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Everything posted by iridescence

  1. Yeah when I restarted it it is not giving him the bonus anymore. Must be a bug. Sucks, Eder is my fav companion so far but I doubt I'll be using him much anymore because of this. Maybe deflection bonuses were a little overdone before but this seems like overkill in the other direction and makes the fighter class pretty useless.
  2. Dude, I don't know what release you're playing, but in the 2.0 I'm playing defender definitely lowers your deflection by 5 points, check again.Also, veteran recovery is rounded up to 2 with just a bit of might, and has no duration, while now constant recovery, which heals for 3 with might <= 19 (IIRC) only lasts 90 seconds now, so it's basically a weaker and less versatile form of lay on hands. That's a huge blow to the fighter's survability, and, really, they don't have that much going for them aside from survability. In my game it definitely gives deflection +5 not -5. Maybe they fixed it since you last checked? definitely happy it still gives some def. bonus, makes fighters somewhat useful defensively. Is that a new game you are playing in? No, it's Eder in my save game which started before the patch. To make sure I turned off his defender ability and his deflection did in fact go down by 5 so it is increasing deflection but just not as much as before.
  3. Dude, I don't know what release you're playing, but in the 2.0 I'm playing defender definitely lowers your deflection by 5 points, check again. Also, veteran recovery is rounded up to 2 with just a bit of might, and has no duration, while now constant recovery, which heals for 3 with might <= 19 (IIRC) only lasts 90 seconds now, so it's basically a weaker and less versatile form of lay on hands. That's a huge blow to the fighter's survability, and, really, they don't have that much going for them aside from survability. In my game it definitely gives deflection +5 not -5. Maybe they fixed it since you last checked? definitely happy it still gives some def. bonus, makes fighters somewhat useful defensively.
  4. Yes. Totally agree. It also actually hurts roleplaying when there are no real consequences for your actions: "Oh, I'm a lawful good paladin! It's easy, I just make sure I click all the goodie goodie conversation options, but I know, one way or the other I'll still get all the rewards everyone else gets! I don't have to steal the old man's heirloom. He'll just offer to give it to me anyway!" That's not what I'd consider real roleplaying. It also totally kills my desire to replay a game when it becomes clear that short of a few conversation changes, everything will basically play out the same no matter what I do.
  5. Combat can have enjoyable gameplay but most people wouldn't do it if no loot was ever dropped. Wanting some kind of meaningful reward doesn't mean you don't enjoy a game mechanic for its own merit. I don't see a problem with some exclusive encounters for people who don't want the stronghold as it is the type of thing that would also add replay value for those of us who do want it. My worry, though, is the attitude of "if the stronghold people get something the non-stronghold people must always get something equally cool." This could quickly turn into a massive headache for the devs making them sorry they ever wanted to add the SH in the first place. It also divides the community and smacks of the kind of gamer entitlement that I personally loathe. The stronghold is part of the game, you can not use it if you want, just like an optional dungeon or a side quest, but you have no "right" to a lot of extra content in compensation for making that decision.
  6. Simply put: Because not everyone plays the way you do. And I think people want to feel that their way of playing is represented to a certain degree ingame. Does your argument work the other way around? When you do not understand that something needs an alternative, are you saying that nothing needs an alternative? I think in order to have a deep and fun RPG experience, choices that you make have to have some genuine consequence within the world. If you can get the same rewards no matter how you choose to play, then every choice is just rendered false. RPGs should be about choices: Should I suck up to this old woman because she has something I want or treat her badly because that would come naturally to my character? That type of choice should have an impact on how the game proceeds. If you as a player, don't want to be bothered managing the stronghold, your character should at least have a chance of losing some benefit that the stronghold would give . It's not about limiting choice. It's about making choices have meaningful consequences.
  7. Agree. I think it'd be preferable to have some kind of NPC you could hire so the people that weren't interested in it could still get most of the benefits (although I think people who put the work into doing it themselves should get more out of it than letting the AI manage it). It would be really bad though if the rewards for doing it ended up really inconsequential and trivial though. It's your home in the game, managing and protecting it should be a big deal.
  8. Well, none of those designers have experience with medieval Europe either and I'm sure real medieval Europeans would roll their eyes at many persistent fantasy tropes. As long as it's not deliberately offensive I think it's rather silly to get all worked up because a work of fiction misrepresents your culture. Fiction rarely presents an accurate totally depiction of anything and that's not what it's meant to do either Also I think it's good if a setting pushes a player out of their comfort zone and makes them think about moral dilemmas in different ways. That is what role playing should be about IMO. Not playing "myself only super-strong and smart". I'd love to see them make an exotic setting rather than a cut-and-paste Tolkien-verse (I love Tolkien but it gets boring when so many fantasy settings shamelessly rip him off). I think Kickstarter funding gives them more opportunities than a purely commercial project to experiment with things like this. This is one reason why the KS funding model appeals to me so much.
  9. This all sounds cool. I'd love to see the slots for improvements be limited and very customizable so for example. if you usually ran with a mage heavy party you could forego some of the warrior training things in exchange for extra library space or something. It would be cool for the player to try to develop perfect synergy between their preferred party and stronghold.
  10. No. Expensive voice acting is one of the main factors that has led to the decline of quality of modern RPGs since it limits the amount of choices and branching narratives that can be put in the game feasibly. This game is on a tight budget and should not blow a lot of it on voice acting (better just not to have any VA at all I'd say). Music shouldn't be a priority either. If I really want to listen to music while I play I'll put my own on (which I almost always do because *all* game music gets repetitive and annoying after a while of hearing the same junk on constant loop).
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