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Everything posted by DnaCowboy

  1. look, we all know you don't want combat xp but why do you keep trying to shut down others that do? Entering threads and trolling seems a silly way to put your position across, it makes you look boring and predictable.
  2. Fine, please put forward what you believe to be the best choices and I will implement them in the poll. thanks.
  3. Sorry about another poll, although it is related to the previous poll on Combat XP we require a new question to vote on how combat xp is implemented. I have contacted the developers to see if implementing combat xp is feasible in retail or as a primary Wish List proposal. This question is aimed at those who voted (the majority) for combat xp in Pillars. Question: if the developers conceded in adding combat xp to the game would you be happy to wait while combat xp was implemented or would you prefer it as the first wish-list/add-on package?
  4. Okay, now we have a definitive answer to the question perhaps we should now write an open letter to Obsidian politly requesting that combat xp be employed even if it means putting back the release schedule.
  5. Thank you kind sir.
  6. Attached files: Savegame: http://www.upload.ee/files/4233939/928c10f848a24b95ba26bd45e0291cce_Cave_8070355.savegame.html Crash folder including error log, output log, report.ini and and crash dump file and : http://www.upload.ee/files/4233940/2014-08-28_141416.rar.html
  7. thanks Ink Blot.
  8. Anyone?
  9. Everyone's a cricket.
  10. I wanted to keep the poll simple, essentially reduced to one question; does the community want combat exp or not? If you'd prefer a poll with more options not relevant to this specific question then please create your own poll.
  11. I'm sorry you feel that way, please won't you suggest how the poll should read? Actually since discovering the other exists (I didn't realise polls weren't pinned) I am happy to delete this one.
  12. Guys, here is the definitive poll on whether the backer wants combat exp or not http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68043-do-you-want-experience-from-combat/
  13. This is a poll on whether the backer wants experience from combat or not, when I created it I had no idea that polls were not pinned, subsequently it was rudely brought to my attention that another poll exists; however, it is your choice whether to vote in this one that deals simply with one question or not.
  14. I am so shocked to discover that you receive no exp from combat, this takes so much away from the game. SO much. Combat has just as much relevance as questing and deserves exp for winning hard-won battles. We need a poll as a matter of urgency. Mark my words, without combat exp the immersion will fall away and what could have been such a great game will fall by the wayside.
  15. I've tried following the recipe to no avail so I must be doing something wrong. This is what I have tried: 1: open 'crafting' tab 2: find recipe I want 3: ensure I have ingredients in the characters inventory 4: hit 'craft'. Thanks in advance
  16. -------------------- [Description of the issue] Once in the Ogre Cave various characters froze into place then once two characters had frozen the game crashed. 1: load saved game 2: select ALL (backspace) 3: characters frozen in spot with some characters making repetitive motions 4: Once two or more characters froze game crashed 5: annoyed. [Expected behaviour] Characters should act independently and not freeze in place nor find themselves cast with the Spell of Dev Doom. Also player should not fall into the deep well trap of Ye Olden PC Crash. [Other remarks / Comments] Great game though [Files] Savegames / Screenshots / Crash dumps / Other files. FORUM PREVENTED ME FROM UPLOADING FILES OF ANY KIND, BE IT; SAVED GAME, CRASHDUMP OR ERROR LOG WITH THE ERROR 'YOU AREN'T PERMITTED TO UPLOAD THIS KIND OF FILE'
  17. Agreed, combat is way too fast, it completely destroys immersion and makes the game seem cheap somehow.... The 'slow' mode is great now and again in that it allows you to thoroughly understand spells and combat skills but for general use we need the combat speed to be slowed WAY down. Combat is at the moment rather like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXgUiRhxdg4
  18. Its strange, I clicked on the blue highlighted object and got the description as I mentioned above (wonderful artwork btw) but all I got was the description itself and no options to do anything. ( Might be a bug then. Is the grappling hook still in your inventory? yes, in fact I have two. Perhaps I should load an earlier save game or even leave the Ruins and return?
  19. Its strange, I clicked on the blue highlighted object and got the description as I mentioned above (wonderful artwork btw) but all I got was the description itself and no options to do anything. I made sure the grappling hook and rope was in my inventory so it is a mystery :-/
  20. Guys, I've come across a chasm in the Dyrsford Ruins and the wonderful artwork description mentions that my grappling hook and rope could be used to get across; however I have no idea how to use the grapple and hook, it won't go into any of the quick slots so how do I actually use the item? It is interesting in that the item description it mentions that the limits to how you employ tools are your imagination which filled me with hope; however, I am really stuck here, any advice would be great. Many thanks in advance.
  21. You can pan a 2D perspective camera for isometric games np. http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/just-what-is-isometric.69829/
  22. I would prefer 360 camera rotation the entire time as I have had so many issues trying to explore areas,; however, in relation to combat it is far too 'busy' atm, we definitely need the ability to rotate the camera around our party otherwise battle is far too cluttered.
  23. Yes, without a doubt Camera Rotate is a must-have.
  24. Pressing alt activates and deactivates SCOUT mode which has the character scout the area for interesting items, much like 'Find Traps' function in Baldurs Gate', if your character discovers anything of interest it will mark the object, combining this with 'HIGHLIGHT' allows the player to make the most of exploration and to my mind offer some of the best fun elements rpgs can offer.
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