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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. Is fixing the translations planned for a patch soon? The french one is so bad it's unusable (I play in english, but most people can't play in a foreign language).
  2. I haven't yet been able to check yet, due to 1.03 not existing yet for linux. Have there been any translation fixes in 1.03? I admire those who report things here, I noted everything at the start, but had one full page after the first part of the tutorial
  3. Will this patch include translation rewrites? The french one is unfixable but could be redone. But I don't expect it to be done in a one week dev time patch
  4. The french translation is a joke, switching to english. If there is a way to push community custom content (like there was for example for nwn1), then I may find the will come back and try something like this, but this is probably a big task.
  5. I may have been a bit too quick to say the text part was correct... Many of the dialogues are actually very badly translated. And the combat log is plain gibberish.
  6. I only had the time to take a look at the options dialog and the beginning of the character creation in french, and that sure was entertaining. Most of the elements are sound, but others are really weird, not exactly incorrect but as if made to make the meaning incomprehensible. maimed/mutilé, not _wrong_ but doesn't make the meaning obvious, stash/planque is very unclear, and gibs... morceaux, really? Some are _not_ french, like "pointeur cage", a non-french expression made from two (accidentally, I suppose) french words. And I completely suspect the translators never go near a RPG in their life (What? Bandit? Combattant?, Attaque furtive?) For the rest, the textual parts seems actually grammatically correct which in french is by itself an achievement. And that's nice. But I'm not really sure I'll be able to handle the awkwardness of the most prominent keywords. I'm still deciding if I'll play it in french or in english.
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