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About WintermuteX

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  • Black Isle Bastard!
  1. Obsidian lost me as a loyal customer. Do whatever you want, I will NOT forget this. I hate spineless people with no integrity. Bye Bye.
  2. Yes, the devs failed somehow because of reasons unknown to us people outside. They for sure didn't plan to fail and I'm sure they are also very unhappy as the situation is. At least they are going to fix it, some devs are dropping dead after a cluster**** (well, I wouldn't call PoE a cluster**** btw.). So the whole problem is communication, which would help a lot for most peeps, and the timeline. I'm also frustrated, but I'm positive this will get fixed somehow, so there is no reason to punsih Obsidian with to overly harsh critics or even insults. Things didn't work out as they should, but give them at least a chance to patch the game. I'm in your camp about the question if it should be possible to release a game free of major bugs, but it doesn't help anyone to vent the frustration more then once.
  3. Never, as this would mean I accept it, which I don't. ;P
  4. Thank you very much, much appreciated. Well, I guess I'm a bit out of luck as GOG user, because it is unlikely they will upload the patch on a holiday (which I can understand, I'm also happy to have some days off and I guess you guys would also be happy if you could release the patch today to have some/more time off). Well, maybe I get surprised, but most likely I can' relax with PoE on the holidays. But at least the steam users will be happy.
  5. 1. It's absolutely not pointless to show that you care about your customer base. It's not about percentage but about things like "Today we gave our current build to our testers and we hope to get positive feedback the next 2 days" maybe followed with "Unfortunetaly we have to take a deeper look at issue XYZ and have to rework the patch, we expect to fix it until the evening" ... this would show the customer that you actually care a lot, it would calm people a bit as they feel the progress and it would take a PR/community manager maybe 1 hour of the day to keep such updates. This would help to gain the trust and respect of the fans and customers and to get a long standing binding to the company. But you know better, I'm sure. 2. It is absoutely realistic to expect to buy a game today aswell as in the past which is at least playable without game stoppers and without obvious bugs of such extent. It is, and other games prove this every day. There are many games which get released in a state in which they are playable from beginning to the end with the vast majority not noticing any major bugs. Don't know which games you buy, but it seems you're here to silence every critic without facts or at least a real constructive discussion. You even tell people how they have to feel. So ask yourself what this lets you look like. 3. Nobody cares how much you invested into the game, the amount of money isn't directly related to the level of frustration. Nor does it make your opinions right if you spent more then backer X or backer Y. It is absolutely ok to be frustrated if you sent some amount of money and don't get what you expect. There are also backers from countries where you earn a lot less money. So your 173US$ might be the same cut for someone else only spending 30US$ and it's not your place to look down to them if this is what you are trying to tell here. 4. "This is the gaming industry" is not an argument, this is pathetic BS. The gaming industry is working on a profit base as every other business also, if it gets away with more money for less efford, then this is the way it TRIES to take. The customers could try to change the rules by complaining, by not buying anymore and in the end there is a chance, if the critical mass is reached, to get a fair bargain on both sides. This is if we don't have to deal with people like you.
  6. Ah yes, planes never crash, cars never gets recalled by the manufacturer... Ah, yes. You missed the point entirely. As far as I can tell, civil planes crash by a multitude of things but not by bad design. Maybe the German "Erdnagel", but this was some other issue. Software is complex, but coding isn't magic and errors are made because someone made mistakes while coding or because something wasn't thought through entirely, they don't "just happen", they are flaws made by people. It is not about 100% bug free, it is about obvious bugs and the gaming industry which pulls this stunt nearly every time. So OP is perfectly right and you try to make points with BS.
  7. Yes the german translation is absolutely crap, I will play in english. Obsidian isn't either aware how terrible and embarrassing the german translation is or if they just don't care how the german community will react ... well they will learn soon enough.
  8. 1. After starting the game and having some other application in the background stealing the focus OR alt-tabing out of the game will freeze the graphics so the game is working in the background and the mouse is moving, but I get a still picture. 2. Aftter the introduction and hero creation the game crashes right after showing the camp. This is one of those really sucking Unity related problems, a pitty you chose this engine ... Logfiles: Crashlog_and_outputlog.zip
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