapon. Means you have to be a Bandit if want to play archer at the very begining. They don't even make specific archer class. There are lack of bows compared to melee weapons Arrows are so expensive, and it is almost not worth it. I mean for archers you have to spent souls to kill, while for magic users and melee you don't need to. Magic user only need to buy magic then can refill magic freely and bonfires. Melee fighters don't really need to buy weapons. But archers will spend souls to buy arrows and took forever to kill enemies, while others killing for free. Let say you spend 1000 souls to buy arrows, you need to kill and collect more than 1000 souls to make it worth it. While 1000 souls spend to buy magic is more worthwhile because you have to buy once, it's powerful and it refill free at bonfire. They make archers can move around while shooting in DS2, thats nice but still it is just broken mechanic. I hope they do something for archery in DS3, but i don't see any archer class in the video....
I think we going back into the past, how far i am not sure, but maybe it is at the first time the curse break...in DS1 intro it says "and now there' are only embers...", then showing a woman holding a small fire in her hand In DS1 embers are used to upgrade weapons, and they are rare....maybe they become rare because people use the embers to save themselves from becoming undead before using humanity? From the video, the main character seems not to be undead And DS3 is supposed to give explanation on the origin of bonfire and i think explanation on everything, so maybe we are going back into the past before everything happen
I don't say about you, i am saying about the person 2 level above you. And i like your post, so i like it, is there a problem?
Why not those European/American Jews just be European/American? They are born in Europe/America for generations, doesn't that make them European/American? If my ancestors born and live in Europe/America for generations, and i born in Europe/America, doesn't that make me European/American? There are Chinese, Indian, Punjabi, Portuguese, and many more in my country...they are all Malaysian now....
Calling other people troll is trolling I have given my opinion, like it or not up to you, but calling me a troll because you don't agree make you a troll
From what i learned, Palestine was under Ottoman protectorate, Ottoman was German ally. The british hired thugs and robbers that are Saudi to rebel and making a mess in Ottoman protectorates. When Ottoman were busy with infighting, the British storm Jerusalem and declare the sate of Israel. The Saud creating new country called Saudi Arabia. Ottoman can no longer help the German against the Allied force, German also lost to Russia. Then another rebellion within Ottoman itslef lead to the fall of Ottoman utterly. And that the begining of the problem...propaganda played to call all Jews to "return" to their homeland......then lead to today world...Like what i mentioned in other post, when the top dog fallen, other dogs start barkings, warlords rise in Middle East and that is the recipe of disasters. USA protect Israel, that's USA job... Now rise a question, what is so special about the Jews? If they can claim their so called land they lost thousand years ago, why not other people? What about the native Americans? What about others who the west being messed up with? The Jews in Israel now not even from there, but European and American Jews... Jews in Europe and America have two nationalities, one European/American, another is Israeli... Don't you see...?
I am not racist, but it is something you will never understand i guess...two of my cousins married with Americans, i never see them anymore....last time i heard one got divorced...and one Americanized, she have a son and a daughter, her son named Kyle...my late father used to visit them, but he being scholded by that American when he playing with Kyle...that American say "he's not Malay!"...that's all i know...
No, and i don't want any relationship through internet, it never work...and yes i do have relationships with white men, never work...i prefer the locals now, but that don't work either...if you are so interested, why not making Facebook account and add me, you can see my stuff, talk with my friends and family?
USA exist long before Israel, are you saying you create Israel?
Sorry Qistina but can you respond to this? I don't have Skype, but i use Facebook and You Tube, want to see my videos? look at my Facebook and You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmTtNWTglDz-H0dj2O4knw https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002105943403 I'm sorry but this is not enough....you did say you were a gamer? Download Skype ....because now it looks like you really aren't a women I wonder what others think ? it is nice how you turn the topic into my personal stuff, do i ever ask the same to you? This is my EA account https://myaccount.ea.com/cp-ui/aboutme/index?locale=en_US This is my BSN account http://forum.bioware.com/user/675114-qis/ Not enough? Want my phone numbers? Bank account numbers? Malaysian identity card numbers? Liscence numbers? Why would i want to download something because of you? **** you
Yeah, I don't really care how Dark Souls-y or not a non-Dark Souls game is... And I would very much disagree with Dark Souls 2 being "fine": Dark Souls 2 was like...if you took the combat of Dark Souls 1, slowed it down like 25-33%, made most every weapon shorter and slower and consequently more difficult and unfun to use (so much so that I literally never found a single weapon I actually enjoyed using like I did in Dark Souls 1), and you replaced what felt like roughly half of the bosses in the game with Iron Giant-esque bosses: giant (i.e. slow) humanoid bosses that are oh so predictable and not very fun to fight when facing the close to that same boss for the umpteenth time. Probably forgetting some other stuff, but yeah, I'd rate the entire experience as being pretty awful. That is because like i said before, they make games just to grab money, they just make maps with filler enemies, that's why. I am an Asian you know, i know what is in their head....maybe they can fool western players, but they can't fool me... i am used to this kind of bull**** they are making, this is not the first time i am playing Asian games...(there are a lot of Asian products here, i know the quality of Asian products) But let us see how DS3 will turn out to be...
You claim no one will pay and no want to pay for anything...why the Palestinian pay for something they not done? Europe and USA help the Jews to make Palestinians pay...what Palestinian done that they deseve this?
What about the Jews? Why they get special attention? Why they get Israel? Why Europe is so much care about them? Jews can claim something that is thousand years old thing, they already lost Judea fro thousand of years, but you guys the west through UN give them what they already lost thousand of years. What about other peoples? What is so special about the Jews? You supply the Jews with weapons and everything, then they kill Palestinians everyday, taking Palestinian lands, why they get that special attention by the west?
Sorry Qistina but can you respond to this? I don't have Skype, but i use Facebook and You Tube, want to see my videos? look at my Facebook and You Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmTtNWTglDz-H0dj2O4knw https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002105943403
I don't mean literally... No I do....people want cash payments for Apartheid Really? Well, this is a different case....the west can pay back by stop sabotaging SEA economy and stop meddling with our affairs, keep your nose at somewhere else.
"Pay back" is phrase used when you're insinuating retribution with violence, which is very seldom used here on the continent since we have history of guys impaling 40 000 people just to prove a point. Your colorful language is greatly frown upon. I suggest trying to reach out by appealing to our common humanity instead. Well, someone have to pay....usually the ones who pay are the descendants who run away from paying. The debt must be paid. What have been taken must be returned..... No chance of that, what country actually enforces that type of rule And you must remember I live in country where there are some black South Africans who really expect some sort of financial payment from white people ...so its a real question I don't mean literally...
You guys have any idea how much have been taken from us? The cities you are living now, the streets you walk, the beautiful gardens you hang around with your lover...it is all build upon blood and eye drops of my people.... Our gold, tin, silver, minerals on my land...are all empty now...for 600 years west digging out our soil for that....and that's how you build your nation....
"Pay back" is phrase used when you're insinuating retribution with violence, which is very seldom used here on the continent since we have history of guys impaling 40 000 people just to prove a point. Your colorful language is greatly frown upon. I suggest trying to reach out by appealing to our common humanity instead. Well, someone have to pay....usually the ones who pay are the descendants who run away from paying. The debt must be paid. What have been taken must be returned.....
This is a good start for you guys....learn about other people, learn about my people The world is not only the west you know...there are a lot of other peoples in the world, the world is a big place...