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Everything posted by BeerBelly

  1. Test post to see if there is a Slacker Backer badge. Appears to be not And what of the "Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge" which my profile says I have. Is that badge invisible? Ah, it appears one must finalize the pledge process first.
  2. Been discussed before http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64108-slacker-backer-needs-a-new-name/ And this statement from Update #66 gives me hope: "Oh, and slacker backers… you might have some upgrade opportunities… :)" Maybe an upgrade opportunity will allow us slackers to change our status from slacker backer!!
  3. This just makes me feel that these people really love what they do and are willing to pursue all avenues of "research" to make great games. I feel even more confident I will love PE.
  4. I can only really relate to one item in your list
  5. Well, I hate to sound "easy", but I think I would be perfectly happy with that scene in the finished product!
  6. I have always loved the idea of being able to mod a game. But of all the mod-able games I have played, I have yet to jump in ! Maybe PE will be my first?
  7. I don't really take offense to the title, but slacker does, after all, imply lack of effort or laziness in my mind. I do prefer (maybe an alternate title?) something more like "late to the party" as suggested previously (or "those who live under a rock"). I only learned of Project Eternity a little more than a month ago. So my only choice for backing the game is via the "slacker backer" option. Had I known about it while the kickstarter campaign was active, I would have pledged in a heartbeat!
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